Boxes for storing documents and papers
Boxes for storing documents and papers

Order in documents is important for optimal and fast work results. This allows you to quickly find the necessary papers, as well as protect them from the influence of external factors. In order to ensure the systematization and preservation of documents, it is necessary to know how to archive them correctly and what means are needed for this.

Document archiving

Any sphere of human life from birth to the last day is accompanied by paperwork. They can be of different importance, value, duration of storage. But the fact that most of them must be kept in proper condition for a certain time is a fact. In order to ensure the saving of papers for a long period, use boxes for storing documents. Today, they can be freely purchased or made by hand.

Cardboard boxes for documents
Cardboard boxes for documents

Relevance of paper storage

There is always a need to save originals and copies.

  • Small, medium andlarge enterprises, in government agencies, archiving is a legal requirement.
  • In the office, especially in HR, accounting, trading companies, this allows you to optimize the work process, unload the work area and ensure the continuity of functions for both new and existing employees.
  • At home, this ensures order and the ability to find the necessary papers at the right time, including in emergency circumstances.

Archiving accessories

Document storage boxes are most commonly used to save paper. Today, blanks for them are available for free sale. As a rule, they are provided for A4 papers. But there are other sizes as well. Some manufacturers offer consumers special paper boxes in which several boxes of papers can be stored. They are sold unassembled, and simple instructions make it easy for any buyer to assemble them. The use of such boxes allows you to get rid of unnecessary business papers, and if necessary, quickly find the right document. Properly selected box format allows you to optimally solve the issue of space and save valuable materials for a long time. And a clear structuring of originals and copies at times increases the speed of tasks by employees.

Organizing documents
Organizing documents

Saving paperwork in the office

Cardboard boxes are the best choice for protecting papers from the elements in the workplace.document storage. To use them, it is necessary to distribute the materials into groups by subject and collect them either in bulk, or in separate files, or in folders, folders or other types of them. And then pick up the boxes in accordance with the required dimensions. They are inexpensive, so you can buy the quantity you need. Boxes are characterized by spaciousness, durability and environmental friendliness. Hand slots make it easy to pick up and carry around, while the lid (hinged or removable) keeps dust out. Outside on the cardboard you can sign the type of documents. As a rule, office storage boxes are sold unassembled with printed graphic instructions, so they can be easily assembled and disassembled and, if necessary, hidden in a secluded place.

Storage of documents in the office
Storage of documents in the office

Delivery of documents for long-term savings

Not a single government agency or private enterprise that conducts serious business can do without archiving documents. Administrative, tax, personnel, accounting and other documentation has a different storage period, which is regulated by list No. 578. This is a mandatory procedure, which often provides for a fairly long savings period (up to 75 years). In this case, all papers are sorted, put into boxes and handed over to the premises provided for these purposes. There are special requirements for boxes in this case: they must be made of durable cardboard (ideally, if they meet the GOST requirement, then they also havesimilar to the specified warranty period). In this case, it is better to use archival boxes for storing documents and cardboard boxes. The latter are the receptacle for several containers for papers. They have strings as they are intended for long-term storage.

For convenience, you can also pick up boxes for both vertical and horizontal storage of materials. It should also be taken into account that there are private enterprises that are ready to make containers for papers according to the dimensions given by the customer.

Document archiving
Document archiving

Home archive

Every adult should worry about keeping important papers within the walls of their homes. After all, very often you have to provide documents confirming your identity, education, ownership of property, etc. In order to avoid unnecessary financial expenses and to be able to exercise your rights, you must keep warranty cards for household appliances, manuals for its operation, purchase receipts. Documents may be urgently needed in an emergency: in the event of a sudden departure, fire, natural disaster, evacuation of the population…

documents are in order
documents are in order

Originals and copies of securities must be in one place, hidden from prying eyes, sorted and protected from external factors. It is good if a box for storing documents at home is prepared for this purpose. It can be purchased, made by buying a cardboard blank at a store for a small price, or you can adapt any unnecessary box. If not archivedoriginals, their painful search will be ensured, and restoration in case of loss will require a lot of time, finances, and most importantly, nerves.

Organization of home values

In order to purchase boxes for storing papers and documents or make them yourself, you need to disassemble all the materials and sort them into groups, for example:

  • personal documents;
  • papers showing ownership;
  • loan agreements, payments on transactions;
  • papers about the he alth status of family members, examinations passed, doctors' opinions;
  • materials confirming payment for goods, warranty cards, etc.

It is necessary to take into account the period of validity of securities, because some of them may not be relevant at the time of analysis.

Organizing documents at home
Organizing documents at home

Tips for material distribution

Originals and copies may vary in size, so filing boxes can also be made to match. In this case, the originals can be sorted:

  • in order of importance;
  • by size;
  • according to the period of relevance;
  • by type (work, home…);
  • on events.

Such a systematization will save time searching for the right papers and protect them from children, strangers and external factors.

DIY storage boxes

DIY box
DIY box

The main difference between family and office materials is their size: at workthis is usually A4, while at home the paper is very different. Therefore, you can make boxes for storing documents with your own hands. There are several options:

  1. You can buy a blank in any household department of the supermarket and, following the instructions, assemble it.
  2. If you need a box of small sizes, then you need to take the drawings, download them, transfer them to cardboard and glue them. If the specified dimensions do not suit the user, you can transfer the drawing to paper, while reducing the dimensions of the workpiece several times.
  3. The easiest option is to take any box you don't need and put it in storage for the originals.
  4. Make according to your own drawing. So, for example, in order to make a box for personal documents (passports, birth certificates, rights, education diplomas), you need to take 2 sheets of strong paper (cardboard), cut out a square of the required size from each, add an additional 1.5 cm to one (for the lid). Then fold each sheet in half and along different diagonals. There should be 3 lines in total. Next, the corners should be bent to the center, and then each side should be folded so that its edge passes through the middle of the sheet. The final step is to assemble the paper box along the existing lines and glue the sides.

At the same time, any such box can be decorated to match the color of the interior using colored paper, glue, scissors. Filled "vaults" should be kept out of direct sunlight, humidity and children.

DIY boxes
DIY boxes

Documents are companions of human life. You can ensure their safety with the help of boxes for storing documents in the archive, and if the financial situation does not allow this, then you can construct them yourself using improvised materials. And then a calm atmosphere at work and at home is provided.
