Making gift folders at home
Making gift folders at home

It is now very popular to make various items with your own hands for interior decoration, decorations or everyday use. Find yourself a new interesting hobby. Learn how to make folders at home and you will be able to make any options from simple office ones to address ones with complex gift design and content.

making folders
making folders

Methods of creation

Manufacturing folders can be done in several ways:

  • Based on purchased stock.
  • Completely from scratch.

In the first case, part of the task has already been completed for you. Working with the product is only in its design, but here you are limited by the parameters of the workpiece that you can buy.

It is easy to choose any size, format, thickness and design in the second method, but its creation will require additional time and labor.

As for design possibilities, there are many. You can decorate the folder in one of the following ways:

  • In the technique of scrapbooking, decoupage.
  • In the form of a collage made on a computer and printed on the appropriate basis.
  • Using fabric and elements made from it.

As you can see, there are several options. Choose the one that suits you.

Materials and tools

Production of folders will not require large expenses, however, in order to effectively design the product, you will need a lot of decor and tools for processing and attaching it.

making greeting folders
making greeting folders

For the most beautiful and completely handmade folder you need the following:

  • Base or cardboard for its manufacture.
  • Fabric for decorating blanks.
  • Paper (designer, scrapbooking, printer-printing, including photo paper).
  • Inscriptions, poems, congratulations, wishes.
  • Curly hole punches.
  • Glue or heat gun.
  • Templates with ready-made images.
  • Stencils.
  • Additional decor (satin ribbons, lace, braid, adhesive tape with a pattern, stickers, beads, beads, sequins, sequins).

To create a unique gift item, you will need a lot of things. The list is long, but this does not mean at all that you need to use everything in one souvenir in equal quantities. It is worth limiting yourself to the prevailing details, for example, making most of the elements from beautiful textured sheets of paper and decorative cardboard and decorating the main parts with lace. The applied decor and design style in general depends on the recipient of your folder: it's one thing if the gift is for the newlyweds or a small child, and quite another for the boss. In the latter case, it is worth sticking to the official business design.

Elementsorganization style

Continuing the last thought of the previous section, it is worth mentioning what the production of branded folders is. Any self-respecting organization has developed a special system for the design of letterheads, papers, business cards, folders and other advertising and image products. Usually the design is developed by professionals.

Use a ready-made idea to design a gift folder for your boss or just a colleague. Take existing trademarks, fonts, and other distinctive details and make them out of decorative cardboard or even fabric. Use the possibilities of graphic editors on your computer.

production of corporate folders
production of corporate folders

Prom Photo Folders

The creation of this memorable gift, as well as the production of branded folders, usually takes place in a streaming mode on a computer. The specialist inserts different photos into an existing template. The blanks, of course, are different for schoolchildren, kindergarten graduates, etc., but the principle of work is the same. Some create blanks on their own, but most use templates from the Internet. So it's not always exclusive. This work is easy. If you want, you can completely master it yourself. Folders (crusts), as a rule, are bought in stationery stores or ordered from printing houses with appropriate inscriptions, for example, "Graduate" (standard text) or "Kindergarten graduate", indicating a specific number and city (custom).

Clamshell folder

An original congratulatory idea could be making a folder-Clamshells with wishes or envelopes in which a certain amount of money is invested. In this case, each page is dedicated to a specific goal and wish, such as travel, car, home, etc.

The design of such a folder is assembled from several identical sheets, fastened together, for example, with tape according to the principle of an accordion. Both sides of each sheet are decorated. This product can either lie down or be in an upright position. To do this, use thicker cardboard as a base. So you will create not just a souvenir, but also an interior decoration.

Birth certificate folder

As a gift to young parents, you can present a variant of the folder for storing the first documents of the baby. You can choose to make a folding folder or book. In the first case, on separate pages, provide places for a birth certificate, and for a policy, and for a certificate of residence. In the second option, you can limit yourself to a birth certificate. Usually it is needed most often.

folding folder making
folding folder making

As an option, we can offer the production of folders with a ring mechanism. In this case, holes are made in two decorated covers into which eyelets are inserted. Connecting rings are threaded through them. Your gift will be very functional, as it will help parents to carry documents neatly with them and, of course, will become a memorable souvenir. You need to issue it accordingly.

Folder for marriage certificate

Same as for a birth certificate,a folder for convenient storage can also be made for the first important document in the life of a married couple. It will be an interesting addition to a wedding gift. In the design, in this case, it is better to use a romantic style, white or pink colors. Lace, hearts, doves, flowers made of paper and fabric, beads and other cute decor are appropriate.

Making greeting folders

There are many holidays, and you always want to give something unusual. In the folder with congratulations, you can combine not only beautiful wishes, but also provide a pocket for a cash gift.

production of folders with a ring mechanism
production of folders with a ring mechanism

If you want to make an exclusive design for every holiday and store-bought bases don't work for you, work like this:

  1. Cut out two identical sheets of cardboard, a pair of the same parts from padding polyester, a strip of thick paper about 2 cm wide and a height equal to the height of the folder, and two fabric blanks, taking into account bending allowances. You can use a single piece of material. By the way, there is another way - from one part, you just have to make two folds in the middle to get a neat end of the product.
  2. When all the elements are prepared, you need to glue the blanks in sequence: on cardboard - synthetic winterizer, then - fabric. The allowances of the material are folded inward and covered with a sheet of decorative paper.
  3. Decorate the front side with any decor (bows, lace, appliqué, beads).

In this sequence, folders are made. Many congratulatory verses and wishesin the Internet. It is enough to download, print and put inside the finished product. Better yet, decorate the insert itself. This can be done on a computer in any graphic editor or manually in the form of a collage.

production of address folders
production of address folders

Making address folders

The easiest way to make this gift is on the basis of a purchased blank. Products with embossed or foil text are usually sold, for example, "Happy Anniversary", "Happy 50th Anniversary", etc. The main thing here is to beautifully design the insert with congratulations. It is better to use a large format folded in half than two separate sheets. The first option looks more solemn and neat. You can develop a design yourself, contact a company or search for blanks on the Internet.

As you can see, making folders is not that difficult. Choose your favorite option and design method. Create spectacular DIY products.
