How to tie slingo beads with your own hands. How to crochet slingo beads
How to tie slingo beads with your own hands. How to crochet slingo beads

Today it has become very fashionable to make slingobuses with your own hands. Mom wears these cute jewelry around her neck with pleasure. And babies can use them to play with or even scratch their gums during teething.

What are slingobuses?

They are also called jokingly mumbuses, as well as "feeding" beads. Perhaps this is because many parents distract the attention of children who do not like to eat porridge or soup from a spoon. Yes, and on the road or on a walk, kids often drag them into their mouths, which could also be the basis for getting this name as a decoration.

Why are they called slingbuses? There is only one explanation for this. The baby, whom parents wear in a sling for a walk, plays with them with pleasure. Although many go for a walk with a stroller or holding a baby in their arms. However, the decorations remained with the interesting name "slingobuses". It is extremely easy to make them with your own hands.

do-it-yourself slingobuses
do-it-yourself slingobuses

What are "feeding" beads made of?

Usually, wooden beads are taken for crafts,carefully washed and processed. But rattles, plastic or rubber animals, crocheted balls, mushrooms, flowers or miniature toys made from yarn, sewn minifigures, medium-sized wooden toys can be used. Since you can make sling beads from a variety of parts, most often craftsmen combine different materials and shapes in one product.

To use wooden toys in making jewelry, you need to drill holes for the thread in them. Such slingobuses, made with their own hands and put on by their mothers around their necks, bring joy to babies, because they are bright, no one scolds if the baby pulls them into their mouths. Often adults tell interesting stories about them: they meow, showing a cat figurine, lowing if a small knitted cow is hanging on the beads, buzzing when a child points his finger at a wooden bee.

how to make slingobuses with your own hands
how to make slingobuses with your own hands

Care for the safety of the crumbs when making mamabus

It is very important, when making "feeding" beads, to follow these rules:

  1. The components of the decoration should not be too small so that the baby does not inadvertently swallow the item.
  2. Materials from which mambuses are made must be natural. When using wooden beads, juniper beads are preferred, which are easy to clean and have bactericidal properties. Cotton yarn is used.
  3. Unacceptable materials are metal, glass, polymer clay. Beads with overhead elements, as well as those made of plastic, should be abandoned.
  4. You can't use easily torn threads when assembling a slingobus, as they can break and the parts fall apart, at best, or end up in the baby's mouth and be swallowed, at worst. The ideal option for this product would be a thick fishing line, which, after assembling the jewelry, must be carefully knotted and soldered. Silk braid and satin ribbon are good to use, tied or sewn at the junction.
how to crochet slingo beads
how to crochet slingo beads

Slingo beads with miniature knitted toys

Animal figurines will entertain the baby extremely. And since you can crochet sling beads using not only beads, but also cool animals, you need to take care of their implementation. Craftsmen will not be difficult to make them. Crocheted miniature toys are a kind of art form. It is interesting and exciting to engage in it, but this hobby requires perseverance and accuracy.

how to make slingobuses
how to make slingobuses

Slingo beads as women's jewelry

Of course, a woman who wears this kind of jewelry must also make sure that it is beautiful. It's good if mumbuses are combined in color with a sling or raincoat, outfit or other accessories.

Often, in the manufacture of slingobus, rings tied with lace are used - this is very stylish, modern. And while playing with them, the baby's fingertips are involved, which has a beneficial effect on the development of brain activity.

how to knit slingo beads
how to knit slingo beads

Slingobuses rattling

At first, children are happy to play with “feeding” beads. But soon it gets boring, and mom again has to entertain the baby during long trips or waiting for an appointment at the clinic. What can be done to arouse a child's interest in slingobuses?

Resourceful mothers came up with: you need to build such decorations that will rattle! The sounds are sure to grab your baby's attention. And in order not to hang an ordinary rattle on themselves, which is most often quite large for a slingo bus, the clever ones came up with their own original way out. They decided to use a Kinder Surprise container.

It's easy to guess how to tie rattling slingo beads using this plastic drop-down egg. After all, you just need to crochet it, just as it is done for making beads. But first, you need to put a few small items that can rattle in the container.

do-it-yourself slingobus schemes
do-it-yourself slingobus schemes

Solid Bead Pattern

The easiest way to make is to use ready-made large beads as a basis. They can be taken from already unnecessary jewelry. But if there are none, then the craftswomen make the base of the foil from the chocolate bar, rolling a ball of the desired size out of it.

Crochet it should be tied. To do this, use the method of knitting a single crochet in the event that it is decided to knit with a continuous strapping. For beginner craftswomen who decide to make slingobuses with their own hands, the schemes proposed here will be a good help.

Only need to considerwhat:

  • abbreviation RLS means "single crochet";
  • asterisks indicate duplicate reports;
  • behind the equal sign is the number of loops obtained after knitting.

Lace slingo beads: crochet pattern

Such decorations are so beautiful that any mother will be happy to put them on even if she goes for a walk without a baby. Since it is impossible to make sling beads with your own hands using the “lace” technique without a base, the craftswoman will need large juniper beads. This is the knitting pattern. First, a ring of five air loops is made.

  • 1 row - increase. From each loop, two columns with two crochets are knitted. The result is 10 loops.
  • 2 row - increase. To lift, you should knit two air loops,3 columns with two crochets from the second loop (one is skipped not knitted)- repeat the report 5 times. The result should be 15 loops.
  • 3 row - increase. To lift, knit two air loops,4 columns with two crochets from the third loop (two are skipped not knitted)- repeat the report 5 times. The result should be 20 loops.
  • 4 row - increase. If the volume is sufficient, then you should start reducing the loops. If the volume is small, then you can continue to increase using the specified algorithm. That is, to lift, you should knit two air loops,5 columns with two crochets from each fourth loop (three are skipped not knitted)- repeat the report 5 times. As a result, it shouldmake 25 stitches.

Reduce stitches in reverse order.

  • 1 row - decrease (for the option when formed with an increase of 25 loops). Two air loops are knitted for lifting. Knit five double crochet stitches so that they all remain on the working hook, then make one loop, knitting all six loops together, three air loops- the report is repeated 5 times, resulting in 20 loops.
  • 2 row - decrease. Two air loops are knitted for lifting. Knit 4 double crochets so that they all remain on the working hook, then make one loop, knitting all 5 loops together, 2 air loops- the report is repeated 5 times, resulting in 15 loops.
  • 3 row - decrease. Two air loops are knitted for lifting. Knit 3 double crochets so that they all remain on the working hook, then make one loop, knitting all 4 loops together, 1 air loop- the report is repeated 5 times, resulting in 10 loops.
  • 4 row - decrease. Two air loops are knitted for lifting. Knit 2 double crochets so that they all remain on the working hook, then make one loop by knitting all 3 loops together- the report is repeated 5 times, resulting in 5 loops. Knitting ends: the thread is cut off and dragged into the last loop, tightening it.

Slingo beads are an eco-friendly decoration toy that brings joy to both mothers and their babies. And madewith their own hands, they are still the pride of a mother or grandmother, an expression of their creative imagination.
