How to make a paper tulip: our master class will tell you
How to make a paper tulip: our master class will tell you

Spring is coming, it's time for love and flowers, spring holidays. Yes, and just want to

how to make paper tulip
how to make paper tulip

please your beloved women with flowers. However, this pleasure is not cheap now. What to do? The ancient Japanese art of origami will help us out. It has helped lovers to be original more than once, and now it will help to make an unusual gift to your loved ones. We suggest you make a bouquet of delicate origami tulips. After all, as they say, the most unforgettable gift is a gift that is made by hand.

Easy and simple

There are many options for how to make a paper tulip. From the simplest to the most intricate.

In this article we will tell you one of the easiest ways to make a paper tulip. A small note: it is better to take thick paper for the tulip so that it can hold the volume well.

Required material

To make a tulip, you will need to prepare:

- 1 sheet of paper for the tulip (the format and color of the paper is entirely up to you);

- 1 green sheet of paper for the stem; - PVA glue;

- pencil or pen.

Getting Started

Sopaper tulip. The scheme is quite simple. Take a piece of paper. If it is rectangular, make a diagonal fold so that the sheet is square. Cut off the excess part, and you won't need it anymore.

paper tulip scheme
paper tulip scheme

Fold the sheet in the other direction. You will end up with two lines crossing the square sheet of paper in a cross pattern.

paper tulip scheme
paper tulip scheme

Fold the sheet in half to make a rectangle.

paper tulip scheme
paper tulip scheme

Fold the triangle, bending both sides of the square inward. Smooth the corners of the triangle.

paper tulip scheme
paper tulip scheme

Bend the corners of the triangle towards the top on both sides. It turns out a four-sided figure.

paper tulip scheme
paper tulip scheme

Next, you need to bend all four sides of our figure so that they are a little further than the middle. This must be done from the side where there are cuts.

Both bent triangles must be inserted ends into each other. You have got two peculiar "bags".

paper tulip scheme
paper tulip scheme
paper tulip scheme
paper tulip scheme

And final steps

At the bottom we make a hole for the stalk. We inflate the tulip so that it becomes voluminous.

paper tulip diagram
paper tulip diagram

A few more steps and you will learn how to make a paper tulip. We turn the tulip over and bend four petals from the side of the tip.

tulippaper scheme
tulippaper scheme

Make a stem

We take a green sheet of paper. Tightly wrap it around a pencil or pen. We glue the end of the leaflet and twist it. We take out the pencil. Insert the resulting tube into the bud.

paper tulip diagram
paper tulip diagram

Make a leaf for a tulip from the same green paper and glue it to the stem.

Here's how to make an origami (paper) tulip. The scheme, as you can see, is straightforward. But not everyone succeeds the first time. Try again - and you will succeed. How to make a tulip out of paper so that it is not boring? Of course, along with the children. The child will be happy to surprise his beloved mother with a bouquet of homemade tulips by March 8th. Yes, and simply, without any reason.

paper origami tulip scheme
paper origami tulip scheme

And finally

This craft is perfect for decorating your home and creating a spring mood for your whole family, bring a sense of celebration and freshness to your home. Moreover, such flowers will last much longer than living ones. And the joy from them is no less.

We wish you success in all your endeavors.
