"Balda": the rules and subtleties of the board game
"Balda": the rules and subtleties of the board game

In search of a way to pass the time and have fun, many turn to smartphones and computers, preferring to lazily scroll through the social network feed or play popular applications. More recently, in the days of the absence of the Internet and mobile devices, children and adults were entertained by battles in board and paper games. A great way for many to remember the past is the Balda game, the rules of which are very simple.

Preparing for the game

To play balda you will need:

  • A sheet of paper in a box.
  • Pen.
  • Good vocabulary.
  • Minimum two people.

Draw on paper a square with a side of five cells - this is the playing field. In the center line of the field, write any five-letter word. For example, as shown in the picture:

playing field balda rules
playing field balda rules

The essence of the game

"Balda" is a simple linguistic game for the whole family in which you need to form words fromletters on the playing field. The longer the word, the more points are given for it. The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible before the game board runs out. So what are the rules of Balda?

Game Rules

After the field for the game is prepared, the order of the players' moves is determined. The first player must substitute one letter for the word in the middle of the field in such a way that a new word is obtained. One letter in a word is equal to one point, therefore, the longer the word, the more points the player receives for his turn. For example, a player's first turn might look like this:

the beginning of the game bastard
the beginning of the game bastard

The letter "k" is substituted for the starting word, which formed the word "klok". For this word, the player receives four points. The next player must substitute the letter anywhere on the playing field to get a new word. Thus, the game continues until the space on the playing field runs out. The one with the most points wins. The rules of the game in "Baldoo" prohibit:

  • Use pronouns, proper names, prepositions and foreign words.
  • Make up words. All words used in the game must exist in dictionaries, and the player who invented the word must be able to explain its meaning to an opponent if he does not know such a word.
  • Compose words diagonally (in the classic version of "Baldy"). The word must be read from left to right horizontally or vertically, as well as at right angles to adjacent cells.
  • Crossing words.
  • Use a word already on the board, even if it's possible.

Only one letter can be entered in one cell.

Variations of the game "Balda"

balda game rules on paper
balda game rules on paper

Classic rules of the game "Baldoo" on paper can be changed by agreement between the players. For example, players can agree that the letters "i" and "y", "e" and "e" will be different, they cannot be used twice in different words. A variant of the game is also possible, where words are allowed to be composed diagonally. Another variant of the modified Balda rules is the ability to pass through the cells twice. For example, the word "count" can be turned into "bell" if you count the cells first from left to right, and then vice versa. The size of the field can also be changed depending on the desire of the players. The larger the side of the field, the longer you will need to come up with a starting word.

There is a variant of the Baldu game, the rules of which are borrowed from the equally popular linguistic game Scrabble. The bottom line is that some cells of the field are tinted with some color, and the letter substituted into the colored cell is valued “more expensive”, making it possible to score more points.

Pen alty and scoring system

Also, by prior arrangement, changes can be made to the scoring system. If one of the players refuses to move due to the fact that he cannot come up with a word, he is given a pen alty point. Some limit the turn time by playing on a timer. After the time allotted for the move, the player alsofined.
