Craft "Hedgehog from cones and a plastic bottle"
Craft "Hedgehog from cones and a plastic bottle"

Pine and spruce cones are a wonderful eco-friendly natural material from which you can make all kinds of crafts. In this article we will tell you how to make a hedgehog from a bottle and cones.

craft hedgehog from cones
craft hedgehog from cones

Easy and simple

This craft turns out to be quite voluminous, quite stable and very beautiful. You can use this product as an element of garden decor, as a toy or as a souvenir to give to one of your friends or relatives. And to make such a craft with your own hands, and if you wish, invite your child to participate in the manufacture of a prickly handsome man.

Material for work

To create a product "Hedgehog from cones and a plastic bottle", you need to prepare the materials necessary for the work. You will need pine cones, a plastic bottle, preferably brown, a deep plastic disposable plate, a construction knife, two large white buttons and two small black ones. You also need twine and a hot glue gun.

Steps of work

1. At the plasticthe upper part of the bottle is cut off, from which the muzzle of our hedgehog will be made in the future. The neck cap does not need to be unscrewed. She will become the nose of the future hedgehog.

2. At the place of the cut, we make notches every centimeter. Bend the resulting notches outward.

hedgehog from cones
hedgehog from cones

3. Around the future muzzle of the hedgehog, you need to wind the twine, starting from the nose and ending at the beginning of the incisions. The ends of the twine are fixed inside the part.

4. Using a hot glue gun, apply hot glue to the notches and glue the part to the side of a disposable plate, which is turned upside down. So, we got a body for our craft "Hedgehog from cones and a plastic bottle." Now you have to wait for the glue to dry. And then continue creating the product.

5. The adhesive must now be applied to the entire outer surface of the disposable plate. And then gently stick the cones on the glue as tightly as possible to each other. If suddenly too noticeable space remains between them, it can be filled with small cones, acorns or chestnuts. Our craft "Hedgehog made of cones and a plastic bottle" is almost ready.

hedgehog from a bottle and cones
hedgehog from a bottle and cones

Now all that's left is to do some small details in order to finish the job of creating a hedgehog from a plastic bottle and pine cones. Make eyes for the hedgehog. To do this, glue the black buttons on the white ones. Fix the resulting eyes in the right places. Paint the spout-cap black with nail polish or black paint. Attach dummies to the needles on the back of the hedgehogmushrooms and fruits or artificial greens. To increase the service life of our cone crafts, varnish its surface. This will give the product strength and shine.


A hedgehog made of cones and a plastic bottle can be a great toy for a child or decorate your home, gazebo or garden plot. And our beautiful hedgehog can become an original small planter. It can be used to grow green onions, dill or other greens you need. We really hope that this article will be useful for you, and such a wonderful hedgehog will "settle" in your home!
