How to crochet a teddy bear
How to crochet a teddy bear

Not only children are delighted with knitted toys. Adults are also very happy when they receive such an unusual and original gift. However, in order to connect the intended character, it is important to have special skills. Which are absent from novice masters. Therefore, in the article we propose to study the technology of crocheting a bear cub.

Where to start

Experienced needlewomen say that knitting toys is a very fruitful activity. And not only because it allows you to occupy yourself with creative work. Much more important is that as a result it is possible to get an amazing and original creation that will delight all family members and, first of all, the needlewoman herself. Therefore, those who once ventured to make a knitted toy fall in love with this technique forever.

Professional craftsmen note that it is much more convenient to do various crafts with a hook than with knitting needles. They also say that knitted bears are the most popular. However, in order to make a really beautiful craft, you need to prepare. FirstIt’s up to you to decide which bear you want to knit. It can be a Teddy bear, the Soviet Olympic Bear, Umka, or even a talking bear from the American comedy The Third Extra. In the material presented below, we will analyze in detail how to crochet a Teddy bear cub. After all, it is he who is the most sought-after toy.

knitted bear step by step
knitted bear step by step

Yarn selection

Knitted toys are made using the amigurumi technique. The features are detailed below. In the meantime, consider the most suitable knitting threads for work. Experienced craftsmen are convinced that acrylic yarn is best for doing the crafts being studied. If the product is being prepared as a gift for a child, it is wiser to consider children's yarn. Among which it is easy to choose the right color. In this case, we need gray - the main one, white - for the muzzle, blue - for the nose, black - for stitching parts. In this case, it is better to choose skeins of one company. But it is better not to use fluffy or multilayer yarn. At least for beginner needlewomen. It is inconvenient to work with her. In addition, a crocheted teddy bear may turn out to be too perforated. That is, the filler will be visible through the knitted fabric. The product will look sloppy and, accordingly, ugly.

Hook search

Experienced needlewomen advise with special care and scrupulousness to approach the choice of a tool that will be used to knit the intended product. Traditionally, for various things, knitters use a hook equal to the thickness of the thread. However, the technologyamigurumi has its own characteristics. And the hook size applies to them. Craftswomen who knit toys professionally say that crocheting a teddy bear should be done in such a way that the knitting is as tight as possible. Therefore, it is wiser to consider a thinner instrument. You need to focus on the selected yarn. Also, do not purchase too long a hook. Ideal is one that fits well in the hand.

Additional items

Many novice needlewomen, having decided to make a knitted toy, think for a long time about what filler to choose for stuffing their crafts. Experienced craftswomen are convinced that it is best to fill a crocheted little teddy bear or a large one with holofiber. This will allow you to wash and dry it without problems if necessary. It is better not to use cotton wool or batting. This material will dry for a very long time, flowing down, leaving reddish-brown marks on the toy. In addition, the bear will be quite heavy.

crochet bear description
crochet bear description

It is also worth noting that professional knitters buy filler in large quantities in a specialized store. Because they need to fill a lot of toys. If the reader just wants to learn a new skill or try his hand at a technique of interest, you can use the inside of a gutted pillow or an unnecessary blanket as stuffing. You can also put fabric trimmings in a crocheted teddy bear. But in this case, the craft can also turn out to be heavy. In addition, washing it will not be very convenient.

"Magic" amigurumi ring

Perhaps the reader has heard of the term that we have formed in the title of the current paragraph? If not, then we will explain that the amigurumi ring is another feature of this technique. Knitting of any craft begins with it. Including our teddy bear. However, it does not imply any hard-to-perform actions. Next, we invite readers to study detailed instructions for making an amigurumi ring:

  1. First of all, we take the prepared yarn.
  2. And wrap the thread around the index and middle fingers.
  3. Resulting in a loop.
  4. Which must be carefully removed.
  5. And tie with six single crochets.
  6. Connect the first and last loop.
  7. And then gently pull off the middle of the resulting circle.
  8. To do this, pull the beginning of the thread.
  9. So we started crochet amigurumi bear.
  10. In the next row we need to double the number of loops. To do this, we knit two new ones from each column of the bottom row.
  11. Then we knit three rows according to specific instructions.
  12. And turn the circle towards us with the other side. Due to this, the initial thread will be inside the teddy bear.
  13. We carry out further work, also moving in a circle, but in the other direction.
crochet bear
crochet bear


Having done a competent preparation and having analyzed all the features of the studied technique, you can start crocheting a teddy bear. Beginswork from the implementation of the largest detail - the body of the bear. To do this, take the main yarn and carefully study the sequence of actions described below:

