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How to connect knitted parts discreetly?
How to connect knitted parts discreetly?

Many needlewomen are interested in the question: "How to connect two knitted parts invisibly?" Yes, at the same time so that there is no skew or tightness and that the product looks simply amazing.

Actually, there is nothing complicated about this. And due to the fact that there are a lot of stitching techniques, you can choose a more convenient one. In this article, we will describe several ways to connect knitted parts.

A few subtleties in stitching details

Before you start stitching the parts, you need to first prepare everything you need. This is, first of all, a thread with which we will sew numerous and various details. And from the tools - a thick needle with a large eye, knitting needles or a hook (depending on which stitching method you have chosen). As for the thread, then most often they use the same one that knitted the parts themselves, or similar in color. The main thing is that the thread is strong.

how to connect knitted details
how to connect knitted details

Start by leveling the edges of the parts. Then try on the product and mark the stitching points. For convenience, you can initially make a basting with a thread of a different color. When sewing, do not take too long a thread - it canbreak quickly, and tighten it tightly.

In order for the seam to be even and straight, you need to draw the thread into loops located at the same distance. If you are sewing cuffs or a collar with a lapel, then in this case the edges must be done on the other side of the knitted parts.

Mattress stitch

If you are most concerned about the question of how to connect knitted parts discreetly, then this vertical invisible seam is what you need.

To perform it, you should choose a thin thread. Maybe even sewing. It is necessary to carry out a mattress seam on the front side of the parts. To do this, you need to connect the edges by grabbing the edge loops on both sides.

To perform the front surface, we introduce a needle with a thread, first between the first and second loops of one part, and then the same on the second part. Thus, we sew to the end. To perform the wrong side, again on the front side, we insert the needle into the loops themselves. At the same time, we capture the upper part of the loop from one part, and the lower part from the other. Again, sew to the end.

how to crochet knitted details
how to crochet knitted details

Knit stitch

This invisible seam is used to join parts that are connected in the same direction. First, place them face up and edges to each other. Next, pass the needle and thread under the next loop on the second side. We sew further by analogy. We have a horizontal knitted seam.

Another type of knitted stitch is a loop-to-loop stitch. It is used when you need to connect the details of the stocking type of knitting. For thissew the open loops of the two parts of the product. The thread is used the same that was used when knitting.

Thread the needle with the thread into the first loop from the inside of the upper part of the product, draw it into the first loop of the lower part and lead through the second loop of the wrong side of the lower part. Next, we thread the thread from the front side of the upper part into the first loop and lead through the second upper part from the inside. Next, we thread the needle into the second loop of the lower part from the front side and lead to the third lower part from the inside. We continue to sew by analogy. Try to keep the seam loops identical in size to the loops of the product.

Stitch "Chain"

This seam is suitable for connecting the shoulders. When knitting, it is necessary to leave free loops on the knitting needles on the front and back of the product. Next, fold the parts inside out to each other. We take another knitting needle and begin to knit the first loop of the back of the front, and then the second loops from both knitting needles.

We begin to close the loops when two loops remain on the right knitting needle. We do this by throwing the first loop on the second. We continue by analogy to the end. Thus, on the front side of the product we will see a pattern in the form of a chain. This type of stitching is suitable for those who want to learn how to join knitted parts beautifully.

how to connect knitted parts with knitting needles
how to connect knitted parts with knitting needles

If you don't want this chain to be visible, do the same, only fold the pieces facing each other initially.

Seam with closing loops

This is another way for those who are looking for how to join knitted parts with knitting needles. We will perform this seam withwrong side of the product. To do this, take an additional knitting needle and thread it into the first front loop on the upper knitting needle and into the first purl loop on the lower knitting needle. Then remove both loops. Next, pull the second loop through the first. Then we repeat everything from the beginning.

Turn over the knitted product and remove two loops. Pull the second through the first. Again, remove two loops and pull the second through the first. At the end we fasten the last loop.

Stitch "back of the needle"

This seam is also done from the inside out. We take both parts, fold them facing each other and fasten the thread on the extreme loops. Then we thread the needle and thread, retreating half a centimeter from the last stitch.

how to beautifully connect knitted details
how to beautifully connect knitted details

Introduce the needle at the place where the previous stitch ends, and bring it out again half a centimeter from the stitch. Pull out the thread. We continue in the same way.

Crochet stitch

Let's describe a few examples of how to crochet knitted parts.

  1. How to crochet knitted parts? Hidden seam. We do it on the edge. We put the two parts of the product together facing each other and draw the hook through them, grabbing and pulling the loop. Again we thread the hook and pull through both parts and the previously captured loop. We knit, repeating the last action to the end.
  2. Single crochet. We do it on the front side of the product. We insert the hook through the walls of the closed row of both parts and, grabbing the thread, pull out the loop. Pull the loop through the next two loops of the closed row and, grabbing the thread, pull it outa new loop through the previous two on the hook. Then we continue in the same pattern, from the moment the first loop is pulled.
  3. To connect the open loops on the knitting needles, fold both parts facing each other and thread the hook through the first loops on the knitting needles and, as in the front ones, remove them. Then yarn over the hook and pull up a loop through two loops on the hook. Now remove 2 loops from the knitting needles. Three loops remain on the hook. Yarn over the hook and pull up a loop through the three loops on the hook. Now there is 1 loop left on the hook, and we repeat all the steps from the moment the hook removed two loops from the knitting needles.

Sewing stitch

How to connect knitted parts with knitting needles? To make the seam invisible, you need to perform it from the inside out. But if you want a decorative lacing seam at the junction of the parts, you can do it from the front side.

how to connect knitted details discreetly
how to connect knitted details discreetly

We put the two parts of the product together facing each other, placing the edges on the same line. Then we introduce a needle with a thread from behind through the constrictions between the loops on the edges. We sew it to the end.

Connection of vertical and horizontal part

Most often this stitch is used for sewing sleeves. In the event that there are more rows than loops, when sewing on a sleeve, periodically grab two broaches between the loops of the edge of one part and one loop from the other.

how to connect two knitted pieces
how to connect two knitted pieces

When stocking knitting to connect vertical and horizontalparts, it is necessary to pass the needle with the thread under the loop of the vertical part in a closed row and bring it under the broach between the first and second loop on the horizontal part. And then, following the same pattern, we sew to the end.

That's all, nothing complicated about how to beautifully connect knitted parts. You just need to start, and knitting will drag you into the world of magic!
