Do-it-yourself fabric appliqué
Do-it-yourself fabric appliqué

Fabric appliqué has many uses. Basically, textile compositions are used as decoration. Textile application looks perfect on clothes, decorative pillows, wonderful pictures are obtained. Since this work of art has a long history of existence, there are many execution techniques.

Which fabric to choose

The best option for embodying textile patterns on another surface would be non-woven material. Such samples are easy to work with and do not bloom. The ideal option would be felt, flannel, felted wool.

fabric selection and preparation
fabric selection and preparation

But buying a special fabric is not always profitable and necessary, especially if the fabric appliqué is not a permanent hobby, but a one-time necessity. Therefore, you can take shreds of any textile, even crumbling. It is enough to properly prepare the material for use.

But still there are limits. Adhering to them, you can simplify the process of work:

  • The material should not shed and leave traces of paint on othersmaterials.
  • Better not to use faded patches that will degrade the look of the finished product.
  • If the textile splits or tears easily in the hands, then it cannot be used to make an appliqué.
  • Depending on the conditions of further use, it is worth considering the characteristics of fabrics.

If you take into account all the factors regarding the choice of textiles, the product will turn out beautiful and spectacular.

Proper preparation of textiles

A fabric applique, which is not very difficult to make with your own hands, will look designer if you properly prepare the textiles before doing the work. The principle of processing the material is determined by its characteristics.

There are several stages of fabric preparation before making an appliqué:

  1. If the fabric frays, then you should take care that in the process of drawing up the picture and sewing on, a piece of textile does not crumble. Edges need to be finished. To do this, you can wrap a small strip of fabric from the edge and stitch it, glue it. Synthetic specimens are sometimes fired over a candle. Sometimes it is enough to starch the sample.
  2. So that the fabric does not change shape during the finishing process, you need to wet the already cut part with warm water. Then dry with an iron. Ironing is carried out through a thin dry cloth. This procedure will give the part its final shape.
  3. Often already prepared parts are slightly starchy. These elements are easier to work with. Prepare a paste from potato or corn starch. Soak the part in the consistency and ironiron through a dry cloth. The temperature of the iron should be as low as possible to prevent the fabric from becoming brittle.
  4. Synthetic fabric is not starched. A weak solution of gelatin is used. Use a spray bottle to spray parts and dry naturally.

When the fabric is prepared, you can begin the main work - creating a composition of textile elements.

Technique Secrets

To make a beautiful and neat fabric appliqué, you need to know some secrets. Initially, a general sketch of the drawing is made on paper. It is advisable already at this stage to visualize how many parts the tissue picture will consist of. Then a dubbing sketch is made with the same markup of parts. Cut one of the copies into details, according to which the pattern will be made.

the formation of a craft element
the formation of a craft element

Attach paper blanks to the fabric from which the composition will be made, and circle each element with chalk. Cut out the pieces and attach to the base. Those parts that will be directly attached to the base are outlined with chalk along the contour. This will determine the general position of the composition.

Attach the details to the outline with safety pins to partially fix the position. Fabric elements can be sewn to the base manually, using a sewing machine, glued with textile glue. Overlays on the first layer are attached in the same way.

Types of textile appliqué techniques

Masters of textile applique do not define a specific classification. Species are completely conditional and are not determined by the principlecreation, but the visual appearance of work.

Applique can be:

  • Object.
  • Storyline.
  • Decorative.

Regarding the color design, one-color, two-color and multi-color are distinguished.

Especially popular are non-traditional techniques for performing compositions. They can be used not only in working with fabric, since more often techniques of this type are used in working with other materials. The fabric complicates the whole procedure with its characteristics.

creating crafts on a sewing machine
creating crafts on a sewing machine

Non-traditional techniques:

  • Breakaway. The composition will not work out of all types of fabric. It is necessary to choose a natural fabric that will not fray the edges after tearing.
  • Invoice. Consists of several layers. Each subsequent one consists of smaller parts and takes up less space.
  • Modular. The whole image is made up of small elements of the same shape, but different colors.
  • Symmetrical (geometric). Each element must be symmetrical about its own midline.
  • Tape. Consists of several separate elements connected in a certain way.
  • Silhouette. Preparation of complex shapes and silhouettes from the material.

Patchwork technique

Patchwork fabric appliqué has become especially popular lately. It resembles grandmother's handicraft blanks. Such works embody coziness and comfort. The principle of the technique is simple.

Colorful fabrics are selected, some ofthey should be printed with a small but contrasting pattern. It is important that they are combined with each other. A certain composition is created.

The technique regarding the idea is determined by the creator himself - there are no restrictions regarding the future work. It is important to respect the proportions and not to make clumsy combinations regarding the contrasting design of the work.

Fabric appliqué on textile home decor items

Textile compositions have become popular not only in school and kindergarten, but also in fashion. Many designers use appliqué in their collections. Fabric patchwork on clothing can represent any pattern.

application at home
application at home

The technique has received no less popularity in the decoration of home textiles. This is especially true for decorative pillows, tablecloths, curtains, bedding. Flowers for fabric appliqué are used in the creation of paintings and patches for pillows. Animals, household items can be used. Depending on the style of the interior, the theme of work in the style of textile patchwork is determined.

How to make a fabric arrangement with children

Fabric appliqué for children is mostly done on paper. Worth preparing:

  • Cardboard sheet. You can take white or color.
  • Scissors.
  • Fabric.
  • PVA glue.
  • Other finishing materials.
simple children's compositions
simple children's compositions

The baby should be offered to first perform simple applications, consisting of 2-3 elements of a simple form. An interesting option would be an apple with a leaf on a handle. Further, you can complicate the task by adding a worm that looks out of the apple. Each time the picture becomes more complicated.

In the process of work, the parent will determine at what points the child needs help. The skills and abilities of babies depend on their age characteristics.

Variants of children's textile compositions

Children's fabric appliqués will be an exciting activity for parents and babies. To make your family hobby simple, interesting and fun, you should follow these guidelines:

  1. In work, use natural cotton materials. They do not require complex preparation, are easy to cut, practically do not shrink, they can be glued.
  2. It is worth choosing bright colors, additionally use decorative elements.
  3. Children really enjoy creating compositions from the elements that they got as a result of tracing their body parts: palms, fingers, feet.
clothing decoration
clothing decoration

The baby can make an application on his own, with the help of adults only in a few moments. The idea for creating a composition can be taken from any source: a picture on the wallpaper, a picture in a book, an image from a postcard.

3D textile compositions

3D fabric appliqué will help to give effect to the picture. It is very easy to make, and it looks much more realistic and attractive than the standard flat composition.

picture with three-dimensional elements
picture with three-dimensional elements

To create bulgesadditional material is required. It can be ordinary cotton wool, synthetic winterizer, foam balls. Sometimes remnants of fabric are used, but they have a non-uniform structure, which will worsen the appearance of the product.

In the process of attaching the element to the base, one of the presented materials is placed between the surfaces. A trick can simplify the process - cotton wool, synthetic winterizer, foam plastic should be laid at the moment when the part is practically attached to the base and a small loophole remains.

The bulge can be obtained due to different textures, thicknesses and densities of materials. But in this case, it will be insignificant.