How to make roses from napkins with your own hands?
How to make roses from napkins with your own hands?

Decorating a dinner table for a holiday or giving a gift to a loved one is much easier than it seems - the material for creating an unusual accessory can be found in every kitchen. It is enough to take an ordinary paper or linen napkin and fold it in a special way to add a little comfort to the kitchen. There is a very easy way to make do-it-yourself roses from napkins, a step-by-step guide to which will be given below.

Simple napkin flower

Bouquets made from ordinary office corrugated or papyrus paper are often used to create decorative compositions and installations. There are many options for making do-it-yourself roses from napkins (photos of some products are given in the review).

topiary with roses from napkins
topiary with roses from napkins

The easiest way is to fold the paper several times, put a glass on top and circle the bottom with a pencil. If you cut the same circles, fix them in the center with a staplerand fluff the layers, you can get flowers that resemble rosebuds. They are often used to make cardboard numbers for children's parties, topiary and decorative balls.

Tea rose for tea

Let's try to make a tea rose from napkins with candy inside. For work we need the following materials:

  • one large double layered napkin;
  • one single layer napkin;
  • candy;
  • pencil;
  • wooden skewer for stem;
  • glue gun;
  • thin cotton yarn;
  • green corrugated paper;
  • green wire;
  • green floral ribbon;
  • cutters;
  • scissors regular and with teeth;
  • two blanks for leaves of different sizes.
rose from napkins
rose from napkins

If desired, only floral tape can be used to decorate the stem, and not candy, but foil or newspaper rolled into a ball can be placed inside the bud.

Roses from napkins: a step-by-step guide

Let's create a flower to decorate the interior or an unusual gift. Its size will depend on the length of the stick and the volume of the core.

  1. At the first stage of making a rose from a napkin with our own hands, we will cut the corrugated paper into several strips.
  2. Cut them to the width of the leaf patterns.
  3. Rose leaves are collected on a branch of five pieces. One of them, large, is placed on top.
  4. The other four, smaller, are fixed oppositely.

For one flower will betwo branches are enough, that is, you need to prepare 2 large sheets and 8 small ones. More can be done if desired.

How to make foliage for a rose

  1. Cut a strip of paper into rectangles, attach blanks to them and cut out foliage on them.
  2. Then we make the edges corrugated with scissors with teeth.
  3. We measure 10 cm from the wire and cut it off - this will be the central branch. For side leaves, fold the segment in half and divide into two parts.
  4. Straighten the tips and apply glue on one side.
  5. Fold each leaf in half, attach a wire to the center and press.
  6. When all the parts are dry, we collect them into one branch: first we take a wire with large sheets and fasten a couple of small ones on the sides. We begin to wrap the branch with floral tape, going down.
  7. Then add two more and also wrap them with tape, fixing its edge with glue.
napkin rose origami
napkin rose origami

To make the napkin rose branch look more natural, you can give the foliage a curved shape by pulling a little on the edges.

Making corrugated paper sepals

Now we need to make the sepals.

  1. To do this, take a piece of green paper 6 cm wide and about 8 cm high.
  2. Fold it in half and then fold it to find the middle.
  3. Open the workpiece, take the scissors and start cutting the teeth.
  4. We will also decorate the stem of a rose from napkins with corrugated paper. Cut off a rectangle2 cm wide and slightly longer than the wooden skewer you prepared.

Rose petal blanks

Now let's start creating the bud. To do this, take a large two-layer napkin and cut it into strips.

  1. Bend it in half and cut off the fold line - the upper part of the resulting rectangle.
  2. Now you need to fold the canvas so that one part is shorter and the other is about a centimeter longer.
  3. Cut along the fold line and unfold the resulting strips. You should get four identical parts.
  4. We put one of them aside, and from the rest we will create a bud. To do this, take a pencil, place it in the middle of one of the strips on the very edge and begin to twist the part into a tube, but not completely, but about 1/3 of the length.
paper rose in a glass
paper rose in a glass

Cut out the petals

Next, cut the petals.

  1. Bend the quarter strip and round the napkin on the top on both sides.
  2. Then fold it 1/4 again and cut off the corners.
  3. Repeat all steps until we get to the end. The deeper the cuts, the more open the napkin rose will be in the end.
  4. On the next layer, make one more petal.
  5. On the third, again increase the number of petals by one.
  6. Twist the ends of the napkins again with a pencil or a skewer.

Rose Center

Before you make a rose from a napkin, you need to make its core. Canuse any candy, but the larger it is, the larger the flower will be.

  1. Wrap the delicacy with a small napkin, forming a bud, and then place a wooden skewer at the bottom.
  2. Set the glue gun to warm up.
  3. At this time, take the yarn and fasten the leg with it, tightly wrapping the lower part of the future flower. Additionally, we fix the parts with glue.
  4. Cut off the thread and take a strip cut from a large napkin, without petals.
  5. Wrap it around the middle, periodically turning the edge a little to get a shape resembling a rosebud.
  6. Fix the edge with glue and take the workpiece with the largest number of petals.
how to fold a napkin
how to fold a napkin

Before you make a rose from a napkin with your own hands, we collect the bottom edge of the paper with an accordion and lightly squeeze it. You can immediately process all the workpieces in this way.

Flower assembly

  1. Starting to form a rose: take a napkin and start wrapping it around the middle so that the curved petals look outward.
  2. When finished, we fix the flower with a thread at the bottom and additionally process it with glue.
  3. Repeat all steps with the rest of the blanks.
  4. When finished, spread the petals and glue the sepals by stretching the crepe paper around the rose.
  5. Now take the floral tape and start wrapping it around the skewer.
  6. Then we fix the first branch with leaves and, going down a little, cut off the floral tape and fix the tip with glue.
  7. Now takea piece of corrugated paper, which we prepared for the stem, and wrap the skewer with it, after lubricating it with glue.
  8. Place the second branch with leaves on the fold line and seal the edges.
  9. Cut off the excess - and the napkin rose is ready.
napkin rose scheme
napkin rose scheme

Origami rose from napkins

The origami technique is known to everyone, it allows you to create volumetric figures from paper of various densities. It can also be used to make a rose from an ordinary napkin.

  1. Unfold the napkin and fold each of the four corners into the center, making sure your folds lay down the center of the square.
  2. Take the corners again and fold them in the center, then repeat the same steps a third time.
  3. Turn the napkin over and fold the corners towards the center.
  4. Pull out the ends of the corners from the underside, holding them with the palm of your hand.
  5. Pull out the corners to create petals.

Repeat steps to make as many tissue paper roses as you need.
