How to braid eggs with beads. What beginners need to know
How to braid eggs with beads. What beginners need to know

Beaded eggs are an original and worthy gift not only for Easter, but also for other holidays. Such a handmade souvenir will replace all expensive accessories. How to braid eggs with beads? What methods exist? What do you need to know for this? We will consider all this in our article.

how to braid eggs with beads
how to braid eggs with beads

What you need for work

First of all, buy a wooden egg or a plastic one. It will serve as the basis for the entire product. Souvenirs must be made only from the same beads. They must have a single size not only holes, but also shapes. It is also necessary to choose the right fishing line or thread for weaving. They must be thin and very strong, free from manufacturing defects and additional knots. Remember that to reduce the time spent on weaving, you need to pick up a needle with a very small "eye".

What beading patterns exist

beading patterns
beading patterns

In addition to the well-known schemes for braiding eggs for Easter, there are special ones for Valentine's Day, New Year and othersimportant calendar dates. Many craftswomen themselves develop drawings for the manufacture of products, and it is then that true masterpieces and unique author's works appear.

What additional materials are used for weaving

In addition to beads, glass beads and sequins are widely used, as well as beads of various diameters. You can use systems for braiding a paper picture or icon, any icon, or even beautiful buttons. It all depends on the imagination of the needlewoman and on what holiday the souvenir is intended for.

How to braid eggs with beads from the middle

To start weaving, you need to put on one bead and fix it by double pulling. Leave the "tail" of the thread about 10 cm. Then continue the set of elements to the required size of the egg circumference. Weave beads over each other, performing reciprocating movements, i.e. the top element should have double threading. At the completion of the next action, its end must necessarily look forward in the direction of work. As a result, you will get a row consisting of two beads in width. Continue weaving according to the selected pattern, not forgetting the pattern being performed.

Easter souvenirs
Easter souvenirs

How to braid eggs with beads, performing a longitudinal pattern

All weaving steps are performed in the same order as when making a souvenir from the middle. Only instead of the wide part of the egg, you should start with the longitudinal part. This area is considered a little inconvenient for braiding, but it allows you to perform originalschemes with the introduction of drawings and other elements. This is how Easter souvenirs depicting the faces of saints are made. In the course of such weaving, a central oval with an empty part is obtained.

How to braid eggs with beads, starting from the top

There are braiding patterns that allow you to start making from the top of the egg. This is a very complex and painstaking work, especially when adding beads. But this method is still used when weaving simple patterns with openwork elements. Such eggs are pre-stained in a contrasting color and dried thoroughly. Only then do beading.
