How to make a flower out of cotton pads
How to make a flower out of cotton pads

Any craft made by hand looks very original and unusual. She keeps the warmth of the author's soul. The hand-made style is popular in various areas of creative activity. If you are looking for new ideas for souvenirs, such as a gift for your mother or girlfriend for March 8, use the recommendations below. Make a flower out of cotton pads. It looks unusual and at the same time beautiful and stylish.

Tools and materials

To create such a gift, you do not need something special and expensive. Perhaps you have everything you need at home, you just don't know how it can be used for decorative purposes.

photo flowers from cotton pads
photo flowers from cotton pads

Look at the photo. Flowers from cotton pads (calla, roses) look so natural that they can become a worthy decoration of the room. To make them, you need the following:

  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • paints, brushes;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • starch;
  • plasticine;
  • threads;
  • wire;
  • ribbons;
  • beads or other decor (peas, beans);
  • paper, cardboard;
  • cloth leaves (optional).

Actuallythis is the maximum list, and what will be needed in your case is determined by the type of craft itself, its complexity and manufacturing method.

Working principles

You can make one flower or a whole composition from cotton pads with your own hands: an appliqué or a voluminous bouquet. The source material is used white or painted in any color, drawing veins on the petals and making transitions of several shades.

from cotton pads with their own hands
from cotton pads with their own hands

The middle of the flowers and stems are made from cotton swabs dipped into the paint. Beads and wire frame are also used. To give a green tint to the stem, wrapping with colored stripes and applying plasticine are used. Leaves can be cut from cotton pads, fabric, satin ribbon, s alt dough, polymer clay, or artificial flowers.

Cotton pads are easy to work with. They can be bent, folded, cut to the desired shape. Before starting the process, the material can be processed in starch. To connect parts of a flower, its elements use threads, wire, a thermal gun or PVA glue.

Applique from cotton pads: flowers(children's creativity)

This option is suitable as a gift-making activity for mom. Children can make daisies, snowdrops or just abstract flowers.

application of cotton pads flowers
application of cotton pads flowers

The work will be as follows:

  1. Take the base (colored cardboard, paper, plastic). It is better to apply the contours of the future bouquet on it.
  2. Leaves and stemsmake from plasticine.
  3. To make snowdrop petals, it is better to make a stencil from cardboard and cut out the required number of flowers from cotton pads. So, they will all be the same and neat. Chamomile is even easier to do. Enough incisions in a circle of a cotton pad.
  4. The middle can be made from a cotton swab, the head of which is painted with gouache, and the base is smeared with plasticine. The same can be done with beads and wire.
  5. In a cotton pad of petals, make a slot for a cotton swab and insert it there.
  6. Collect all elements based on. As a decor, create a pot or a vase in the form of an applique of beans, beads, sequins, plasticine.

Original craft: cotton pad flowers

Older children can easily cope with a three-dimensional composition. They know a greater number of flowers and will be able to make petals of complex shape. In such a bouquet of cotton pads can be:

  • callas;
  • poppies;
  • daffodils;
  • roses;
  • violas (pansies);
  • lilies.

You can make a bouquet from one species or combine several. For voluminous crafts, you will need a vase or pot. It is easy to make it using the papier-mâché technique or use an unnecessary container, for example, a jar of cream. All other principles of operation correspond to those presented above.


cotton pad flower
cotton pad flower

This cotton pad flower is made as follows:

  1. Dye a cotton swab yellow.
  2. Collapse the white circle intoflower shape. You can pre-cut it by making a point.
  3. Connect the stick with the workpiece from the disk. Use thread or wire to fasten them together.
  4. Wrap the stalk with green tape or cover with plasticine.
  5. Leaves and decor do as you wish.


The cotton pad flower craft can look very natural. The main thing is to try to imitate the shape of the petals of the selected plant.

craft flowers from cotton pads
craft flowers from cotton pads

Naturality and gives the appropriate shade. Unpainted cotton pads are also suitable for roses. It will take more time, patience and the blank circles themselves. In this case, it is better to connect them with a thermal gun. Sepals can be made from fabric, thin decorative paper, or satin ribbons.


To make such a flower from cotton pads, you will first need to paint them in the appropriate colors. As samples, take pictures with realistic images. To create a shape, you will have to cut the material. This is best done after joining the petals into a blank.


This cotton pad flower looks very beautiful and natural. To make it, you will need several white circles, a sample of a photorealistic image, long strips of green paper to create leaves. Plasticine in this case is not suitable. It will be difficult to make a lanceolate elongated volumetric shape of small thickness out of it.


This is another original and fashionablea souvenir that can be made from cotton pads. It is a ball on a stick in a pot and imitates the shape of a decoratively trimmed bonsai. A ball is taken as the basis, a sphere made of papier-mâché. Flowers made from cotton pads are glued to it. They can be made by simply twisting white circles in the form of cones, connecting several pieces or taking calla as a sample, but making it not from one disk, but from several, stacked one on top of the other.

from cotton pads with their own hands
from cotton pads with their own hands

Another option is to make a lot of roses and stick them on the surface of the ball. Discs can be pre-painted. Choose additional decor as you wish.

As you can see, it is not difficult to make beautiful flowers from ordinary cotton pads. Such an activity can be a great option for children's creativity or a family hobby. Try to make any option you like. You will definitely be satisfied with the result of your work.
