Master class: beaded flowers. With our own hands we will make a charming hyacinth
Master class: beaded flowers. With our own hands we will make a charming hyacinth

Delicate and graceful flowers made with your own hands from beads can not only enliven and diversify the interior of your home, but also become an excellent gift for your loved ones. In this article, we will share with you an easy tutorial on how to make these adorable items.

DIY beaded flowers
DIY beaded flowers

You will definitely learn how to weave flowers from beads with your own hands. The main thing is to be patient and give this creative activity a few hours of your time.

Flowers from beads: we will make a bright hyacinth with our own hands

how to weave flowers from beads
how to weave flowers from beads

To complete this craft, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • copper wire;
  • white, yellow and green beads;
  • ceramic plant pot;
  • gypsum;
  • thick wire for stem;
  • green threads of medium thickness;
  • pliers;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

So, let's look at how to weave flowers from beads -cheerful hyacinths. We take a copper wire 21 cm long and string white beads on it (17 pcs.). A piece of wire with strung beads should be equal to 3 cm. We make a loop, twisting the wire twice, we get the first petal. We string beads on two ends of the working wire and make two more petals. After three loops are made, we twist the entire bundle in three turns. Now we string 22-23 beads to get a piece of wire equal to 4 cm, and form a loop. We make two more four-centimeter loops and twist together. Now we have a small flower, consisting of three smaller loops in the center and three large ones at the edges. We need to give the petals a more realistic shape, so we crush the loops, making the petals sharp. Now let's take another piece of wire, string yellow beads (6 pcs.) On it and twist the loop. Carefully insert the yellow core into the petals and twist the ends of all the wires together. Everything, one flower is ready. In order to make such flowers from beads with your own hands, you will need a lot of inflorescences. To weave one plant, you need to make 19 more similar parts.

Chic hyacinths - we create flowers from beads with our own hands

After all the inflorescences are ready, you can start weaving the petals. We take the wire and string green beads on it (60-70 pcs.). We measure a piece of 12 cm from the edge of the wire and twist it to form a loop. We string more beads on the second end of the wire and twist from the other end. Repeat the same until you get fivesegments that are parallel, and hide the excess wire in adjacent beads. One leaf is ready. By the same principle, we create 5 more sheets.

DIY beaded flowers: putting all the details together

how to make a beaded flower
how to make a beaded flower

In order to put together all the parts of the flower, take a piece of thick wire about 40 cm long and bend it in half. It will serve as the stem of the hyacinth. Crimp the fold point with pliers. We take three flowers and fasten them with a green thread to the wire. The remaining 17 inflorescences are evenly placed along the stem, not forgetting to fix them with a thread. Attach leaves to the bottom of the wire. Now you know how to make a hyacinth flower from beads. As you can see, it's not difficult at all. To complete our work, it remains only to place the flower in a pot. To do this, we make a gypsum mortar. We place a hyacinth stem in a pot and fill it with gypsum, not reaching about 1 cm to the edges. Let the piece dry. After the gypsum has set well, you can cover it with PVA glue and pour green beads. That's all, such a bright and beautiful hyacinth in a flower pot will decorate any living space.
