Knitted handmade dolls by Hunchback Julia
Knitted handmade dolls by Hunchback Julia

Amigurumi is a Japanese crochet toy technique. At the moment, this technique is one of the most popular in the world. But it is the Russian craftswomen who achieve the greatest success. So the needlewoman Yulia Gorbunova has been knitting such cute and beautiful dolls for four years. Read more about pupae, master classes, technique of execution in this article.

What is amigurumi?

As the name suggests, amigurumi is something that came to us from the land of the rising sun. Translated from Japanese means "knitted soft toy". Japanese needlewomen have been doing this work for several centuries.

Even in ancient times, such dolls were made from religious beliefs, superstitions and so on. But lately, the amigurumi technique has begun to take on a new look. Most often, craftswomen and craftsmen from all over the world began to crochet unusual dolls. Amigurumi dolls are so cute and cute that not only girls, but also adults fell in love.

Yulia Gorbunova

Julia Gorbunova
Julia Gorbunova

Just a few years (4-5 years) amigurumi dolls are popular in Russia. There are a lot of Russian craftswomen, but in this article we will talk about one of the most talented - Julia Gorbunova.

Yulia lives in the city of Yekaterinburg, she is 32 years old, she is married and has a child. Daughter for Julia is the main inspiration. After all, who, if not she, can appreciate the beauty of dolls.

This girl has been knitting for a long time, but she started knitting amigurumi-style cotton dolls recently. In almost two years, our needlewoman has achieved high results. Each doll is getting better and better, and the craftsmanship is improving.

Puppet technique

knitted doll
knitted doll

Immediately after Yulia knitted her first amigurumi doll, she realized that this is what she would like to do. The doll turned out to be just a beauty, the second one is even better. And Julia came to the conclusion that she wants to create her own doll using a unique technology.

Gorbunova Julia honed her technique for several months until she achieved the result she was striving for. She wanted to create a chrysalis figure close to the proportions of a beautiful female hourglass figure.

The lines of Yulia Gorbunova's puppet figure are smooth and feminine. The dolls have breasts, wide hips and a narrow waist. But everything is connected in a way that is very similar to the real proportions of a woman.

So, Yulia got her own doll pattern, according to which she knits her beauties and shares master classes with other needlewomen. She also carries out individual orders for photos. That is, it is possibleorder a doll that looks like you or your loved ones.

Dolls by Yulia Gorbunova

Yulia Gorbunova doll
Yulia Gorbunova doll

Having looked at all the works of this craftswoman, you can see that each doll looks special. You fall in love with carefully selected images at first sight. The technique of work, tight and neat knitting and ideal proportions of the body delight.

Dolls are crocheted from 100% German quality cotton. Even after a while, pellets will not appear on the chrysalis, it will not deform and will not lose its density. It is made without a frame, only there are wires in the handles, so they can bend. The doll can stand on its own. It is connected in one piece, no details are sewn on.

The hair of the dolls is natural, sewn very tightly. You can make various hairstyles, braid them and comb them.

Julia also makes outfits for dolls herself - she knits and sews. All clothes are removed from the doll. To order, you can make a whole wardrobe for the doll.

Master classes by Yulia Gorbunova

doll knitted amigurumi
doll knitted amigurumi

Yulia Gorbunova shares her experience with other craftswomen. She has developed her master classes for those wishing to repeat her masterpieces. MK by Yulia Gorbunova for crocheting dolls is designed according to a unique pattern.

The materials written by Yulia Gorbunova are saved in PDF format for convenience and are very easy to study. In addition to written master classes, there are video lessons. Everything is described in detail and clearly - from tips on choosing yarn to a detailed analysis of the knitting pattern. All Julia's lessonsGorbunova are designed for those who are already familiar with the skills of crocheting and knitting for accessories.

There are several workshops that Julia sells. The price depends on the doll, the complexity of execution and unique elements. The approximate cost of Yulia Gorbunova's dolls according to MK is from 590-1250 rubles.

MK for 590 rubles - these are patterns for making pupae with a frame, with a simple and sweet face without expressive eyes, breasts and hips.

MK worth from 1250 rubles are more advanced dolls with knitted eyes, legs, hips and chest.

Julia calls each special doll by name: Sofa, Milena, Bella.


If you know how to crochet, have beginner skills and want to knit the same beauty as Julia can do, you just need to learn. Such beautiful and amazing dolls cannot leave any craftswoman indifferent. Create for the joy of yourself and the people around you.
