How to make DIY crepe paper pom-poms?
How to make DIY crepe paper pom-poms?

Pom-poms are a decoration that people are used to seeing on clothes such as children's hats, scarves, women's skirts, etc. However, this original item, it turns out, can be made not only from soft yarn. A fairly common decoration that you can make yourself today are crepe paper pompoms, however, their purpose is different compared to those for which knitting threads are used.

corrugated paper pom-poms
corrugated paper pom-poms

Why use crepe paper pom-poms?

There are many reasons to make the decoration mentioned above. So, white corrugated paper pompoms can literally transform the hall where the wedding will be held. There are several ways to decorate a room with the help of these elements: hang them over the table, in the place where the newlyweds will sit, or throughout the hall. It is worth noting that in the second case it is better to place the balls at different heights, evenly distributing them throughout the room. In addition, small paper pom-poms can decorate napkins provided for each guest, as well as trays.with sweets and bottles of drinks. In this case, not only the newlyweds will feel special at the celebration, but also every guest present on it.

Paper pom-poms will also come in handy during the meeting of a newborn or the celebration of christening, because they can become worthy substitutes for ordinary balloons, which often burst, scaring children. Such decorations are best hung in the child's room, where he and his mother will now spend a huge amount of time.

It is also reasonable to decorate a room or a clearing in this way for celebrating the birthdays of older children. In this case, you should give preference to pompoms of different sizes and colors.

Preparation of materials and tools

Many modern companies involved in the design of premises for various events offer to purchase ready-made products for decorating halls. However, it is much more pleasant to make multi-colored paper balls with your own hands. In addition, products will cost less in this case. And so that you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort on decorating the room, pay attention to the master class below. Corrugated paper can be used to make pom-poms in a variety of sizes and colors, but first you need to stock up on the right materials and tools.

So, you will need standard and corrugated paper, scissors, glue, thin wire or a stapler, a ruler, pencil and colored pencils, decorative tape for hanging.

what to do with crepe paper
what to do with crepe paper

Creating a blank for a regularpompom

To make a pom-pom, you will need 8 sheets, the width of which will determine the diameter of the finished product. All paper must be placed in one pile, and then folded with an accordion. The width of each bend should be 1.5-2 cm. Further, exactly in the middle, the workpiece must be carefully tied with wire. In the same place, you need to fix a decorative tape - if you plan to hang corrugated paper pompoms. Next, the edges of the workpiece on both sides must be given the desired shape - most often a semicircle is chosen for this purpose. Now it remains only to straighten all the layers of decoration. It is worth noting that this must be done very carefully so as not to tear the paper.

paper pom-poms
paper pom-poms

Paper honeycomb pom-poms: making a template

Another interesting option for decorating the halls are corrugated paper pompoms in the form of honeycombs. True, their manufacture will require more time and effort compared to the first option. You should start by preparing a template. So, a standard sheet of paper must be cut to a length of 25 cm, after which, using a ruler and a colored pencil, draw across the line in increments of 5 cm, and then divide these strips in two with a different color, that is, in the middle of each, for example, a blue line, should pass pink. Now the template should be put aside and you can proceed to the next step.

Preparation of blanks for making paper honeycomb pom-poms

It is necessary to take a sheet of corrugated paper and fold it in half until a rectangle of suchthe size you want to see the finished paper pompoms. Next, the workpiece must be cut along all fold lines, resulting in many separate rectangles - there should be about 40 pieces in total, so one sheet will most likely not be enough, and actions similar to those described above will need to be done several times. You also need to draw a circle on a standard sheet, the radius of which corresponds to the width of the rectangle, and cut it in half.

make crepe paper pom poms
make crepe paper pom poms

Assembly of pompons-honeycomb: master class

Already knowing what to make from corrugated paper and having all the blanks at hand, you can proceed to gluing the records. To do this, on a sheet with lines that was prepared at the beginning, you need to put one of the rectangles and smear the places that coincide with the pink stripes with glue. Then put the next blank on top and cover the area of blue lines with glue. Such actions, alternating layers, must be done until all the rectangles are used. The glued stack of paper should be placed under some heavy object and wait for the glue to dry completely.

corrugated paper master class
corrugated paper master class

After that, you need to attach the previously prepared semicircle to the stack of glued blanks and cut the paper along its contour. Then glue one part of the semicircle to one side of the workpiece, after putting a thread under it for hanging, and the other on the back. At the base, you will need to cut a small recess, leaving the side "legs",thanks to which it will be easier to make pompoms from corrugated paper at the final stage. Now it remains only to deploy the product - and you can use it for its intended purpose.
