Three patterns of life-size Tilda dolls
Three patterns of life-size Tilda dolls

Today, many needlewomen sew Tild. These cute dolls decorate both children's rooms and ladies' boudoirs. Do you also want to sew something similar? Then this article is especially for you. It contains 3 patterns of Tilda dolls in full size. Find all the details below.

Simple Tilde

life-size tilda doll patterns
life-size tilda doll patterns

This toy can be sewn not only by an adult lady, but even by a little girl. A full-size Tilda doll pattern is shown above. It must be printed on A4 format. If you want to make a large toy, you can double the pattern on the computer. After you have completed this simple task, you should cut out the details from the paper. The next step is that life-size Tilda doll patterns are transferred to the fabric. The body of the toy must be sewn from beige or coffee-colored material. If you want to make a natural doll, you can buy white cotton fabric and tint it with coffee or tea.

All parts of the toy are cut out, it remainssew them. You need to start with the body. We sew two parts, leaving a hole at the bottom. We turn the workpiece and stuff it with padding polyester or cotton wool. It remains to sew up the left hole. Now, by analogy, you need to make arms and legs. Stuffed parts are sewn to the body. Now you need to make hair out of woolen threads or from a loose satin ribbon. To complete the manufacture of the toy, you need to embroider two dots-eye.

Tilda Angel

life-size Tilda Angel doll pattern
life-size Tilda Angel doll pattern

This cute craft will take a little longer to make than the previous version of the toy. A full-size Tilda Angel doll pattern is shown above. It should be printed or redrawn. This pattern should not be enlarged, the cute angel should be small. We cut out the paper parts and transfer them to the fabric. As in the previous version, it is worth using a beige or coffee color of the material.

How to sew a Tilda doll with your own hands? Patterns are ready, it remains to collect them. First you need to sew all the details. Let's start making a toy from the body, then we will make the arms and legs. There is one nuance here. If you want the doll to sit, then you should stuff the legs loosely, and then make a seam on the knee using the finished parts. Lastly, let's make the wings. Now we sew all the details in place. It remains to make a hairstyle and embroider eyes. This doll can be dressed up in anything. In the classic version, all Tildas wear dresses, but this, of course, is not the law.

Tatiana Konne doll

tilde doll patterns with their ownhands
tilde doll patterns with their ownhands

Tildes with big legs have conquered the whole world. These cute girls, unlike classic rag toys, look more modern and relevant. A life size Tilda doll pattern can be found above. These girls are sewn from beige material, but unlike the original dolls, Tatyana Konne's toys consist of several parts. You should start making Tilda from the head. First we sew the back of the head, and then attach the front to them. You can immediately twist and fill the resulting face. We sew the body and attach the head to it. We assemble the legs, which consist of three parts. You can insert cardboard into the sole so that the doll stands better. Sew arms and legs to the doll. Now you need to sew on Tilda's beady eyes and blush her cheeks with dry pastel.
