Developing cubes with your own hands: a description of the process
Developing cubes with your own hands: a description of the process

All children need toys. Among adults, there is not a single one who would not remember which toy was the most beloved in his childhood. Such an unforgettable thing for your child can be the cubes that you make with your own hands with him. Soft, bright, easy to play - they will become both a favorite pastime and an excellent decoration for the interior of a nursery.

DIY building blocks
DIY building blocks

What development cubes are for

Adults understand that a toy should help a child develop, spurring his imagination, accustoming him to patience and attentiveness. At the same time, it must be age-appropriate, otherwise it will be difficult for a baby to understand it, and for an older child, it can quickly get bored.

Developing blocks that we will learn to sew are suitable for children from six months to 5 years. They will help the baby not only develop coordination of movements, but also teach him to identify colors, recognize animals, distinguish letters or numbers. It all depends on how and what you make them from.

Positive qualities of cubes

Some parents buy a lot of toys for their kids, some a littlenumber, but everyone agrees on one thing: toys that are made by yourself will remain a wonderful memory for many years.

DIY cube ideas
DIY cube ideas

For your child to have a rich inner world, you must have toys in the house. With their help, your baby will be able to know the space around, to show their imagination and feelings. Toys create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the children's room. They help the child not only to know the world, but also develop his communication skills. After all, the game is a simulator of the ability to communicate, negotiate and find compromise solutions.

Children love to experience new sensations and explore the unknown, so you can always create educational blocks with your child with your own hands. Choose the color of crafts and decorations for its sides, cut out some details - what could be more interesting for a baby!

Every fidget will appreciate your efforts if you do the craft together. To make him happy, you just need to allow the baby to dream up and choose what he wants. Many needlewomen can make educational blocks for children with their own hands, even without a special pattern. After all, cut squares of suitable size from the fabric, and then sew them even for novice craftsmen.

do-it-yourself developing cube master class
do-it-yourself developing cube master class

Such toys are made depending on what format of fantasy you have and what your child likes. In order to make a developing cube for a baby with your own hands without a pattern, you need to have:

  • filler;
  • scissors;
  • handle;
  • fabric;
  • threads;
  • needle.

Step by step instructions

As we have already said, it will not be difficult to make developing cubes with your own hands. To do this, you need to adhere to the following action plan:

  1. Cut out 4 equal squares from fabric.
  2. Sew them together inside out.
  3. Leave a small hole.
  4. Turn the product right side out.
  5. Push the filler into the open hole with a pen until your cube becomes elastic (at the same time try not to make it a ball).
  6. Sew up the hole.

That's it! You made a developing cube with your own hands. The master class is the simplest and most uncomplicated - even a child can use it.

In addition to simple crafts, you can use a more complex manufacturing scheme. We offer a pattern for it in the article. The sides of such a cube cannot be made multi-colored, but the craft will have a few seams, which will make it more durable.

do-it-yourself developing cube patterns
do-it-yourself developing cube patterns

Another version of the cube

For a more complex die you will need:

  • A4 sheet;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • eye pins;
  • chalk;
  • fabric;
  • sewing machine;
  • threads;
  • filler;
  • pen;
  • ruler.

If you have a brightly colored fabric with an interesting print that keeps its appearance for a long time, then tryuse it. In any case, when the child sees how easy it is to cooperate with parents, the process will give both him and you a positive charge for the whole day.

Making a cube

Keep in mind when making educational cubes with your own hands that they can have different sizes. That is, they can be large, like pouffes, and small, comfortably fit in the palm of your baby.

  1. Using a pencil and a ruler, draw patterns on paper, making the dimensions of the sides as you wish.
  2. Cut it out.
  3. Use the pins to pin the pattern to the fabric. When outlining future developing cubes with your own hands or with the help of a baby with chalk, do not forget to leave allowances for the seams.
  4. According to the outline of the pattern, cut out the silhouette from the fabric.
  5. Smooth future edges of the cube.
  6. Fold the pieces of fabric right sides inward.
  7. Using a sewing machine, sew the pieces together, leaving a small gap to turn the craft right side out.
  8. Turn the future cube inside out.
  9. Using a pen, fill the figure with filler.
  10. Sew the hole on the typewriter.

You will have to do this process several times. Until you get the required number of dice.

Now you've learned how to make your own learning cube.

Sometimes, with a little imagination and desire, you can build crafts of unprecedented beauty and importance. Every item you make for your own child is unique. Educational blocks for childrenhandmade, the right thing.

do-it-yourself educational blocks for children
do-it-yourself educational blocks for children

Felt Cube

We will share with you one more way how to make a developing cube with your own hands. You don't need patterns here:

  • felt in different colors;
  • scissors;
  • dice dummies;
  • pencil;
  • fabric glue.

