What is a butterfly collector called? What does it take to create a beautiful collection?
What is a butterfly collector called? What does it take to create a beautiful collection?

Probably, few of the readers can boast that he has a familiar collector of butterflies. But in many countries this is a very common hobby. Yes, and in our country it was once very popular - many people are pleased to have the opportunity to see luxurious compositions made up of bright insects in their living room or office.

Who collects such collections and why

First, let's figure out the name of the butterfly collector. Everything is quite simple here, although it is difficult to pronounce this term - lepidopterophilist. So, if you want to really get into this hobby, you will have to practice to pronounce your new status without hesitation.

what is the name of the butterfly collector
what is the name of the butterfly collector

It is also clear why the butterfly collector is doing this. Still, not many representatives of the fauna on the planet can boast of such diversity and beauty as these insects. True, their beauty is short-lived - some butterflies live only a few days, or even hours. There are breeds that don’t even have a mouth, because in their entire lives they never have toeat. But under glass, these fluttering flowers can be preserved for many years and even decades. In addition, this is a great way to learn more about wildlife. Therefore, this hobby can be recommended for both adults and children. Of course, there is a lot to learn before tackling it.

How to painlessly euthanize an insect

The collection of butterflies most often begins with representatives of the most common families. This includes whites, nymphalids, marigolds, pigeons, sailboats and others. Well, even by collecting just a few butterflies from each family, you can already make an impressive collection that will do honor to any novice lepidopterophilist.

lepidopterophilist is a collector of butterflies
lepidopterophilist is a collector of butterflies

But the collector loves wildlife and will try not to torment the caught or hatched insect, providing him with the easiest, quickest and most painless death. How to do it?

This will require ether. It can be purchased at many veterinary clinics, as well as pet stores. But, alas, it is not always possible to buy ether, especially in small towns or villages, where it is easiest to get interesting exhibits. Well, a butterfly collector can also use ammonia or ammonia sold in most conventional pharmacies, and the solution is not at all expensive. And its application is as simple as possible - any novice teenager can easily cope with the task.

It is enough to dip a small piece of slightly compressed cotton wool into ether or ammonia and put it in a jar wherethere is a butterfly, then close it with a lid. After some time (it depends on the amount of liquid absorbed by the cotton wool and the volume of the container), the insect dies painlessly.

Carefully spread the exhibit

Once a butterfly is dead, it needs to be prepared for glassing before it dries out and the wings freeze in the wrong position. An experienced lepidopterophilist knows this and always has the right equipment at the ready.

must act very carefully
must act very carefully

In general, various devices can be used. Some prefer to purchase special ones that are sold in specialized stores and are quite expensive. Others decide to make equipment with their own hands, at least for the first time, until it becomes clear whether this hobby will be an ordinary quickly boring whim or will remain for life.

The easiest option is to take a softwood board and make a narrow and not too deep slot in it according to the size of the trophy body. Any beginner butterfly collector can do this.

Gently lay the euthanized insect on the board so that the body just enters this slot. Now very carefully straighten the wings, press them against the tree. On top of each wing, place a piece of thin polyethylene (a transparent disposable bag will do) or tracing paper and secure with pins. At the same time, try not to deepen the body too deep into the gap so that it is on the same level with the wings. Then your trophy will look the most elegant and will become a magnificent decoration.collections.

wall of butterflies
wall of butterflies


After reading the article, you learned not only about the name of the butterfly collector, but also what the main techniques used by lepidopterophilists to increase the number of their trophies look like. We hope that this will allow you to acquire a new hobby, the interest in which will not disappear for many decades.
