Corrugated paper roses - we create unusual bouquets with our own hands
Corrugated paper roses - we create unusual bouquets with our own hands

Do-it-yourself roses from corrugated paper are so easy to create that even a child can cope with this task. Available materials, free time and a little imagination - that's all it takes to recreate natural flower perfection.

DIY crepe paper roses
DIY crepe paper roses

Materials and tools

To create DIY crepe paper roses, a beginner should purchase special materials and tools in advance.

First, it's corrugated paper. As noted by the masters of this art, it is this material that allows you to most naturally recreate a masterpiece of nature. Just do not experiment with color: it is best to give your preference to natural tones: green, red, yellow and white palette.

Second, the tools. These are stencils, teip tape, scissors, pencil, glue in the form of a pencil or gun, wire.

The above is a minimum set that may be added depending on which project is running.

corrugated paper roses step by step
corrugated paper roses step by step

Fancy Corrugated Paper Rose Bouquet

Even a beginner can make such a bouquet of roses. To do this, you will need a tape roll of corrugated paper about 10 centimeters wide, a medium-sized foam ball, a glue gun and scissors.

The first thing to do is to cut blanks from corrugated tape 60 centimeters long. To begin with, it is worth preparing 10 pieces. Next, each blank is folded in width by one third and begins to be twisted so that the bent edge is at the bottom of the flower.

Once all the roses have been created, they are attached to the ball with a glue gun. This must be done so that the surface of the ball is not visible between the colors.

By the way, such bouquets can be used not only as a gift, but also as an element that gives the interior a gentle romantic style. To create the last foam balls, you should take a small diameter, for example, 6-8 centimeters.

Wedding Bouquet

Creating roses from corrugated paper with your own hands and making a wedding bouquet out of them is somewhat more difficult.

It will require soft pink and dark green crepe paper, golden foil, round chocolates, golden metallic thread, scissors, green wire, tulle and a flower basket.

corrugated paper rose bouquet
corrugated paper rose bouquet

The crepe paper roses themselves are performed step by step as follows. To begin with, we form a pestle. For this, eachcandy should be wrapped in foil and tightened with a thread.

corrugated paper rose bouquet 2
corrugated paper rose bouquet 2

Next, thin petals need to be cut out of pink paper. For each bud, you will need two blanks. They are folded together with a slight shift and the pestle is wrapped in them, pulled together with a thread.

corrugated paper rose bouquet 3
corrugated paper rose bouquet 3

After that, a green cup is cut out of green paper. It is easy to make: just cut out a “crown” from a green rectangle.

The bud is wrapped with a cup blank, fixed with glue, tightened again with a thread and the ends cut diagonally.

corrugated paper rose bouquet 4
corrugated paper rose bouquet 4

Next, cut off a piece from the wire that will become a stem, put a bud on it and carefully paste over it with green corrugated paper.

corrugated paper rose bouquet 5
corrugated paper rose bouquet 5

The flower is ready.

corrugated paper rose bouquet 6
corrugated paper rose bouquet 6

But to give a more romantic and delicate look, each bud is wrapped in milky white tulle, as is done with real roses.

The number of such buds depends only on the design of the wedding basket of roses. It is quite simple to fix the received flowers in the basket. To do this, the stems are planted on a foam plastic or a floristic sponge.

As you can see, it's quite easy to create roses from corrugated paper with your own hands. The main thing is to master the technique of performance and show imagination.
