Crochet openwork motif: diagram, manufacturing options and applications
Crochet openwork motif: diagram, manufacturing options and applications

One of the important stages on the way to the heights of knitting art can be called mastering the skills of knitting motifs. This is the name of individual fragments, crocheted and intended for collection in a single piece. Sometimes a crochet motif (a pattern can be developed personally by a craftswoman) is used as an independent product. This mainly concerns the manufacture of children's applications, decorative items, jewelry or accessories.

floral motifs crochet pattern
floral motifs crochet pattern

Types of crochet motifs

Classification of motifs is carried out taking into account their shape, manufacturing method and appearance. The main varieties include:

  • square motif;
  • round;
  • triangular;
  • five- and hexagonal;
  • in the form of a star or a flower;
  • fantasy.
  • crochet pattern
    crochet pattern

Many items of clothing or interior decor include crochet motifs. Schemes, materials and tools for work can be applied completely different. Their choice depends on the preferences of the craftsman,as well as the purpose and specifics of the product.

Crochet square motif: pattern and features

Square is the most popular shape for motifs. Its distribution is due to the ease of manufacture and the convenience of connecting parts into a web. Also, square fragments are very convenient to place on the pattern. The photo below shows examples of such motifs and their schemes.

The exception is those models that provide for a complex cut, because the formation of details of fitted clothing, necklines, armholes and sleeves is almost impossible. Attempts to knit some motifs, the shape of which will correspond to the desired silhouette of the pattern, leads to uneven, “cropped” details. They look very ugly in the finished canvas. An improved crochet motif can save the situation. The scheme of such an element is half or a quarter of a square motif. With the help of such details, you can lay out a completely satisfactory neck, armhole or rim.

motif round crochet pattern
motif round crochet pattern

The principle of expanding square motifs is very simple: additions are made in each of the four corners. The main condition is compliance with the parameters of a right angle, that is, each angle is 90 degrees. The pattern is formed on the edges of the square between the corners or along the diagonal lines of the addition.

Round crochet motif: diagram, photos, description

Napkins and tablecloths are a distant ancestor of all modern round motifs. Today, round fragments are used for knitting a lot of items.clothes. The diagram below suggests a variant of round motifs, as well as ways to combine them into a single piece.

crochet patterns
crochet patterns

A feature of any round motif is that the expansion of the canvas occurs by adding the number of loops along the entire length of each row. Depending on the height of the rows (usually it is equal to the height of one double crochet), the addition is performed at six or twelve points. The higher the row (the greater the number of crochets in the columns), the more loops will be added, and the closer they will be located to each other. Quite often, the addition occurs with a uniform increase in each repeat of the fragment (when adding air loops in a chain between columns or increasing the number of columns).

crochet pattern motifs description
crochet pattern motifs description

The round pieces are very convenient to use as a base for hats, cup holders, pot holders, bags, earrings and other knitwear.

Flower Shape

Consider crochet floral motifs, the schemes and scope of which are significantly different. They have gained universal recognition and popularity among knitters for their decorative look and wide variety of variations. Their appearance resembles a flower with characteristic petals and a center.

There are so many different ways to make flat or voluminous crochet flower motifs. Knitters often find patterns ready-made or develop them on their own. The diagrams are shown in the following photo.big and small flowers. They were turned into New Year's snowflakes with the help of a strapping, including a pico of air loops.

crochet pattern
crochet pattern

Volumetric floral motifs consist of several rows of petals, connected not sequentially, as in other types of canvases, but under each other. The connection of such fragments occurs when stitching the loops of the last rows, and the voluminous petals of the previous rows remain free.

Motifs of other shapes

The triangular shape of motifs is indispensable for knitting small items. They are easy to assemble and lay out on a pattern. Self-development of a fragment is not a difficult task. The triangle is easy to calculate based on the square motif pattern.

Five- and hexagons are used infrequently. They may consist of a round or square motif, the last rows of which form a polygon. The photo below shows a hexagonal crochet motif, a diagram and a variant of its connection.

crochet pattern motifs description
crochet pattern motifs description

The use of such fragments for making clothes is not very convenient, since you have to carefully calculate the number of required motifs and their location. In addition, as can be seen in the diagram, the edge of such products will not be even. Additional triangular motifs are needed to align it.

The highest skill among knitters is the ability to knit asymmetrical or fancy patterns. From them, openwork or solid fabrics are collected using the technique of Irish lace and freeforms.

Combining motifs into canvas

Often, when connecting separate motifs, one can observe the formation of a new pattern. This is due to the fact that most of the fragments have the correct geometric shape, and the end of one element of the pattern simultaneously serves as the beginning of another.

There are two options for connecting fragments:

  • In the process of knitting the last row.
  • By sewing ready-made motifs.
  • motif round crochet pattern
    motif round crochet pattern

The latter method is preferable for many reasons. Mainly because it makes it easier to fix mistakes. After all, in order to swap the motifs connected by the last row, they will have to be dissolved and tied up.

Crochet provides craftswomen with an exceptional opportunity to make beautiful openwork elements. The schemes, motifs, descriptions and features of each type listed above will be useful if you need to create a knitted product from fragments. Don't be afraid to learn new techniques and you'll be fine!
