How to knit amigurumi? Cats that will delight children
How to knit amigurumi? Cats that will delight children

Each child will certainly be pleased with amigurumi-cats, crocheted. In addition, they can be made with various additional elements: a bowl, a fish or a flower. Then they will take on their own character and be fun to play with.

amigurumi cats
amigurumi cats

What materials might be required to make amigurumi?

Hook and yarn of different colors. With it, you can get red, black, white or gray amigurumi cats, you can also make clearings and all kinds of decorations for them.

For cat girls, you will need satin ribbons to make them bows on their heads or necks. Thread with a needle to sew the decor to the main details.

Thin wire will be indispensable for tails. Then knitted amigurumi cats will look like living ones.

cat amigurumi scheme
cat amigurumi scheme

Cat without paws, knitted from one piece

Its production starts from the head, or rather from the ears. To do this, you need to dial a chain of eleven loops. On the first loop with three air for lifting, knit two columns with a crochet, complete them in one vertex (lift and twocolumn). This is the first ear. Then there are nine columns without a crochet (hereinafter - the column). In the last loop: three columns with a crochet with one top. Second ear. Repeat the same knitting on the same initial chain to get a circle. All other knitting will be based on it.

Next round: 22 bars. Then you need to evenly add two loops, knitting two columns from one base. Fourth row: connect the columns with a uniform addition of 6 loops. In the fifth to ninth circles, continue work evenly without adding loops.

In the tenth-twelfth, perform a uniform decrease in six columns. This completes the knitting of the head of such a toy as an amigurumi cat. The scheme continues the description of work in the neck of the animal.

Increase 4 bars in one circle. Repeat this work in two more rows. Now it is supposed to fill the cat's head with cotton.

amigurumi cat diagram
amigurumi cat diagram

Continuation of knitting - torso. It begins with three circles in which you need to perform a uniform addition of loops. Namely, 4 columns. Then knit six circles without changing the number of loops. In the last three rows, you will need to make a rounding, that is, evenly reduce the number of columns by 6. Fasten the thread and fill the cat's body with cotton.

Simple amigurumi cats are almost ready. It remains to tie the tail and sew it in place. On the amigurumi ring, knit 4 columns, add 4 more in the first round. Then knit without adding 8 rows. The final part of the tail of the amigurumi cat: three circles withdecrease by two loops.

Stand with a bowl

Stand, which will comfortably accommodate amigurumi cats, is knitted from two parts. The figure below shows a diagram of one such part. If you connect all these rows, you get a very large stand, for example, for two cats at once. If you need to make it for one, then the number of rows should be reduced to 4-5.

cat amigurumi crochet pattern
cat amigurumi crochet pattern

Connect two such parts to each other using half-columns. Insert a thick cardboard circle in the middle.

Cat Bowl:

  • on the amigurumi ring, complete 6 columns;
  • evenly add 6 stitches;
  • repeat the second row twice;
  • two circles to knit without adding columns.

With a white thread, repeat the knitting of the first three rows. This will be milk in a bowl. It will need to be sewn to the bottom. And then put together all the details: a stand, a bowl and an amigurumi cat.

knitted cats amigurumi
knitted cats amigurumi

Heart shaped cat

Although the heart does not seem very simple, it is not difficult to knit. You need to start work with two identical parts that will give the head and back of such a toy as an amigurumi cat (crocheted). The scheme is similar to the one described earlier.

First, you need to tie 6 columns on the amigurumi ring. Then perform an increase of 6 loops in six rows. The next 8 circles knit without increase. The last row must be completed with a decrease in six columns.

These pieces need to be sewn across the width of the back. Then tie around the whole big circle,gradually decreasing the number of columns. This reduction is supposed to be done at the junction of two parts. You get one detail that will already resemble the shape of a heart. This knitting should be continued until a ring of 18-16 stitches is obtained.

Now five laps continue without decreasing. These will be the paws of the amigurumi cat. The part needs to be filled with cotton.

Now you need to tie the foot support. Pick up a coin of such a size that it fits the hole in the legs. Knit two circles of amigurumi and sew a coin between them. It remains to fix this base at the bottom of the heart.

Knit triangles-ears, which are sewn on the head. Create a tail, which is filled with cotton, after inserting a wire into it. Pin. Embroider eyes and nose. Crocheted amigurumi cat is ready.