You will make a developing felt cube with your own hands according to the instructions below. It is pleasant to the touch and durable. This material holds its shape well, is durable and will last a long time as a toy for your baby.

Instructions for making crafts

Getting Started:

  1. Measure the side of the cube.
  2. Transfer measurements to felt.
  3. Use scissors to cut out squares for future sides of the cube.
  4. Use glue to attach the felt squares to the base of the craft.

Use different colors of fabric to make your own educational cube. You can come up with ideas for its manufacture yourself. And to teach your child to navigate in colors, use their palette more extensively. This will be a useful activity and an exciting game for the child.

The need for cubes in the house

At a young age, children cannot have friends who would be constantly with them. But toys can be a good companion for a baby, especially when he loves them and distinguishes them from others.

With the help of developing blocks, every child is able to build a tower, learn to distinguish colors and images on them. Cubes can be the initial stage of learning the alphabet. And if you show imagination in making crafts, you will please your child with the originality of the toy. For example, sew ribbons of different colors on it, buttons of different sizes, images, badges, large beads, funny applications - all this can be combined in one cube. The child will definitely appreciate such beauty and quickly find what interests him in this toy.

To make a developmental cube for a child from 6 months and older, you need to have:

  • cube pattern;
  • fabric - several pieces of different colors;
  • accessories - buttons, fasteners, rings, etc.;
  • igloo;
  • pins with ears;
  • chalk;
  • thread;
  • scissors;
  • filler.

It is desirable to have a sewing machine, but this is not a prerequisite for work. It just gets the job done quickly.

How to sew a cube for a baby

Now start creating:

  1. Apply the pattern to the fabric. Pin with pins. Outline with chalk along the contour of the pattern.
  2. Remove the paper pattern, cut out the resulting silhouette with scissors.
  3. Fold the fabric with the right side inside the product.
  4. Sew the sides of the cube together, leaving one free.
  5. Turn the product right side out.
  6. Add accessories. Sew on buttons, fasteners, zippers, laces, shreds with a thread and a needle.
  7. Stuff with filler.
  8. Sew up the remaining side.

Yourthe cube is ready. It is ideal for developing fine motor skills of the child's hands and fingers. The kid will be happy to explore the toy and maybe even bite.

do-it-yourself soft cube
do-it-yourself soft cube

If among the accessories with which you decorate the cube, there are all kinds of simulators for scratching the gums during teething, this will be a great help for the child.

When there are older children in the house, you can ask them to help in making blocks. And co-creating a toy for the youngest member of the family will surely bring the older child closer to the baby that he took care of.

Toys you need

Undoubtedly, toys should correspond to the age of the child, they should help the baby in development. Every child should have a set of toys that really develop the necessary qualities.

If the baby does not play with the blocks at first or does not pay attention to them, do not be upset. Just get him interested, it's easier than it might seem. To get started, put the toy in the most prominent place. If the baby does not care, then try to play it yourself. Such a temptation is beyond the power of even the most persistent child. In any case, he will want to touch the developing cube with his own hands. The ideas of the game come to the baby in the process of its implementation, so you don’t have to worry about his imagination.

Developing cubes for different ages

If your child is barely six months old, then a soft cube is suitable for him - developing, made with his own hands, from materials that are pleasant to the touch, he willas well as possible. Because during this period of life, the child studies the world by touch and by heart. And if your baby is teething, then various large accessories in the form of wooden and plastic rings attached to this toy will come in handy.

At the age of one, the baby is able to move the developing cubes from place to place. You can already teach him to distinguish colors using these toys. Everything is simple here - make cubes of different colors and play with your child.

do-it-yourself developing felt cube
do-it-yourself developing felt cube

After a year and a half, your child already knows how to build pyramids from cubes, if you have previously used them in the game. Two or three constructions of towers are enough for the child to be interested in this action. He enjoys trying new things. And when he succeeds in building, it is likely that he will destroy the pyramids with even greater passion.

Two-year-olds already imagine what animals look like. Therefore, having made developing cubes for them with images of animals, birds and fish, you can ask the baby to show where who is depicted. It may not be easy for him at first, but you must convey the right information to the child before making this request.

One of the useful functions of the cubes is the transformation of seemingly complex information for the child into the desired form. For example, letter cubes are great for learning the alphabet. As a rule, on two sides of such a cube there are letters, on the remaining - images that correspond to these symbols.

May you maketoys will become your baby's favorite!
