How to make a car out of cardboard? Small and large car options
How to make a car out of cardboard? Small and large car options

For various exhibitions of crafts and just for playing with children, you can make cars out of cardboard. These can be small table toys, as well as large floor toys, in which the child will fit himself. Children love to help make and color to create a purpose for the craft. It can be an ambulance, a fire engine or a character from the cartoon "Cars".

In the article, we will look at how to make a cardboard car with your own hands from different materials.

Carton cylinder machine

As materials needed to assemble such a desktop toy, you will need a solid cardboard cylinder left after using toilet paper. Before you make a small car out of cardboard, in its central part you need to make a rectangular hole with a knife, which is intended for the driver. It is not necessary to cut the paper completely - a backrest for the seat is made from the strip that turned out in the center. The steering wheel can be cut separately from other cardboard.

how to make a car out of cardboard
how to make a car out of cardboard

It remains to attach the wheels. Before you make a car out of cardboard, you need to buy thick sheets of paper from which the wheels will be made. To make them stronger, it is recommended to glue them from several layers. Then the child will be able to put pressure on the toy with his hand, without fear of bending the product.

Wheels are mounted in pairs on bolts or buttons. Details are painted separately, then everything is put together.


Let's look further at how to make a car out of cardboard into which you can load toys, and it will play the role of a cart. It is better to make them with corrugated cardboard using small metal rods. You can take them from another broken machine or take them from waste material.

For the main design, you can pick up a ready-made cookie box or assemble it according to a simple scheme for making rectangular boxes.

how to make a car out of cardboard with your own hands
how to make a car out of cardboard with your own hands

The wheels are attached to the axle. A wire is wound on the ends of a metal rod in several layers. This serves as a stop for the cardboard circles to keep the wheels from falling off. It can be painted as desired by the child in different colors. A rope is tied in front, and the cart is ready.

How to make a car out of cardboard: scheme

Now on sale there are printed diagrams of different models of cardboard machines. These are well-known and popular cars of foreign and Russian companies. If you have a color printer, you can print them fromsites.

Before you make a typewriter out of cardboard, you need to carefully cut it along the contour with scissors, not forgetting the white corners, on which a layer of glue is then smeared.

how to make a garage for cars out of cardboard
how to make a garage for cars out of cardboard

Assembling such a model is easy. You just need to carefully iron your finger in the folds of the paper. But it will be just a static toy, the whole interest of the child is in assembling and cutting out the model. You can collect them for the sake of the collection and keep them under glass in the closet.

Car Garage

If you already have a few homemade cars, then you need to keep them somewhere. It is necessary to build a garage or parking for cars. Before you make a garage for cars out of cardboard, you need to pick up a box of corrugated material of the size we need.

Leave all sides, and the top side is cut off completely. The box is turned upside down. Large square holes are cut on the side for cars to enter.

how to make a car out of cardboard
how to make a car out of cardboard

If you are making a parking lot, then you need to draw places for cars on the roof of it and, of course, make a convenient exit for them. Kids love to roll their cars up the slides, so an externally attached piece of cardboard taped to one side of the garage can do the trick.

You can improve the parking lot by making curbs or garage doors, as well as painting it beautifully. It is interesting to glue the box with colored paper, or you can paint it with markers or gouache paints.

Big fire truck

To make suchspecialized machine need to pick up the corrugated cardboard box. It should not be too thin and high, because the truck is a package turned on its side. Before making a car out of cardboard, you need to carefully glue the sides with tape so that the slot is not visible.

Then you need to cut a hole on top so that you can put a hero-fireman in the car. Wheels can be cut out of another box and simply glued on the bottom of the car. If you want to make them spin, then you need to figure out what they will be mounted on. You can use wooden round sticks from flags, for example.

how to make a small cardboard car
how to make a small cardboard car

It remains to colorfully paint all sides of the fire truck, embellishing them with small details: stairs, headlights, windshield, white stripes, you can write a phone number to call the fire department. It is often written on such cars.

Don't forget to applique to make light signaling lights. To do this, use strips of yellow paper folded into cylinders.

Outdoor car for baby

Children are very fond of all sorts of large containers - boxes, barrels, even cabinets where you can hide or just climb in. Therefore, before making a car out of cardboard for the child himself, you need to check whether he will fit there, think about where the baby can stretch his legs to make it comfortable.

One box is not enough, you will need at least two, and preferably three, as in the photo below. The trunk and hood of the car make them two wholeboxes, sealing their slots with adhesive tape. But over the middle part will have to work hard. If the child does not fit in the center of the car, he has nowhere to put his legs, then you will need to cut off one side of the box from the middle and also the side of the hood adjacent to it. Then the child, sitting in the center of the structure, will be able to stretch his legs into the space of the first box.

how to make a small cardboard car
how to make a small cardboard car

The windshield of a convertible is cut out of the sash, making a rectangular hole in it. Wheels and headlights can be simply glued to the frame.

As you can see, making such interesting crafts with your own hands is not difficult at all, and the joy of the baby will be endless. The main thing is not to be lazy and want to bring joy to the child.
