How a palm tree is made from a bottle
How a palm tree is made from a bottle

Modern "Kulibins" and "Samodelkins", keeping up with the times, have adapted materials for their crafts, which can be called more like garbage than the basis for creativity. These include, for example, plastic bottles, which are very popular today for the manufacture of various crafts. However, the beauty of it is that it is the material that litters our environment that is recycled in the form of crafts. And in skillful hands, it turns into beautiful products that adorn our lives. In this article, we will talk about such an ornamental material as plastic, and tell you how a palm tree is made from a plastic bottle.

palm tree from a bottle
palm tree from a bottle

The fact that craftsmen love to work with plastic, say the Internet pages, full of hand-made products. On the streets of cities, in dachas and in our homes, more and more new crafts from this material appear. What is not made from plastic bottles: birds and butterflies, flowers, cacti and palm trees, curtains and lamps, various accessories for the garden and country house. And with what pleasure children accepttake part in this art! After all, before their eyes, some garbage turns into a toy.

plastic bottle palm tree
plastic bottle palm tree

Making a palm tree from a bottle is not so difficult.

First you need to collect enough green and brown plastic bottles to make a tall and impressive palm tree. But if you do not have bottles of the right colors, any will do - you can just paint them.

Also prepare 1-2 hard rods for the trunk or even, not thick sticks, several elastic rods of smaller diameter - for branches, a drill, a stapler, scissors, a lighter, green and brown paints.


We make blanks for the barrel: from brown bottles (if there are none, then we take any others) we cut off the bottoms at a height of about 20-30 cm. We cut the edges with teeth and slightly bend them outward. In each such blank, we drill a hole with a drill for assembling the barrel of such a size that a rod or stick enters it.

Green (if not, then any other color) bottles are cut in half. Then we cut each half with scissors into noodles so that it looks like palm leaves. On one of these halves we leave the necks. And on the other we drill a hole with a drill. Do this with all bottles.

make a palm tree out of plastic bottles
make a palm tree out of plastic bottles

Our blanks are ready. A palm tree from a bottle is very easy to assemble. We install the base, that is, the first blank, it can be made from a larger bottle. We fix a metal pin in it andwe gradually string all the blanks for the trunk. A palm tree is assembled from a bottle, like a designer - one blank is inserted into another and so on … That's it, the trunk is ready!

Now let's take care of the crown of our palm tree: take a metal bar, the one that is designed for branches. We insert the blanks one into the other, neck to neck, but at the very last we leave the cork. We drill a cork, and bend the bar a little to create the effect of real branches. We singe the leaves a little and bend them, creating the crown of a palm tree. So we collect all the branches.

We fix the leaves on the trunk with a stapler. We fluff the stem a little, slightly bending the corners to the sides in different directions. The palm from the bottle is ready. If you used bottles not of brown and green, but of some other color, we take paints and paint our palm tree in the desired colors.

We install the finished product in the yard, slightly deepening the lower part into the ground. That's all, the decoration for your site is ready! As you can see, making a palm tree out of plastic bottles is very simple. If you have children helping you, they will enjoy walking proudly past their product.
