Beaded trees: weaving patterns. Sakura, money tree, birch, beaded bonsai
Beaded trees: weaving patterns. Sakura, money tree, birch, beaded bonsai

Will help create trees from bead weaving patterns. Birch, sakura and other trees will turn out to be unusually beautiful, picturesque, if you follow them and the description of the works.

White-barreled beauty - the beginning of creativity

trees from beaded weaving patterns
trees from beaded weaving patterns

If you want to make birch, to make it you will need:

  • 0.3 thick copper wire; 1mm;
  • beads dark, light green, turquoise;
  • 3 mm thick aluminum wire;
  • wood stand - bowl, pot;
  • brushes, PVA glue;
  • flower tape;
  • double sided tape;
  • white acrylic or window paint.

They will tell you how to make trees from beads, weaving patterns. First, pour the beads of all colors into a suitable container, mix. When stringing, you will take it randomly.

Start with the consciousness of the first branch. In one hand you have a coil with a wire 0.3 mm thick, in the other - the first piece of beads. String it on the end of the wire, pull it a little further, then take the second bead with a hole. Thuscollect 12 beads. Connect the first to the last, twist the wire under them so that you have a "leg" of it 1 cm high.

Step back the same amount and make a second leaf, which is hollow inside and consists of 12 beads. These 5 leaves will be on one side of the branch. Make 3 more leaves that will become the top of the branch, then work 5 more loops. They will be on the other side of the branch.

So they start making beaded trees. Weaving patterns are so simple that you can do without them. As a result, you have a branch consisting of five leaves on the left and right sides, and 3 leaves are apical.

Putting the pieces together

trees from beaded weaving patterns birch
trees from beaded weaving patterns birch

In the same technique, create 49 more branches. Now they need to be grouped by five. To do this, leave the end of the wire free, now just twist these parts of the branches so that each consists of five blanks.

Cut a 10 cm long piece from a 1 mm thick wire, attach it to the free part of the branches, secure with floral tape. You have 10 large branches, each of which consists of five small ones.

Paint the floral tape with white paint. When it dries, make strokes of black on top. When it dries up, start collecting birch.

To do this, cut a piece of aluminum wire, which has a cross section of 3 mm. Start from above with double-sided tape and floral tape to attach branches to it. Make a thickening to the bottomtrunk. To do this, first wrap a bandage here, and then tape and floristry tape.

How to fix birch and other trees

Put the birch in a bowl, secure. Other beaded trees are made in the same way, the weaving patterns of which are so simple that even novice craftswomen can reproduce them.

You can fix the barrel with plasticine or first cut a piece of thick foam of a suitable diameter, put it in a bowl and stick the end of the aluminum wire into it.

To keep a birch or other tree strong, in a separate bowl, mix 1 part of PVA glue, two of alabaster. Add enough water to make a liquid curd-like solution.

Apply it on a tree trunk previously moistened with water without delay, as alabaster hardens very quickly. Put the remaining solution into the bowl in which the tree is located to fix the birch in this position.

When dry, cover it with 2-3 coats of white paint. When each of them dries, make a few strokes of black paint to make the birch look like a real one. Paint the surface of the alabaster in a bowl and decorate it with colored stones.

Japanese cherry blossom

weaving beaded sakura trees pattern
weaving beaded sakura trees pattern

Create branches for this tree using your own imagination. It can be exactly the same as that of a birch, weaving with beads. Trees (sakura) scheme allows you to make very beautiful. The number of beads on one swallow can be the same as the one just createdbirch. But you will need beads not green, but pink, take some white as well. Mix these small beads, string them also in 12 pieces to create one leaf.

In the same way as in the first sample, fasten the branches by 5, form the trunk with 2-sided tape and floral tape. Intentionally make irregularities on the branches, trunk, so that the tree looks natural after the beading is finished.

Trees (sakura), the creation scheme of which is so simple, must be fixed in a container. This will help a mixture of alabaster with water and PVA glue. Spread moss around the tree to make it look like it's growing. It is enough just to moisten it occasionally, and this natural material will be green for a long time, and the sakura will look even more beautiful above it.

Samples of leaves: diagrams

beaded money tree scheme
beaded money tree scheme

Beaded trees are made using almost the same technology. Weaving patterns for the very beginners will be presented below.

As you can see in the photo, first you need to string 5 beads on a thin wire. Then bend it, push it into the penultimate, fourth bead, then into the third, second, first. After that, string on the same wire, having previously bent it at an angle of 45 °, 5 more beads, again thread the end of the wire through four of them.

Having thus collected 3 fragments, each of which has five beads, make two more below. Each of them will already consist of 7 beads with holes. The sample will facilitate weaving with beads. Monetarya tree, the scheme for creating leaves of branches for which can be exactly the same, it is also very interesting to do.

Symbol of we alth

beaded trees weaving patterns for the very beginners
beaded trees weaving patterns for the very beginners

The leaves on it may be the same as in the photo. In the central scheme, the leaf consists of seven sticks, each of which is strung with 10 beads. You can make a sheet of 22 pieces of wire, as shown in the last diagram.

When the branches are ready, tie a few coins to them, in which holes are drilled. You can cut out rings from gold-colored paper, glue them in pairs and also fasten them to the branches with a rope or thin ribbons.

Dwarf tree

If you wish, use a simpler method and make not only money, but also other trees from beads. Bonsai weaving patterns are also simple.

bonsai beaded trees
bonsai beaded trees

Cut 0.3-0.4 mm thick wire into pieces 45 cm long. Each of them will soon turn into a branch. Take a little over 200 g of beads of green shades, as well as yellow, mix them in a container.

Dial so many beads on the first wire that it covers it by 15 cm. Take a wooden stick for sushi, wind a part of the wire covered with beads on it. Insert one end of the wire through the resulting rings, and the other end of the wire in the other direction, tighten.

In the same way, arrange 2 more branches, twist them together, as shown in the photo. Using floral tape, connect 3-4 branches. Then take4 such blanks, fasten them with tape.

It remains to connect the branches and, observing the asymmetry, fix the bonsai in the container. This is how beaded trees are made, the weaving patterns of which are simple and understandable.
