Multifunctional application "car"
Multifunctional application "car"

Boys of all ages love transportation. This love can be used so that the son puts on this or that thing, fills in the gaps in mathematics, falls asleep during the day without whims, eats all the porridge … The main thing is that the application "car" in one form or another should be in the child's field of vision. It can be sewn, embroidered, knitted, made of paper. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Paper transport

Paper applications are good for postcards, panels. At the same time, boys are happy to make cars, not saying that "handicraft" is a girl's occupation, and dads are pleased to receive gifts from their sons on their birthday, professional holiday or February 23.

Unusual postcard in the shape of a car. Find any template, transfer it to folded thick paper. It is better to take a car that has a wide side, trunk, body, where the fold of the postcard will be located. Cut out the card on three sides. It turns out a car that can be opened. Now decorate the outer and inner side of the card, write congratulations.

You can make a classic greeting card with a gift box, and when you open it, a three-dimensional application "car" will decompose. Just cut the strip when bending the sheet, bend it in the opposite direction, glue the car. Now, when you open the postcard, the car will "break" forward. Next, draw the landscape (sky, road, hills).

Police, fire truck, ambulance

From felt, drape, velvet and other non-shrinking material, you can build any transport, be it a police, ambulance or fire truck. To do this, print out a template of cars from coloring pages for kids, as they have a simple, large image, simplified in detail. Cut all the pieces.

applique fire truck
applique fire truck

To make a police car, you need a white body, a black hood with a trunk, wheels, blue rims, red flashing lights, yellow headlights. Glasses can be omitted, their color will be from the basis of the product. From white felt, cut out a one-piece template of a police car. On this base you pin the rest of the details, sew on a sewing machine or manually.

According to this plan, another application is being made (fire truck, ambulance). They need several. Sew adhesive tape on the back. Sew a regular rectangular rug with road markings. Sew Velcro on the "road". Official vehicles can now drive in any direction.

Applique "truck"

Small pillows with trucks look original. Pillowcases are made as followsway.

applique machine lucky harvest
applique machine lucky harvest
  • Open two cotton squares to fit the pillow (take into account the volume, allowances, zipper space).
  • Appliqué with self-adhesive fabric, ironing the details with a hot iron.
  • Further, glue the machine to the front side of one part, sew the edges with an overcast stitch.
  • Sew the three sides of the pillowcase inside out, turn inside out.
  • Sew a zipper on the bottom.
  • Put the pillowcase over the pillow.

Knitted or sewn elements perfectly hide a spot, a hole on children's things. For example, a T-shirt can be decorated with a bright appliqué "The machine is carrying the harvest." It is not necessary to buy it, you can sew it.

To do this, cut out the entire pickup template from cotton. Sew wheels, disks, a bumper, a window onto it. Stitch or zigzag all the lines. Separately sew a box with a pumpkin (take a dense material). Prick the details on the T-shirt, sew on with an overcast seam.

Applique "passenger car"

Who owns a crochet can knit any model. Knitted applique will decorate a scarf, hat, blanket, rug. To tie a car, cast on a chain of thirteen loops. On the first row, starting from the third loop, knit eleven columns with a crochet.

applique machine
applique machine

The next row increases by three columns (an increase from the hood). The third is left unchanged. If, when knitting, the thread turned out to be on the side of the trunk, go through the product with connecting posts, and thengo to the fourth row.

In the fourth row, a hood is knitted (five columns), for the window, dial five loops, stepping back three columns, knit two columns with two crochets, for the second window, dial the same chain and in the last two columns of the third row knit two columns with two crochets and one top.

The last row is a binding of the entire application with single crochets. Next, knit round wheels. First, shape the car (if necessary, iron the edges through cheesecloth), then sew on the wheels.

Knitted applications

Please note that thick yarn will make a voluminous appliqué. A machine made of fine yarn will hold its shape if you knit simple columns with loops, that is, the thread is knitted with a column and a relief is created.

bulk applique machine
bulk applique machine

If you are making a blanket, a bedspread, then take soft yarn for applications, dense blanks are needed for rugs. First you make cars, then you knit colored squares. Distribute blanks (take pictures of all options, then choose the best one).

Then sew appliques on the squares according to the pattern of the product. Then you tie all the elements with the main color, connect them with each other. The resulting rug is tied with multi-colored posts or sewn on with braid.

applique truck
applique truck

Such applications can be used in a developing book or on a rug, supplemented with other elements. Then the machines will be removable. And they are attached to the base with adhesive tape,buttons, ropes, buttons, zippers. They can be made convex by adding filler.


Application "machine" performs a number of functions: develops children's motor skills when working with paper, felt or textile postcards; decorates clothes, pillows, plaid, bedspreads; hides flaws on children's things; enriches the cognitive sphere of the child with the active participation of an adult.
