Beautiful carpet embroidery: technique
Beautiful carpet embroidery: technique

Making a real fluffy rug with your own hands seems to be a very difficult task, but in fact, embroidery in carpet technique is easy and beautiful. Now this type of needlework is gaining popularity due to the fact that many affordable kits have appeared on sale. Such carpet embroidery kits usually include printed canvas, threads, a special hook or needle, and a color scheme to facilitate the work process. Needlewomen use two ways to create a pattern: loops with a needle and knots using a special hook.

Features of inexpensive sets

The diagram describes the technique of carpet embroidery with a hook or needle. Experienced needlewomen rarely use drawings and work directly with the canvas. But it can be difficult to understand the process of creating a drawing from the image, so later we will consider each stage in more detail. Inexpensive kits for carpet embroidery can be ordered online. But it should be borne in mind that such products often do notthere are enough threads of certain shades, and the canvas is of poor quality. Therefore, it is better to purchase goods from reliable manufacturers, especially for your first job. Otherwise, it's easy to get frustrated with this fun and easy craft.

cheap carpet embroidery kits
cheap carpet embroidery kits

Preparation for carpet embroidery

Let's figure out how to work in the knot technique. If you have a ready-made kit, first, for convenience, it is advisable to disassemble the threads, distributing them into small containers or bags. In products from well-known companies, the threads are already cut into identical lengths and packed in the shape of a barrel. It is not difficult to extract one thread from such a package, but if the material is not prepared, carpet embroidery will be complicated by a long search for the desired color. Then we carefully look at the canvas and the scheme to choose the shade of the thread. We focus not on the whole cell, but only on the interlacing of threads on one of the sides. Usually the lower part of the square is used, but a lot depends on the direction of the threads. But due to the poor quality of the set, the coloring of the canvas may be inaccurate, and sometimes completely absent. In this case, it is better to focus on the scheme.

crochet carpet embroidery
crochet carpet embroidery

Carpet embroidery for beginners

Before starting work, it is very important to choose one direction in which the threads will lie. You can tighten the knots from top to bottom, from left to right, from right to left. It all depends on the work itself and the taste of the needlewoman. Having decided in which direction the pile will lie, we pull the thread out of the “barrel” and pick up the hook. We hold it so thatthe loop at the end was pointing up.

carpet embroidery master class
carpet embroidery master class

Knot making process:

  1. Fold the thread in half, string the resulting loop on the hook, holding it with your finger.
  2. Lower the hook to the concave part and pinch it on both sides with your fingers so that the thread does not move.
  3. Take the canvas, start the hook for weaving the threads until the tongue on the base comes out of the cell.
  4. Pull it back so that the tongue goes behind the fabric.
  5. Holding the hook with one hand, take both ends of the thread with the other, wrap them around the hook once.
  6. Pull it down again, grabbing the threads, and pull them out of the cell, forming a knot.
  7. Put the hook aside and tighten the knot on the canvas.

On the wrong side, during the process of embroidering carpets, a pattern resembling cross-stitch will form.

embroidery in carpet technique
embroidery in carpet technique

Correction of work flaws

In order to simplify your task and not hold the entire canvas in your hands, part of it can be bent and form a working strip. Then you can pinch the weave with your fingers: it will be much easier to insert the hook into the cell. If the threads do not lie very evenly, they can be corrected before tightening the knot. Unsuccessfully tied knots are also easy to unravel if you hook a loop on the wrong side with a hook. Rugs made using this technique are soft, fluffy and bright. Usually they are used as ordinary floor carpets. But products created with a needle are moreresemble works of art than a piece of furniture. They are attributed to one of the types of folk art - artistic stuffing on fabric, framed, hung on the walls and given to each other as an unusual gift.

Carpet embroidery needle for beginners

Embroidery with a needle begins with the preparation of the workplace. To do this, you need to have a fairly wide table. The main thing is that the surface is flat and smooth and it is convenient to work on it. You will also need a special tool for carpet technique - a wide needle with a handle and a hole at the tip. For fabrics of different thicknesses, needles of different diameters are needed, so it is advisable to purchase them immediately in a set. Be sure to prepare sharp scissors of any convenient shape. In order to thread the thread, you will need an ordinary needle and thread and a needle bar, and to draw a pattern, you need a pen or pencil. Small projects are hooped, and large projects are hooped on frames with an adjuster bar. These are the basic tools you will need to get the job done.

carpet embroidery for beginners
carpet embroidery for beginners

Master class on creating canvas

Carpet embroidery with a needle is performed on various fabrics: chintz, cotton, silk. Optionally, the piece of material must be new. Scraps left over from previous projects made in a different technique will also work. We also choose the color of the fabric to your taste. You can use not only plain, but also colored material. It can be difficult to contour on black fabric. In this case, white material is attached to the reverse side, onwhich translates drawing. You can work with almost any thread. Most often they use floss, iris, woolen yarn.

How to transfer a pattern to fabric

We start the carpet embroidery master class by drawing a pattern on the fabric. This must be done from the wrong side of the material. If you can draw, you can create a sketch yourself, or look for a ready-made diagram on the Internet and print it out.

The easiest way to transfer the pattern to the fabric is with tracing paper and carbon paper.

  1. Lay the fabric on a flat surface, place the copy paper on top, and the printed sketch on it.
  2. Fix both layers with pins or clips and use a pen or pencil to trace the outlines of the pattern.

When the sketch is ready, we fix the material on the hoop, pulling it tightly onto the base. For large projects, you will need special wooden frames on which we stretch the material. The main tool for work is a special needle with a handle. The most commonly used needle is of medium diameter.

carpet embroidery with a needle for beginners
carpet embroidery with a needle for beginners

How to thread the tool

Now we need a regular needle with a thread fixed in a knot at the end, which we will use as a needle threader. We put the tip of the thread with which we will work into the loop formed, scroll it a little so that it does not slip out, and lower the needle into the hole on the top of the tool handle. We pull out the needle and stretch it through the ear. Remove the needle threader. At the end of the needle, leave a thread about 1cm. Gently hold the thread at the top of the handle with your finger until we get to work. The thickness and number of threads can be changed, the main thing is that they pass freely through the eye of the needle.

carpet embroidery
carpet embroidery

Embroidery process

Make the first puncture and release the thread. We hold the tool like a pen for writing, and we lead it from left to right, without opening it from the surface of the material. We stretch to a distance of about 2 mm and make a new puncture. We pierce to the end, bringing the needle to the back, and try to create even loops. The picture will turn out exactly on the wrong side. Each tool has a limiter - colored circles that help determine how deep the needle needs to be. They can be removed, thereby adjusting the size of the loops. If you remove everything, the loops will be very high. Works that require particular precision, such as portraits and icons, are done with low hinges. For small rugs, high loops are used. They can be left as is, or cut.

Filling the outline

Keep filling in the outline of the drawing until we're done. In diagrams for color images, different shades of threads are usually indicated by numbers. Focusing on these marks, we begin to fill the contours with loops of the desired color. It is important to ensure that the free end of the thread does not get tangled, because otherwise the loops will turn out to be uneven. Then their tops can be cut off with sharp scissors. Needlewomen often use the technique of carpet embroidery for pillows, small rugs, panels and paintings, or combine different types of embroidery andother ways to create drawings. For example, an appliqué looks very unusual along with embroidery. Mix and match to create your own unique canvases.
