A simple sheep pattern will help in creating a variety of toys
A simple sheep pattern will help in creating a variety of toys

Soft sheep, like from a child's dream, are sold in toy stores. Interior, sofa, for children's games, mobiles, development - they can be very different. A sheep pattern will help you create any toy you want.

Felt dreams

Recently, the creation of felt toys has become fashionable. They are interesting in their appearance - flat enough not to require complex undercut details, but at the same time can be surprisingly realistic and cute through the use of appliqué technique.

sheep pattern
sheep pattern

Felt sheep pattern will help you create many interesting examples of the toy world. For example, to make a mobile for a crib.

Such a fabric sheep pattern can be very diverse. It may consist of one detail and decor, or it may include several elements. This pattern of a sheep toy combines a body, legs, tail. It is complemented by a decor in the form of a muzzle, an eye, a bow. You can also sew on a special bell.

fabric sheep pattern
fabric sheep pattern

Toy for fun

Sewing a toy sheep for your baby is easy if you usesuch an element as a pattern of a sheep. Such a benefit most often includes a pattern of the head, body, paws, ears. A sheep toy pattern will help you create an item from any fabric. Here, for example, is a simple pattern, according to which a lamb is sewn from a thin drape.

pattern toy sheep
pattern toy sheep

The darts to be connected are shown in the figure with two parallel lines. The order of operation is as follows:

  • prepare a paper pattern by transferring the pattern through a printer or drawing by hand;
  • prepare the fabric - light for the body, darker for the head and legs;
  • spread out the details on the fabric and cut out, not forgetting to add 3-4 mm for the seams;
  • sew all the details one by one;
  • fill the details of the lamb with padding polyester;
  • sew all parts of the lamb together;
  • embroider a muzzle and add a knitted or sewn cap or other decor.

Such a simple pattern of a fabric sheep will allow you to sew joyful and favorite fun for your child.

do-it-yourself sheep pattern
do-it-yourself sheep pattern

Comfortable Sheep

For the little ones, you can also make a sheep, which will be in the baby's crib. Toys for such babies are called comforters. They are a piece of fabric sewn in two layers, with a toy head attached to it in the center or on one side. A do-it-yourself sheep pattern can be a good help in this work. For sewing you will need:

  • children's fleece blanket;
  • Shop-bought sheep toy;
  • needle and thread,matching color.

From fleece cut a rectangle with sides 35 by 70 centimeters. Fold it in half and sew all sides, leaving only a small area in order to turn the bases on the front side. Mark the middle of the resulting square and sew on the head from the toy sheep in this place, tightly tightening each stitch. Comforter ready.

sheep pattern
sheep pattern

Instead of a toy purchased sheep, you can use a simple pattern. Here is one, for example. In this case, the sheep can simply be sewn on one of the corners of the bedspread.

fabric sheep pattern
fabric sheep pattern

Interior decoration

Sheep pattern will not only make fun for the baby, but also decorate your home. Interior toys have been invariably popular for many years, because they create comfort and charm at home. A sheep pattern from fabric will help create an interesting interior detail. You can sew a sheep in many puppet techniques. Some of them are quite complex, requiring the skills to create an interior toy. Others, on the contrary, are simple. And besides, such a toy can be useful - a sofa cushion, a newspaper keeper or a TV remote control. For example, a sheep pillow will create comfort and save the remote control.

fabric sheep pattern
fabric sheep pattern

The pattern of the remote control sheep can be:

  • The basis for the size of the armrest of the sofa, where the remote control-sheep will "rule". Here you should take into account the number of remotes that will be entrusted to the keeper, their sizes. It is also necessaryadd the width of the armrest.
  • Lamb's legs - 8 semicircular pieces that are sewn in pairs.
  • The tail consists of 2 parts, also sewn together.
  • Muzzle can be tailored according to this pattern
pattern toy sheep
pattern toy sheep

If the fabric sheep pattern is done correctly, it should look like this head.

do-it-yourself sheep pattern
do-it-yourself sheep pattern

The picture shows that the upper part, consisting of two identical parts, is cut out of looped fabric, which can be replaced with terry, for example, or with the "grass" effect. The muzzle is decorated with three stitches. You can either draw eyes or sew on beads of suitable size. Cheeks are tinted with regular blush or pastel.

After putting together all the sewn parts of the toy, get a sheep-keeper of the remote controls for the sofa, which will decorate the interior of the room. In order for it not to slip out of its place, pieces of Velcro tape (Velcro) can be sewn to the lower wrong edges.

Some nuances

Sewing toys is a real pleasure. The very process of creating something entertaining brings joy, and the result will create an atmosphere of celebration. So that the pattern of a sheep sewn with your own hands does not fail, you need:

  • clearly present the work plan;
  • prepare the material and tools that will be needed for a particular toy;
  • print or draw a pattern;
  • cut out pieces of fabric, not forgetting seam allowances;
  • sew all the details as indicated ondiagrams;
  • assemble the finished toy;
  • decorate the sheep with the right decor.

All fabrics have their own characteristics, which should be considered when preparing for work. So, felt and felt, which are very often used in the creation of various toys, do not spread or crumble. These are ideal materials for creating mobiles and decorative items. They are sewn on the front side. Natural cotton and linen can “shrink” during subsequent washing, so they should be washed in hot water before being put into operation. Details from easily flowing, artificial fabrics can first be overlaid separately, and then sewn together. In this case, the seam allowances should be sufficient for this preparation.

If it is assumed that the toy will stand on a flat surface, then in its base, in the legs, for example, you can put parts made of thick cardboard. Toys for babies should not contain small parts that a child can tear off and swallow. All work requires accuracy so that the result does not disappoint. Good luck!
