Winter fun - snow sculptures
Winter fun - snow sculptures

The winter season is not only frost, piercing icy wind and impassable snowdrifts, but also a huge amount of snow. Adults may be indifferent or even negative to such a phenomenon, but children are always delighted with the first snow. And the point here is not only in the upcoming New Year holidays and vacations, but also in the fact that snow is a wonderful material for all kinds of sculptures.

How to make a snowman?

The first image that comes to mind at the mention of snow sculptures is a snowman. It is ideal as a children's snow sculpture. Surely there is not a single adult who would not make snowmen at a young age. It is very easy to make such a snow sculpture with your own hands.

DIY snow sculptures
DIY snow sculptures

Step by step actions

So let's get started:

  1. You need to make three balls, the sizes of which will differ from each other. One is big, the other ismedium, third - small.
  2. The snowman's hands are also made of snow, their shape and dimensions depend solely on the author's imagination.
  3. The most common carrot is suitable for making a nose.
  4. Eyes can be made from unnecessary buttons.
  5. For the mouth, a small hole is formed in the ball, which serves as the head.
  6. As a hat, you can put an unnecessary bucket or an old hat on the snowman.

The most common snow sculpture is ready.

What else can you mold?

The simplest snow crafts are animals. If we talk about snowmen, then they are classics, but these are in almost every yard and near any playground. And if you want to create something unusual and memorable? So why not consider creating a snow sculpture of some animal or bird?

Some people decorate their window sills in winter with small snow sculptures in the form of titmouse or bullfinches. Others go even further and decorate their yard with various cartoon characters. It's all about the imagination of a person, and if it is not enough, then you can look at the photo of sculptures made of snow.

snow sculptures
snow sculptures

How to mold a penguin?

There will also be a large clod of snow to roll up as a base. Do not fall into despair if you do not get a perfectly even lump, in the future it will be possible to get rid of the shortcomings.

For the body of this bird, you will need to make a couple more snowballs, but smaller than the base. Afterafter the blanks are made, they are installed one on top of the other from largest to smallest. At first glance, it seems that work is underway on a simple snowman, but it is not.

DIY snow sculptures
DIY snow sculptures

Shaping the torso and legs

For a penguin to be a penguin, you will need more snow, with which the joints between the balls are smoothed out so that the torso becomes pear-shaped.

The bird has legs, which means that the snow sculpture should have them too. There is nothing complicated here. Snow in a small amount is collected near the bottom of the craft and oblong lumps are fashioned. Using a spatula or stick, you need to form the membranes.

Wings and tail

In nature, penguins keep their wings tightly pressed to their bodies for most of their lives. This feature greatly facilitates the work on the snow sculpture. To make these parts of the craft even, it is recommended to make marks on each side where the wings will be.

Again, you will need snow, which is stuck directly on the body of the bird in such an amount until both wings begin to stand out from the background of the body.

The tail is the simplest part of the whole penguin. A little snow needs to be compacted tightly in the place where the tail is planned. All that is needed is to make it the required shape.

Beak work

Now the snowbird is missing only one finishing touch, namely the beak. Perhaps this element is the hardest to do, but nothing is impossible. Not everyone succeeds on the first trymake a snowball in the form of a cone, as soon as it is ready, it must be tamped to a solid state.

Size matters. A very large beak simply won't last long on a penguin and will fall off. To prevent this from happening, you need to form a medium-sized cone. This element is attached to the head ball with snow, but this must be done carefully so as not to damage the penguin's head.

For reliability, the beak can be attached with a twig. It sticks in the head and the right amount of snow is already sticking to it.

snow sculptures in kindergarten
snow sculptures in kindergarten

So, the snow penguin is ready. If desired, it can be painted to match the natural color of the bird, using cans of coloring liquid for this. Or just put a scarf with a hat on the snow bird to make it unusual and recognizable. The options for snow sculptures in kindergarten listed in the article will be great fun for kids.
