Dmitry Krikun is a popular photographer and blogger
Dmitry Krikun is a popular photographer and blogger

Dmitry Krikun is a popular photographer and blogger who lives and works in Moscow. In his work, he uses professional photographic equipment.

Dmitry Krikun posts his work on all his pages on social networks.

Dmitry's customers can only be people who have reached the age of 14, not younger. Currently, the photographer operates only in Moscow, he does not travel to other cities for work.

Dmitry gives the finished result within two weeks, according to the signed contract with the customer, if there are no other special conditions.

Dmitry Krikun photographer
Dmitry Krikun photographer

There are a lot of positive reviews about Dmitry Krikun. He is considered a young and gifted photographer, whose work is very popular. He has a lot of fans among the younger generation, although he himself prefers to work with older people.

Dmitry Krikun. Biography

The photographer is only 22 years old, and he already has thousands of subscribers and fans all over Russia. He has a funny pseudonym Oleg. Why Oleg? This is his dark and extraordinary side. Dmitry Krikun shoots a large number of videos and posts them on his channel. They are based on absurd humor, whichunderstandable only to some people, but not so few.

Dmitry Krikun biography
Dmitry Krikun biography

Dmitry is very zealous about his work and does not give any advice or comments on the use of photographic equipment. And also does not conduct master classes and various trainings.


Dmitry has a lot of different pages in all popular social networks such as Instagram, VKontakte, YouTube, Periscope, Twitter, etc.

You can always email Dmitry to discuss your ideas.

Cost of work

To order photography from Dmitry, you can contact him via e-mail. In the letter, you can describe in detail the upcoming work. Dmitry Krikun is a photographer who takes on all interesting shoots, even the most difficult ones. There are no obstacles and barriers for him.

Dmitry Krikun
Dmitry Krikun

The cost of each shooting is discussed separately. Everything will depend on the complexity of what the customer comes up with. But any final price agreement will also include:

  • two-hour work of a photographer;
  • processing top 10 photos.

The average cost of a photo walk is about 5,000 rubles.

Each processing of an additional photo (besides 10) will cost 350 rubles

Make-up artist can work in a team with Dmitry(cost of works from 3000 rubles) and stylist (cost of works from 2500 rubles).

Dmitry works only if an advance payment is made to a Sberbank card. This is necessary to guarantee your visit to the shoot. Rescheduling or canceling a shoot is possible only at least two days before the approved date. Otherwise, the prepayment goes towards compensation to the photographer. Dmitry took this step based on his negative experience in working with some customers. He considers the advance payment under the contract a guarantee for both parties to the transaction.
