How to make a boat out of paper for games
How to make a boat out of paper for games

Paper boats have always been a favorite toy of many children, especially in the spring when the snow melts and merry streams begin to run. However, a beautiful boat can be an excellent souvenir and even a gift. So, how to make a boat out of paper?

how to make a boat out of paper
how to make a boat out of paper


Paper boat can be made in several ways. Perhaps the easiest way is to get or draw a template yourself, cut it out of cardboard and glue it with ordinary stationery glue, having previously painted it. The second way is to fold an elegant boat, guided by the principles of ancient Japanese art, which is gaining more and more popularity around the world. Origami makes it possible to create interesting, diverse models at minimal cost in materials.

how to make a submarine out of paper
how to make a submarine out of paper

Paper boat without a sail: getting started

So, how to make a boat out of paper? First you need to take an ordinary piece of paper. Suitable for both landscape and just A4. The sheet is placed on a flat surface and bent into two halves along the length. Now you need to bend it one more time, and then unbend everything. This is done in order to form lines for the folds. The next step is to bend the upper corners of the sheet to the line in the middle, and then from the face, and on the reverse side, you need to bend the bottom edges halfway up. When this is done, on both sides the corners at the bottom of the sheet can be bent inwards upwards clearly by 90 degrees. And then the remaining lower edges are bent to the end. It turns out an even triangle.

how to make a paper boat
how to make a paper boat

Shutting down

How to make a boat out of paper when all of the above has already been done? Now the hardest part begins. You need to take the triangle by the center and gently stretch the model, trying not to tear anything anywhere. Got a square. Now its lower edge is bent upwards, and then the model is again stretched beyond the center. It remains only to bend the bottom edge. Everything - a light boat without a sail is ready, you can start playing.

Boat with a sail: preparation

And how to make a boat out of paper if you want to equip it with a sail? There is nothing particularly complicated here. A square sheet of paper is taken, colored or white. Its corners need to be bent towards each other, and then unbent so that fold lines are outlined, crossing the paper with a cross. Next, the sheet is folded two more times - vertically and horizontally, to make two more lines, and then, for the same purposes, the kinks must be performed in all corners (that is, all corners must be folded to the center of the sheet to make a square, and then unfold everything).

paper boat
paper boat

The main part of the work

First, the right and then the left halves of the sheet are folded vertically into the center. Now the lower half from the upper half is bent in the same way. The next step, which seems difficult to many beginner origami lovers, is to pull the corners on both sides outward. That's all - the layout of the future boat can be turned upside down. The resulting model is carefully folded diagonally. The bottom corner needs to be raised and fixed. Everything - a pretty boat is ready. You can paint the hull one color, the sail another, and start playing.

Another version of the boat

Many people want to learn how to make a paper boat. The scheme is quite simple, you just need to practice a couple of times. So, the same sheet of paper in the form of a square is taken. First, it bends down, then with both halves to the center. Nothing should be bent. Now on each side of the boat you need to bend the corners to the center, then bend the new corners in half to the middle of the boat. The last fold - the corners in the center are bent inward. It remains only to straighten the edges of the boat to get the finished model. Having figured out how the various origami figures fold, you can easily create anything you want. For example, how to make a submarine out of paper? Of course, guided by the same rules for folding an ordinary paper sheet. The resulting figurines are enthusiastically used by children in games.
