Preset is a good opportunity for high-quality image processing
Preset is a good opportunity for high-quality image processing

Capturing a moment with a camera does not make a photographer out of a person. A more important step in working with the resulting image is its editing. There are many programs that allow you to make the photo processing process better and more efficient. But for constant work with photos, you will need presets.

Why do we need presets?

A preset is a file that stores the configuration of several image parameters. This greatly simplifies and improves the work of both professionals and amateurs. Let's take a look at some very good features provided by presets in one of the most popular photo editing software, Adobe Lightroom.

A preset is a preset that is built into Lightroom's photo editing software. It contains settings for quick, compared to manual mode, changing pictures by comparison.

preset it
preset it

Reasons to use Lightroom presets

There are many desired qualities that you want to achieve when processing a photo, and presets will help with this. What it is - it is better to demonstrate on the results that they achieve. And thosereally a lot.

Can save time

A preset is always a huge time saver, because in a few clicks you can do what sometimes takes hours of work. Sometimes it's better to spend a day with fine-grained settings, but then use the results daily.

Ease of use

Even if working with a new software tool is unsettling, getting to grips with Lightroom is not difficult. This will especially help the libraries of settings for photos as presets.

Wide range of choices

preset is that
preset is that

If it is difficult to decide on the processing option, then the presets provide unique opportunities. Trying bright colors, sepia or black and white is not difficult. Quick settings will help to realize all creative ideas. You don't have to be upset if the settings are wrong.

Subtleties of settings

Any preset is an opportunity to customize a set of settings for yourself. It can always be changed without the slightest effort. And you can do it with just a few mouse clicks.


When working with a whole library of photographs, it is difficult to maintain compositional integrity during manual processing. A preset is something that in such a case will allow you to give a series of photographs the appearance of a sequence, which is sometimes very important. Also, pre-installed templates can be used in a complex way.

presets what is it
presets what is it

Why not Photoshop

Amateur photographers may have a question:"Why learn additional software when everyone's favorite Photoshop is there?" There are actually alternatives to presets in Photoshop, they are called "Operations". But Lightroom can sometimes be preferred, as it will suit both pros and amateurs. Any preset will help you get used to working with the program very quickly. This is what - we have already shot and illustrated. And this is a great help for beginners, because Lightroom will help you quickly make amazing images without deep knowledge and skills. Thus, one can become an experimenter and achieve good quality.

To sum it up, Lightroom presets can help you cut down on processing time and greatly improve your variability. The time spent studying them will more than pay for itself later.
