Crochet knitted sheep. Crochet sheep: diagram, description
Crochet knitted sheep. Crochet sheep: diagram, description

Modern needlewomen, who spend their free time crocheting, create both clothing items and various soft toys. Finding and using new schemes, craftswomen create not only products for the game, but also interior decorations. This article describes how a crocheted sheep is made and gives the corresponding diagrams.

Crocheted sheep
Crocheted sheep


Before you start knitting, you need to determine which pattern you will knit, as they are given both symbolically and descriptively. To read a diagram of symbols, you need to familiarize yourself with their designations. If you are not well versed in the diagrams shown, use the conditional description. A crocheted sheep mainly consists of several parts: a torso, limbs and a head. Small parts: ears, hairstyle, ponytail.

Then choose the size of the toy and, based on this, purchase the required amount of yarn. Also choose the appropriate size hook. Please note that the size of a sheep depends not only onthe above scheme, but also on the thickness of the threads. A crocheted sheep can have button eyes or embroidered threads. They can also be crocheted in a small size.

how to crochet a sheep
how to crochet a sheep

Let's start knitting from the torso

Before starting knitting, it should be noted that the crochet sheep (the pattern will be described later) is knitted without breaking off in a spiral, without lifting loops. While knitting, you need to grab a full loop without separating the front and back walls. The limbs of the toy are not stuffed with filler, but you can insert a flexible wire. Let's start creating the torso.

From the threads you have chosen, we make a ring into which you need to knit simple 6 columns without any crochets. We increase the next row exactly 2 times, knitting 2 columns in each loop. You should get 12 loops. Further, in successive rows, it is also necessary to make increases, only between them with each circle the number of single columns will increase. Thus, the third row: 1 st - increase - 1 st - increase and so on. Second row: 2 st - increase - 2 st … Next, we follow the algorithm and knit up to the 8th row, taking into account the fact that there were 42 loops in the previous row. We knit the next 4 circles without changes. After that, it is necessary to reduce the loops. We shorten the loops in the same way as the increments. With each circle, reducing the number of single columns between decreases. As a result, the 24th row should contain 6 loops. The future crocheted sheep already has a torso.

crochet goat sheep
crochet goat sheep

Knit head

The next step is to create a headthreads of a different color. Like all details, the element begins with an amigurumi ring, into which 6 simple columns are knitted. Further, the rows are created in the same way as knitting the torso with the addition of loops in each circle at an equal distance from each other. As a result, the 8th row should contain 48 loops. From 9 to 15 rows, the part is knitted without changes. This is followed by a mirror decrease in loops. 21 and 22 circles with the number of 36 columns do not change. Decrease 6 sts on next row evenly spaced. Further - two circles without changes. A crocheted sheep, the scheme of which is described in the article, has a cap on its head that imitates wool. Therefore, take the same thread from which the body was created. With this yarn, knit the 26th and 27th rows with simple columns. Next, start decreasing, observing the proportion. The last 31st row should contain 6 loops.

Knit legs

Crochet goat, sheep and any other animal toy must have legs and ears. Let's start with knitting the limbs. The difference between them is that the top handles will be thinner than the legs. The first rows will be hooves, so take the appropriate thread color and start with a ring. Knit 7 stitches from rows 1 to 5. Then change the yarn and then also knit each round of 7 columns. Adjust the length of the handles yourself. They can be short or longer than the body. The legs are knitted in the same way, only from 8 initial columns. Do not forget to change the threads at the same distance from the beginning.

master class sheep crochet
master class sheep crochet

Knit ears

The crocheted sheep described in the article has cute ears. Let's start creating them. In a ring of yarn we knit 6 columns. On the next row, double the number of stitches. In the third round, we make an increase through one column, in the next - through 2. Next, we knit two rows without changes. We close the row, fold the ear in half and sew the lamb to the head. It remains to assemble the toy by sewing together all the details.

How to crochet a sheep, we examined. If you wish, you can model the scheme of the product by adding rows and thereby lengthening the details. Or reduce their number, making the elements shorter. Play with volume, increase the tummy, head or legs. Everything is possible and everything is in your hands!

sheep crochet description
sheep crochet description

Master class: crochet sheep

A tied sheep doesn't have to be a toy. Needlewomen make potholders for the kitchen in the form of this animal. Let's look at how to tie such a product. For potholders, you need to take thick threads. To make the product dense, you need to take a smaller hook than the yarn manufacturers advise. Since the tack has the shape of a circle, you need to knit a round part. Work begins with a closed chain of 6 loops. Next, you need to knit 17 rows with increments. In each round, add one single crochet 6 times (equidistant from each other). Most importantly, keep symmetry. The diagram below clearly shows where you need to increase. In the last row you should get 108 loops. To tack-sheepwas prettier, we will tie it with an original border. We make a loop, then knit 1 simple column, skip 3 loops of the previous row and knit 9 columns with a crochet in the fourth loop. And we repeat such a shell 11 more times (every 3 loops of the last circle). Then you need to tie a pattern for strengthening. You can take a thread of a contrasting color. The border is tied with simple columns in each loop of the previous circle. The circle is the main detail representing the body of the lamb.

sheep crochet pattern
sheep crochet pattern

Small parts

Creating the image of a sheep, you need to tie a hat on your head. Make a chain of 7 loops and in the second loop from the hook, knit 2 simple columns, then one in each loop 3 times. The last one remains, in which we knit 3 columns. We unfold and knit in a circle, or rather we tie a chain on the opposite side. In each loop - a column 4 times. We close the circle by connecting the last column with the first loop of the previous row. We start the next row with an increase: 2 columns in the first two loops, then one three times. In the next three loops - 2 columns, then in each 1 st.b.n. 3 times, and in the last 2 st.b.n. You should get 18 loops. After that, you need to tie the shells in every third loop of the last row. We tie the part with a thread of a contrasting color.

The paws knit quickly and easily. Cast on 12 stitches with thread of desired color. Starting from the 5th, knit 4 tbsp. with 1 double crochet, then 2 half stitches, 1 simple stitch, and 3 stitches. with 1 crochet in 1 loop. Expand the part and repeat in the mirrordisplay. Close the circle - the sheep's legs are ready. Ears can consist of one chain. Dial 9 air. loops and connect the extreme ones with each other. Embroider the muzzle on the main part with white threads. It remains to select the eyes and mouth. We looked at how to crochet a sheep with your own hands.

Crocheted sheep
Crocheted sheep

Based on the master classes given in this article, you can knit a lot of toys and things useful in the household. Based on the above works, experiment, add, change the details, and you can decorate your interior with new products.
