A selection of patterns for cross stitch sheep and goats
A selection of patterns for cross stitch sheep and goats

Very often animals become the object of embroidery. These are kittens, and dogs, and tigers or lions. Much less frequently, schemers choose other animals. Large, full-scale cross stitch patterns of a sheep, cow, goat or pig are hard to find. But they often become the object of small works, usually in a cartoon style. We have compiled a small selection of goat and sheep patterns for cross stitch.

Goats in the world of embroidery

Always and throughout the world, goats have been a symbol of abundance and concern for food. Remember at least the famous nurse of Zeus and her cornucopia. The goat in embroidery is no exception. Among needlewomen, there is a sign that an embroidered goat will bring prosperity and abundance to the house.

Goats are rarely seen on the schemes of world developers, and it's almost impossible to find a really well-designed set. Most of these schemes were developed on the eve of 2015 and timed to coincide with the year of this animal according to the Chinese calendar.

Image"Goat" primitive
Image"Goat" primitive

However, the lack of such works in the assortmentmanufacturers does not reduce the interest in this topic on the part of embroiderers. And demand, as you know, creates supply. Currently, you can find all kinds of author's schemes with goats.

Sheep: cross stitch pattern

Sheep itself - a symbol of purity and immaculate sacrifice - in the circles of experienced embroiderers has acquired the meaning of future prosperity and abundance. And lambs on cross-stitch patterns are much more common than goats. Embroideries with sheep are recommended to be hung on the western wall of the house and framed in a white baguette.

Sheep cross stitch pattern
Sheep cross stitch pattern

Sheep look equally good on different schemes. For example, on classic children's embroideries, as in the photo above.

Primitive "Christmas sheep"
Primitive "Christmas sheep"

Primitives are also popular now - schemes with imitation of simple (without attention to detail) patterns, stylized in the old days.

You can work on a complex sampler if you wish.

Sampler "Sheep"
Sampler "Sheep"

Sheep cross stitch patterns are especially often used in children's metrics. Here you can see a direct reference to the sheep as a symbol of innocence and purity. Plus, little lambs are incredibly adorable.

Children's metric with sheep
Children's metric with sheep

Design and style

Even if you close your eyes to superstition and symbolism, you can't help but admit that charming white lamb clouds look especially good in white baguettes. But this is far from the only design option.

Pillow with embroidery
Pillow with embroidery

Finished embroideryyou can, for example, arrange in a pillow. Experienced embroiderers use water-soluble canvas to embellish children's clothing with their work.

Tablecloth with embroidery
Tablecloth with embroidery

Sheep is one of the symbols of Catholic Easter, in Catholic countries they are often used for embroidery on tablecloths and napkins.
