Simple patterns for weaving with beads: a master class for beginners
Simple patterns for weaving with beads: a master class for beginners

Beading is not just a type of needlework, but a whole art. For the manufacture of simple products from such a material, special skill is not needed, while more complex work requires patience, time and perseverance. In any case, in order to understand whether this type of needlework is suitable for your leisure time, you need to try to weave something. In the article, we present simple patterns for weaving with beads.

How to choose the right material: tips

Before you start creating a beautiful thing, you need to decide on a pattern for weaving with beads and purchase suitable materials. Large parts are best for beginners. You should not immediately choose large products for execution. As a rule, they require a high level of skill and a long time. It should be noted that the type of finished product largely determines the quality of the material used. Soif during the selection on the wire roughness was found, and there are inclusions on the beads, it is recommended to refuse such details. In order to choose a quality material, you must adhere to the following tips:

  1. It's good if the beads have the same shape and size as in the diagram.
  2. Before buying, the beads are inspected for defective items.
  3. Bead size is selected by number.
  4. The larger the bead size, the smaller the number on its marking.
  5. For beginners in beading, preference should be given to a wire simulating the contour of finished elements.
  6. Depending on the product, a fishing line of different thickness and color is selected, in addition, a special needle is supposed to work with it.

Next, consider simple bead weaving patterns for beginners and techniques for their implementation.


Mosaic weaving

Despite the fact that this technique is available even for beginners, often experienced needlewomen make mistakes when performing it. Therefore, while working, it is important to follow the details of the scheme for weaving with beads.

Elements in mosaic weaving are placed strictly in a checkerboard pattern, forming a dense base. The main principles of this technique are as follows:

  • weaving is done on one thread;
  • there must be an even number of beads;
  • to create a canvas with an odd number of beads, you must leave moves through the last bead.

The weaving of the base in the mosaic technique from beads of an even number begins with stringing beads, the numberwhich must be a multiple of two, they make up the first row. For the next row, one bead is collected, and the needle is passed through the second one from the end of the level. The bead is picked up again and passed through the fourth from the end of the row. The entire row is stitched in this way. Complete it by passing the needle through the first bead in the level. To start sewing the third and all subsequent rows, a new bead is passed through the last one strung in the previous row. Before breaking the thread, the needle is passed in a zigzag through all the rows.

mosaic technique
mosaic technique

Brick weaving

Externally, products made in brick technique resemble a mosaic structure. However, they differ in the way of weaving. It runs in reverse. Often the product is woven in both techniques. Due to their external similarity, the transition is almost imperceptible.

Brick weaving is performed as follows:

  1. For weaving the first level, five beads are collected on the needle. First, two beads are strung on the needle, then another one, after which the thread is passed through the second bead in the direction of weaving, and then through the third in the given direction. After that, the fourth bead is strung, the needle is passed through the third, but now in the opposite direction to weaving. They do the same with the fifth bead and return to the beginning, passing through each strung bead in turn.
  2. The next level of weaving can be expanded. Two beads are put on the needle and a stitch is made, grabbing the thread connecting the pair of beads of the first row and coming out through the second bead of the currentrow. Then the third bead is strung, and the stitch passes between the second and third bead of the bottom row. Do the same with the fourth and fifth beads. When it comes to the sixth bead, the needle is passed from top to bottom through the fifth bead and pulled through the fourth of both rows.
  3. On the third and fourth levels, the base must be expanded in the same way, but from the fifth row they begin to narrow. To do this, a pair of beads is strung, and the stitch is made under the thread connecting beads number six and seven in the fourth row, and returns to its place through the second bead of the fifth row. Then the needle is led alternately through each bead in the direction of weaving the current row.
brick weaving
brick weaving

Circular weaving

This type of weaving is one of the most common, it allows you to create openwork products. At the heart of circular weaving there is always a thick wire, on which several beads are strung, and a thinner wire with beads is attached below. Two wires are parallel to each other and are connected by a common curl. This is how a semi-arc is formed. On the other side of the base, another wire with beads is attached and connected to the rod from below. If you make a few more of these arcs, with the upper and lower alternation of the wire, you get a leaf.

