Bouquet of satin ribbons with your own hands. Roses, tulips from satin ribbons
Bouquet of satin ribbons with your own hands. Roses, tulips from satin ribbons

Today we will tell and show you how to create a bouquet of satin ribbons with your own hands. The main advantage of satin ribbon flowers is their durability. They will never fade and will delight with their beauty for quite a long time.

DIY satin ribbon bouquet
DIY satin ribbon bouquet

Satin ribbon tulips

This is a spring flower that can be easily made from such an affordable material. Please yourself and loved ones with this beautiful piece of spring. It does not require any special skills to create, so you will certainly cope with the task.

To create tulips from satin ribbons, we need the following materials:

  1. Needle.
  2. Satin ribbons in different colors.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Thread.
satin ribbon tulips
satin ribbon tulips

Procedure for creating a tulip

Work order:

  1. First of all, fold the satin ribbons together wrong sides to each other. The top ribbon will be the inside of the tulip and the bottom ribbon will be the outside.
  2. Foldboth strips at an angle of 90 degrees and fasten everything with a clip or invisible.
  3. The clip does not need to be removed, but it is worth bending the ribbon again. Fold the top down.
  4. Flip the composition to the left at an angle of 90 degrees.
  5. Fold the top right piece of strip and fasten.
  6. Repeat the previous point again.
  7. Repeat steps 4-6.
  8. Turn the composition to the other side.
  9. Cut off the extra piece of base material to make a square.
  10. Sew with thread the edges indicated by the dotted line that formed at the clip.
  11. Now pull off the thread.
  12. Unfold the resulting flower.

You can make tulips using another method. You can even make some flowers and create a DIY satin ribbon bouquet.

make a bouquet of satin ribbons
make a bouquet of satin ribbons

Rose from satin ribbons

Creating roses from satin stripes is a simple process. It will not be difficult for needlewomen to make a real masterpiece out of them. You can collect a whole bouquet of roses from satin ribbons. They can be used as a piece of furniture or for decorating a festive celebration.

To create a solid rose we need:

  • Scissors.
  • Long satin ribbon.
  • The threads are the same color as the ribbon.
  • Needle.

How to make a rose

The procedure for creating a fabric rose is quite simple:

  1. Grip the end of the satin ribbon and bend it to a 45-degree angle. Don't forget to leave a ponytailsmall. The place of the fold must be sheathed with a thread of the same color as the ribbon itself.
  2. Now form a triangle. Bend the strip, only now towards yourself in order to get a geometric figure. Leave a small ponytail again and sew.
  3. Bending again. Do this in a circle, but don't be surprised if you get a square. The tape should cover the tail left after the first fold. Sew again. Make another fold.
  4. Turn over the resulting square so that the free part remains on the bottom, and continue to work. The tail that you got at the very beginning of work is now visible on the right side of the square. You should turn the product over so that the ribbon rests on your fingers.
  5. Bend the tape into a square at the same angle, but do not sew, just fix with your fingers.
  6. These squares will be your rose petals. Therefore, the splendor of a flower depends only on their number.
  7. Make the remaining piece into a core.
  8. Spread the petals a little.

You can make your own satin ribbon bouquet using your own roses.

bouquet of roses from satin ribbons
bouquet of roses from satin ribbons

Create a bouquet of satin ribbons with your own hands

The main materials for creating a bouquet are:

  1. For one rose, you will need a 65 cm ribbon, which should be 3 cm wide.
  2. Ruler.
  3. Stapler.
  4. Scissors.
satin ribbon bridal bouquet
satin ribbon bridal bouquet

To make a bouquet of satin ribbons,needed:

  1. Cone for a bouquet.
  2. Ball 10cm in diameter, preferably Styrofoam. It needs to be cut in half.
  3. Glue gun.
  4. Wooden knob.
  5. Rhinestones and narrow ribbon for embellishment.
  6. 4cm satin ribbon
  7. 25 ribbon flowers.

Procedure for creating a bouquet

Making bouquets from satin ribbons is also very simple and even a beginner can do it, you can be sure of it. Most importantly, stick to the points below:

  1. In the foam, you need to cut a recess in width equal to a wooden handle and a depth of 1.5 cm.
  2. Use a glue gun to glue the handle to the foam.
  3. Expanding the base to handle size.
  4. On its circumference on the upper side, apply hot glue and insert and press the foam handle. Wait for it to stick.
  5. You should end up with a pretty pretty base.
  6. Tie the bottom of the handle with white tape.
  7. Glue the base of the cone with a satin ribbon, while making folds.
  8. Tape the entire handle.
  9. Start from the top to glue the roses so that the base is not visible.
  10. Decorate the handle with a narrow ribbon and rhinestones.

Your bouquet is ready!

Bridal bouquet

This is the most important element in the image of the bride. The shape for such a bouquet is a ball. This day is the most important for a girl, and what could be the best reminder of it than a bridal bouquet made of satin ribbons? It won't fade after a few days.after the holiday and will serve as a wonderful talisman.

making bouquets from satin ribbons
making bouquets from satin ribbons

To create a bouquet, we need:

  • White ribbon - 10 cm.
  • Multi-colored ribbons - from 2 to 6 cm.
  • Various pins, can be with beads at the end.
  • Beads to match the ribbons.
  • Impervious canvas.
  • Super glue.
  • Newspaper.
  • Cord.
  • Needle.
  • Wooden stick.
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler.
  • Threads.
  • Pencil.
  • Compass.

Getting Started

The very first thing you should do is prepare a round base for the bouquet. This is the main part to which all other elements will be attached.

To create the base you need to do the following:

  1. Shape the newspaper into a ball. First you need to crumple the newspaper. The diameter of the resulting circle should not exceed 10 cm.
  2. Keeping its round shape, you need to rewind it with the cord you have.
  3. Make a hole in it for the stick and fill it with glue.
  4. Install the handle and wait for it to dry.
  5. Tie the string around the stick.
  6. Decorate the open end of the handle with tape.
  7. Tie the entire pen with satin ribbon.

At this stage, the process of creating the basis for the bouquet is completed, and we proceed to its further design. To do this, we will need to glue all pre-prepared roses to the ball. Here you need to give free rein to your imagination, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Canuse all kinds of rhinestones, beads and other elements to decorate the bride's bouquet.

Another way to create a bouquet


  • Disk.
  • Mounting foam.
  • Satin ribbon.
  • Plastic pipe 15 cm.
  • Studs and beads.
  • Scissors.
  • Candle or lighter.

Work order:

  1. Squeeze a small amount of foam onto the disc and let it dry.
  2. Cut off everything else.
  3. Hot glue the pipe to the disc.
  4. Use the same glue to attach the roses to the base. The main thing is to glue the flowers to the base as tightly as possible.
  5. Wrap the disc around the edge with openwork tape.
  6. The center is best covered with plain white tape.
  7. Do not allow gaps to form.
  8. Make ribbons into bows.
  9. They need as many as there are gaps.
  10. Wrap ribbon around the handle and decorate as you wish.

That's the whole secret of creating such charming bouquets of satin ribbons with your own hands. Good luck to you! Most importantly, don't worry. Even if you have never worked with satin ribbons, do not be upset. The procedure for creating flowers and bouquets from them is quite simple, and even not the most skilled needlewomen can handle it. Turn on your imagination and craft what will bring you joy.
