Turning and its history
Turning and its history

Among working speci alties, the turning profession has been and remains one of the most sought after. Wood and metal processing is the scope of turning craft. To optimize labor, accuracy and speed of manufacturing parts, there are many machines and other equipment that are constantly being improved, allowing the master to perform the most complex and precise operations.

Specific term

turning business
turning business

Turning has come a long way of development before it acquired the forms of production that we know now. At the present stage, it includes cutting metal and non-metal materials and alloys, applying threads of various types to parts, turning individual elements of equipment and applying various notches, grooves, etc. to them, turning wooden blanks to give them the desired shape. The end products of production are bolts and nuts familiar to us, valves and adapters, plugs and many other fittings, as well as various cases and other parts.

metal turning
metal turning

Turning is closely related to turning production. Under this concept, in principle, any enterprise is suitable where appropriate machines and other tools are installed to work with different materials from single orders to a whole series or line. In order to be able to perform the necessary actions and understand each stage of operations, it is necessary to know the properties of heat treatment of materials well, navigate the drawings and have many other knowledge. Therefore, turning is considered a complex science, closely interacting with related ones.

History and traditions

turnery training
turnery training

If we go back to the distant past, we can remember that our ancestors used dishes that were hollowed out, cut and turned from wood, as well as household items, furniture and even toys. This was done first in a rough way and with improvised means, and then on devices that resembled lathes and became their prototypes. So turned brothers, bowls, cups appeared. Therefore, it is from there that modern turning business takes its origins. And to this day, in decorative arts, folk crafts, chiseled parts and whole products are widely used. For example, various kitchen accessories: coasters for hot kettles, pots and pans, cutting boards, etc.; interior design accessories: wooden “curtains” made of polished wood rounds or sticks, souvenir sculptures and figurines. Lathes process almost any breedwood quickly and accurately, with all the necessary precision. In this case, the size of the product does not play a special role. You can turn a miniature netsuke, indicating even the smallest details, and a large product. Special beauty and expressiveness were given to such objects

the first lathes for wood
the first lathes for wood

et art painting.

With the development of industry, the active use in the production of iron, metal turning was also born, technically close to woodworking. Now, no production process can do without it. The most complex mechanisms are basically made from parts created on lathes. Therefore, a turner, especially a milling machine operator, is always in demand at enterprises. And training in turning is carried out in all specialized vocational schools and in many large plants and factories.


The profession of a turner, interesting and difficult, requires great self-discipline, accuracy and constant self-improvement. This is one of those speci alties that hold the most complex high-tech processes.
