How to make scrolls: old paper at home
How to make scrolls: old paper at home

New Year's commotion is one of the most interesting periods. Most people strive to prepare the most original and memorable gift for their loved ones. Recently, it has become fashionable to write invitations and congratulations on old scrolls. Of course, the old original copy will cost a lot. But it is easy to prepare it at home on your own. And in the article we will tell you how to make scrolls with your own hands.

Required materials and tools

To age paper at home, you don't have to use expensive or inaccessible products. Almost certainly everything that is required is available in every home. Therefore, before proceeding to the study of step-by-step master classes, you need to prepare:

  • plain white paper;
  • brewing black loose tea;
  • small bowl;
  • a shallow bowl that can fit a sheet of paper;
  • milk of any fat content;
  • instant coffee or cocoa powder;
  • box of matches;
  • boiling water (water heated to a hundred degrees);
  • iron.
old paper
old paper

The mosteasy but long way

If the reader has enough time, they can use the following tip on how to make their own scrolls.

According to the method, you should take a few sheets of white paper and spread out under the direct rays of the scorching sun. Leave for a few days, waiting for the result. After some time, paper sheets, as if from time to time, turn yellow. Of these, it will be quite possible to make a pseudo-rare document or scroll.

Aging paper with welding

Faster results can be achieved if you use the following master class on how to make scrolls at home. This process is very interesting and not difficult at all.

It requires the preparation of a steep tea brew:

  1. Put five tablespoons of tea leaves in a bowl.
  2. Add two hundred milliliters of boiling water, then leave to infuse.
  3. Pour the finished tea leaves into the prepared dishes. We also place the first sheet of paper there (or rub it with a tea bag).
how to age paper
how to age paper

If you wish, you can crumple it a little beforehand. This will give you a more realistic effect. Let's take five minutes. And after the specified time, we take out the colored paper. You can dry it naturally or with an iron. If the reader chooses the second option, experts advise laying the sheet on a cloth so as not to stain the ironing board or other surface.

Old paper effect with coffee

Telling how to doscrolls at home, experienced needlewomen note that instant coffee is ideal for these purposes. It is necessary to work with it in the same way as we described in the previous paragraph. However, you must first prepare the correct solution.

Make it at home is not difficult. You just need to pour boiling water into a small bowl. Then add ten teaspoons of instant coffee there. If this drink is not found at home, cocoa powder can be used. It should be taken in the same proportion as coffee. After that, stir well until the dry component is completely dissolved and then use to age the paper.

old scroll at home
old scroll at home

Starting paper with milk

If you want to create not just a yellow-red gift scroll, but as similar as possible to a real one, you should use the method described below.

For him, you need to prepare milk and a cotton pad or plain cotton wool. After that, take a sheet of paper and put it in front of you. We moisten the disk in milk and begin to slap it on a snow-white surface. And it is important to do this, if possible, unevenly. After completing the described manipulations, leave the paper to dry.

However, the work does not end there. When the future scroll dries well, cover it with a thin cotton cloth and iron it. Also, if desired, you can hold the leaf over the flame. But it is important to prevent fire. Our task is to lightly burn and smoke the paper.

How to give bighistorical accuracy?

handmade scroll
handmade scroll

So we figured out how to make an old paper effect. However, if desired, it can be slightly strengthened. And then we will tell you how.

Regardless of which method the reader used earlier, we are preparing a box of matches and some instant coffee. First of all, we burn the edges of the leaf. The main thing is to also prevent fire, otherwise all the work will go down the drain. Having achieved the desired result, we grind the coffee granules in several places, in this way making the coloring uneven.

When you are completely satisfied with the result, you need to carefully roll the prepared paper into a roll. Next, we prepare a red candle, twine or twine, a coin or a signet ring, if any. We need to secure the roll so that it does not unfold ahead of time. Therefore, first we tie it with twine. Then we light a candle and drip wax on the scroll. We wait a few seconds for the mass to grab, and make an imprint on it. The main thing is not to forget to write a congratulation or invitation on your scroll. It is advisable to do this in calligraphic handwriting.

artificial aging paper
artificial aging paper

We hope that our master class on how to make a paper scroll with your own hands will help you create the most realistic parchment, which will become an original and, undoubtedly, a memorable gift for any occasion. It should also be noted that recently artificially aged paper has been used to create unusual wedding invitations. May be,this information will also be useful to the reader.
