Crochet stoles. Schemes and colors
Crochet stoles. Schemes and colors

Cool winter evenings make you want to wrap yourself in a warm fluffy blanket. This thought haunts us relentlessly not only at home, but also at work. And if you can afford weakness in the bedroom or in front of the TV, then in the office you will look at least strange, wrapped in a blanket! However, there is always an alternative. Knitted stoles. Crocheted or knitted, assembled from various motifs…

Crochet patterns
Crochet patterns

How to crochet stoles

You can use a variety of schemes! If you want, you can make the product in the form of a wide scarf, across which there are thick braids or rhombuses. Depending on the chosen color of the yarn, you can get both a delicate female model and a stylized unisex stole. As a rule, they try to make them from woolen or half-woolen yarn, since the main task of this wardrobe item is to warm its owner in the cool season! It is good to knit several stoles at once, from yarn of different quality and colors. It is safe to say that having decided to crochet stoles, patterns are not needed. The rectangular shape is a distinctive feature of the product. In order to make a product, you need to determine what width of the stole you planto tie. Then cast on the required number of air loops and start crocheting the stoles. The scheme is very simple - observe the number of loops in each row. Only in this way the finished thing will be the same width and will look very neat. If you are going to make a warm model - knit a column with one, maximum, two crochets. It makes no sense to make a thick and warm tippet patterned, as this will significantly reduce the amount of heat it retains.

What color to choose when deciding to crochet stoles

Schemes of drawing and color are the main points that need to be thought out in advance. What are you going to wear it with? If, along with office clothes, and the company has a clear dress code that specifies the colors of the suit or dress, then it is recommended to take this into account when choosing yarn. Corporate colors - red, white, blue and greenish - then you can choose only from them. Otherwise, the management of the company has the right to reprimand you. You should also pay close attention to the drawing. When making crochet stoles, pattern patterns, its size - all this must be taken into account. Only in this case, such a thing will become an organic addition to a work suit or dress.

crochet stoles
crochet stoles

Models made of yarn called "grass" look great. They create an imitation of a fur cape. Of course, only if the shades are elegant. Otherwise, you risk turning into a peacock against the backdrop of gray office staff.

Crochet ponchos

Poncho crochet pattern
Poncho crochet pattern

Schemes are absolutely necessary for such a product. In addition, you also need the right pattern, which allows you to make a model that fully meets your measurements. In the process of knitting, you can combine different shades of yarn, use embroidery elements on an already finished canvas. In any case, you will get a warm and beautiful cape that will keep you warm in cool and damp weather!