The final row is fixed with two turns, and the end is cut off. The main rod is cut so that there is a 0.5 cm end, it is hidden in the inside of the decoration.

circular weave
circular weave

Parallel weaving

ThisThe easiest way. Bead weaving for beginners (a photo of the diagram is presented below) using this technique will make it easy to make figurines, flowers and other products.

Its principle is that for the first pair of rows of weaving, beads are collected from one end of the wire, and the opposite end is drawn towards the first row through the beads of the second. Both rows are tightly shifted to the center of the wire and tightened. Then both ends are brought out from opposite edges of the product, while the rows are close to each other. In this way, flat and voluminous things are made, with the only difference being that for voluminous figures the rows are laid one under the other, and the flat ones are in the same plane.

parallel weaving
parallel weaving

How to make a bracelet?

Let's consider a scheme for weaving beaded bracelets in a monastic way. It is similar to mosaic weaving, only it is done with two threads.

Needed actions:

  1. Four beads are strung on the fishing line. One end is threaded in the opposite direction to make a cross.
  2. One bead is put on the fishing line on the right, and two on the left. The right end is threaded through the extreme beads to make a cross. In this way, weaving continues to the end of the row. To move to the next row, three beads are strung on the right end and weaved according to the pattern, so that the top bead of the first row is the basis of the second.
  3. A couple more beads are strung on the right end and two more crosses are made at the second level. Weaving continues to the desired width of the bracelet.
bracelet weaving
bracelet weaving

Making a tree

If you follow the pattern, weaving a beaded tree is quite simple.

Step-by-step bead weaving pattern for beginners - below:

  1. First you need to cut the wire into 80 cm pieces.
  2. 7 cm of green beads are strung on one part, retreat 20 cm from the edge, make miniature twists of 3 beads and twist the wire in a zigzag. In this way, 7 branches are harvested and proceed to compiling the composition. First, twist a couple of branches, retreat 3 mm and add another one. Gradually adding ready-made branches, a branched tree emerges.
  3. For greater realism, the trunk must be additionally decorated. You can do this with floral tape. The element is wrapped around it, drawing black stripes that will imitate birch bark. Then, with the help of plaster, the tree is placed inside the pot.
tree weaving
tree weaving

Collect flower: rose

A video and a diagram for weaving a flower with beads are presented below. You need to do the following:

rose petal weaving
rose petal weaving
  1. Prepare two pieces of wire 10 and 50 cm. 5 beads are strung on a smaller segment and a long segment is wound to it. Beads are strung on 2/3 of the length and an arc is formed, covering the axis with a long part of the wire.
  2. On each side of the axis, 5 arcs must be made. By the same principle, 5-10 similar parts are made.
  3. Then start picking the flower. 3 petals are folded horizontally with a slight deflection. So that the middle does notcrumbled, the wire is pressed tightly. To make the stem strong, a thick wire is inserted between the petals. Then, with the help of floss threads, each petal is tightly attached to the stem.

How to weave a bauble?

Girls are very fond of wearing jewelry in the form of bracelets of different widths and shapes. I call such beadwork baubles. Below you will find beadwork patterns for kids.

bauble pigtail
bauble pigtail

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. A part of the lock for the bracelet is attached to one end of the fishing line. Beads 3 cm long are strung on two segments of fishing line. One bead is threaded through both segments, connecting them.
  2. Then again, 3 cm of beads are strung separately on each segment and again the segments are combined with a common bead. Then 2 beads are put on each piece and combined again with a common one, you should get a flower. After that, 3 cm of beads are strung on each fishing line. In this way, a bauble of the desired length is woven.
  3. The second half of the castle is attached at the end.
  4. weaving baubles
    weaving baubles

Next, we present to your attention several schemes.

bauble flower
bauble flower

This bauble is woven with one thread. If you want a wide bracelet, then you can use this pattern to weave several elements that will have adjacent two side flower beads.

bauble with blue flowers
bauble with blue flowers

Also, you can weave some kind of animal from beads, for example, a crocodile, a hare. Follow the diagram below.

beaded crocodile
beaded crocodile

Or show your child how to make a three-dimensional snowman. This craft can be put on the table or attached to clothes.

beaded snowman
beaded snowman

Using one of the listed patterns for weaving with beads, you can make a beautiful product for yourself or as a gift to loved ones. Surely, having made one little thing on your own, you will want to do something even more original.
