The King's Indian Defense in Chess: Basic Play Variations
The King's Indian Defense in Chess: Basic Play Variations

There is a very interesting opening in chess - the King's Indian Defence. Such a beginning is semi-closed. It provides an opportunity for White to form a strong center in order to actively use the flanks. When pawns are exchanged in the middle of the board, good prospects for piece play remain. As for Black, he is able to successfully apply pressure directly along the half-open files.

King's Indian Defense
King's Indian Defense

Many chess players have been testing various variations of the opening for a long time. Domestic players also made a certain contribution to the development of the system, among which Anatoly Karpov, Alexander Alekhin and Lev Polugaevsky stand out. In practice, only a few options have been actively used.

Familiar classic

In this case, White starts the game according to all the canons of the genre. They form an extended center of pawns, while actively developing the pieces located on the kingside. This is done for short castling. Tension in the middle of the board makes it difficult for the opponent to develop a flank with the queen and prevents possible counterplay.

IdeallyThe King's Indian Defense for White presupposes the complete completion of development on the part of the king. Attacks are built from the flank where the queen is located. The black pieces still have several possibilities for using counterplay. If necessary, the former can resort to all sorts of deviations, but they do not pose such difficulties for the opponent as the classical system.

King's Indian defense in chess
King's Indian defense in chess

When using modern formations, one usually prepares for a very complex game. Each side is required to be active and make the most accurate moves. As a rule, it is the one who finds the weaknesses of the enemy on one flank, while neutralizing the threats on the other, who achieves victory.

Zemish system

One of the most dangerous is the King's Indian defense for black, when the game is based on white's attack on the center using counter-attacks, usually carried out after castling. This is primarily due to the fact that it was possible to save pace to create a fast offensive. One of the most flexible defenses is the way to develop the knight on c6. Black pieces in this case, under certain circumstances, can counterattack with pawns. White has to limit himself to a quiet game with a short castling or to carry out an offensive with pawns. In both cases, Black has excellent chances to develop counterplay.

Averbakh system

There is a King's Indian defense aimed at suppressing the black counteroffensive. Promotion is carried out on cellsf7-f5 and e7-e5. It should be noted that White's development strategy is mainly designed for the exchange of heavy pieces. The emerging pawn structure and freedom in the central part promise White better chances in the final stage.

King's Indian Defense for Black
King's Indian Defense for Black

The best play for black could be a quick undermining of white directly in the middle of the field. Only the high activity of the pieces in combination with tactical techniques allows them to maintain some balance within the framework of such a game.

King's Indian Defense with four pawns

This variation can bring a significant advantage to the white pieces on the chessboard. However, this strategy also has disadvantages. The line of pawns hampers the movement of the bishops. In addition, the construction of the central barrier takes time. Black at this time can quickly deploy his own forces. The applied King's Indian Defense in this execution forces White to reinforce the center with other pieces. Black, on the other hand, tends to provoke a clash in the near future, since he has an advantage in development. In practice, it becomes noticeable that hitting white in the middle is quite effective.

Option with the development of the bishop on g2

This system is quite dangerous and difficult to master, just like the King's Indian Defense in Zemish chess. However, it is distinguished by its versatility. With the help of the flank efforts of the bishop, pressure is exerted on the central part of the playing field. It is aimed precisely at the queenside. At the same time, the position of the king is strengthened after the implementation of a shortcastling.

King's Indian Defence: variations
King's Indian Defence: variations

As a counterbalance, Black can use the Yugoslav variant, which implies active play on the flanks with a sufficiently fortified center. The final result will largely depend on whether White manages to correctly use the relatively passive position of the black knight from the queen.

Final part

The ways in which the King's Indian Defense can be built were discussed above. In fact, not all options are listed, but only the most promising of them. It is also worth highlighting the Makogonov system, in which White tries to limit Black's potential opportunities on the kingside, while maintaining interesting prospects on the opposite side of the chessboard.
