Craft "bird" with their own hands from paper, natural material, thread, plasticine
Craft "bird" with their own hands from paper, natural material, thread, plasticine

At all times, children, regardless of age, liked activities that allowed them to express their creativity, and so it is today. Applications, modeling from plasticine, drawing, beading and many other types of creativity are available to modern representatives of the younger generation. And they may also like the bird craft. With your own hands, offer your child to make this thing from plasticine, yarn, paper, natural or many other materials. At the same time, you can be sure that the baby will like both the process of making the product and the result obtained.

Paper peacock

One of the birds most loved by children is the peacock, because it is he who is the prototype of the bewitching kids from the TV screen or drawings in the firebird book. Therefore, a child will be very willing to get to work if he is shown at least her image, but it is better if, for example, there is already a ready-made “bird” handicraft at hand. With his own hands out of paper, the child will be able to make a torso and a magnificent tail, and then connect theseparts with glue.

do-it-yourself bird craft made of paper
do-it-yourself bird craft made of paper

So, to make a bird, we need colored and white paper, scissors, glue, a pencil. To facilitate the task of making the torso, you can print the template below in advance and hand it to the baby. In this case, it remains only to put the blank on a colored sheet, circle, cut out and finish the missing details: crest, eyes, beak.

When making the body of a peacock, it is important to lengthen the lower part, because in the future it will need to be bent in order to make the finished bird craft more stable. With your own hands, in order to lengthen it, you can also glue a strip of paper to the finished body, if the initial height of the sheet on which the kid drew the template was not enough.

Making a peacock tail and connecting all the details

The tail is probably the main detail of a paper peacock, since it is it that gives splendor to the bird. Therefore, it is very important to do it properly. To make this part, you will need a sheet of bright paper (green, pink or red) 9x9 cm in size. It must be folded diagonally, and the resulting triangle bent in half again.

From the side of the base of the triangle, you need to draw the outlines of the feathers and cut them out. It is important that the top of the triangle remains intact. After that, the part must be decomposed to the state of the first triangle and draw feathers on both sides with a felt-tip pen. At the final stage of making the tail, you need the outer line of each feathernotch with scissors.

Now it remains to connect the body and tail, for this the first part should be bent at the base, creating a stand, and glue a bright triangle to the back, turning it upside down. So the craft "bird" is ready. With his own hands out of paper, a child will be able to create this little thing in just 10-15 minutes, and he will receive a huge amount of positive emotions.

do-it-yourself bird craft
do-it-yourself bird craft

Bird made of natural material and plasticine: preparatory stage

Each child needs to be informed that a do-it-yourself "bird" craft made from natural material and plasticine can be made quite easily, in any case, no more difficult than from paper. The only difference in the creation of this souvenir is the trip for the necessary materials not only to the stationery store, but also to the forest or park. So, you will need to find a spruce cone, several dry leaves of different shapes and sizes (you can take green ones, but they will have to be dried at home) and a rose hip. In the stationery store you will need to buy plasticine and toothpicks. For the stand, you should also pick up a small square board 1-1.5 cm thick.

Making a bird from natural material and plasticine

So, if everything you need is already at hand, you can be sure that in a few minutes the “bird” craft will already show off on the table. With his own hands, the child will fold it in less than half an hour. A spruce cone should be used as a body, a rose hip, tail, wings andtuft - leaves, and legs - toothpicks.

do-it-yourself "bird" craft from natural material
do-it-yourself "bird" craft from natural material

It is necessary to take a cone, turn it to a horizontal position, and attach a rosehip to the wide side with a piece of plasticine. For the tail, you will need to stick a long narrow leaf (for example, oak) into the cone from the narrow side. Attach wings to the corresponding places on the body - halves of a wide leaf. Stick a crest into the dogrose head. Insert toothpicks into the underside of the cone, and then attach the finished craft to the board. And, it would seem that the “bird” craft is already ready. With your own hands from plasticine, however, it is still necessary to make some details, namely, eyes, and attach them to the appropriate places on the head. And after that, the bird can already be installed on the shelf as a souvenir. If desired, the finished product is covered with paint or gloss.

Thread bird: materials and blanks

Yarn is another material that can be used to make a great birdie craft. With your own hands, you can make a magnificent sparrow from threads, teip tape, a dart, beads and a piece of newspaper. You will also need a glue gun, scissors, a sheet of thick cardboard measuring 9x12 cm.

do-it-yourself "bird" craft from plasticine
do-it-yourself "bird" craft from plasticine

First you need to make blanks for the wings, breast and back. Please note that different parts of the sparrow have a different color. For the manufacture of the first two parts, it is necessary to wind the yarn across the cardboard sheet in two places. Lastthe workpiece is made by winding threads along the template. From one end, the yarn must be cut, and the part that will be used as wings should be tied in the middle.

Making a bird from threads

Next, the threads for the breast and back should be folded crosswise so that the first part crosses the second at the top. Then, with a longer winding, wrap around the short one and fasten the back with a thread, after which the same action should be done with the breast. As a result of these actions, a head will be created, and the bird craft will soon be ready.

do-it-yourself "bird" craft from threads
do-it-yourself "bird" craft from threads

With your own hands, you will then need to grab a piece of newspaper with the yarn prepared for the wings, and put this part between the two already existing ones - as a result of this, you will get a torso. Next, from the opposite end, you need to tie all the threads together and trim them. The legs can be made of wire, and wrapped with teip tape on top. Then attach them with glue to the appropriate places, as well as sew on beads as eyes and make a beak from a seed by gluing it to the head. You can decorate any room in the house with such a bird, placing it on a shelf or hanging it on a thread.