  1. Make a loop, forming an amigurumi ring, and tie with six single crochets.
  2. In the first row, we knit two new ones from each loop of the bottom row.
  3. In the second, we increase after one single crochet, in the third - after two.
  4. In the fourth row we knit two single crochets from one loop of the bottom row, keeping an interval of three columns.
  5. We knit the next five rows without changes, just moving in a circle.
  6. In the tenth row, we carry out the first reductions. We knit two columns without a crochet and fasten them with a single loop. Interval - one bar.
  7. Further description of the crochet teddy bear implies a simple knitting of the current number of loops. Therefore, we knit five rows without increases and decreases.
  8. In the fifteenth row we make a decrease, keeping an interval of five columns.
  9. After that we stuff the body of the bear with the prepared filler.
  10. We knit the sixteenth row, making a decrease through one column.
  11. Job done!

Bear head

crochet teddy bear
crochet teddy bear

In the next part of the instructions on how to crochet a teddy bear, we will analyze the technology for performing the most important detail of our craft. To do this, we prepare yarn in two colors. Since we are starting with the spout, we take white knitting thread. Then we dive into the creative process, following the description:

  1. First thingform an amigurumi ring.
  2. In the second row we make an increase every three columns.
  3. The third and fourth rows are knitted in a circle without changes.
  4. Go to gray yarn.
  5. In the fifth and eighth, we double the number of loops, knitting two new columns from each loop of the previous row.
  6. In the sixth, we increase through one column.
  7. In the seventh - two columns later.
  8. The next four rows are knitted unchanged.
  9. Next, we begin to cut the loops. In the thirteenth row, we decrease after three columns.
  10. The fourteenth and fifteenth rows are simply knitted.
  11. In the sixteenth, we decrease through two columns.
  12. In the seventeenth - through one column.
  13. Knit the next row without changes.
  14. In the nineteenth we decrease half of the loops.
  15. Twentieth we knit without changes.
  16. Cut the thread and pass through the remaining loops.

Ears for a bear

Experienced needlewomen say that it is not necessary to crochet a Teddy bear. Beginners can use the described technology to perform any other white or brown fluffy. If desired, you can even tie a panda. You just need to pick up knitting threads of the appropriate colors. Of course, not a single teddy bear can do without ears. Therefore, next we will find out how to complete this detail:

  1. Work begins with knitting an amigurumi ring.
  2. After we divide the number of loops by three.
  3. 2/3 ears are knitted with increments through two columns.
  4. Remaining 1/3connecting posts.
  5. Repeat the last two steps one more time.
  6. Next, 2/3 of the ear we knit three rows without changes with simple columns, and 1/3 - connecting.
  7. According to the described instructions, we are preparing two parts.
knitting pattern
knitting pattern

Upper legs

If you look closely at the crocheted bear cubs, you will notice that the upper and lower legs differ in size. Therefore, you should knit in two parts, and not the same all four. First of all, we study the technology of making the upper paws or handles:

  1. Form an amigurumi ring.
  2. We make an increase in two columns, and in the next row - in three.
  3. After four rows, knit without changes.
  4. In the seventh row we make a decrease through two columns.
  5. From the eighth to the eleventh row we make decreases with an interval of three columns.
  6. We knit the twelfth and thirteenth row without changes.
  7. In the fourteenth we cut half the loops.
  8. Cut the thread and pass through the remaining loops.

Lower legs

At this point, we are studying the technology of making the legs of our bear:

  1. First of all, we form an amigurumi ring.
  2. We make an increase through one column, and in the next row - through two.
  3. After six rows, knit without changes.
  4. In the seventh row we make a decrease through two columns.
  5. From the eighth to the eleventh row we make decreases with an interval of three columns.
  6. The next three rows are knitted without changes.
  7. In the fifteenth row, we decrease after threecolumn.
  8. Then we knit two rows without changes.
  9. In the eighteenth year, we cut half the loops.
  10. Cut the thread and pass through the remaining loops.
how to crochet a teddy bear
how to crochet a teddy bear

How to make a bear that can stand

Many needlewomen prefer to crochet such crochet toys as cubs that "know how" to stand. If desired, the reader can also make a similar craft. To do this, you just need to tie the paws differently. For some beginners, this option seems much simpler and more convenient. However, everyone must decide for themselves. We can share instructions with readers. Which consists of the following actions:

  1. Work begins with the formation of an amigurumi ring.
  2. After we knit a circle of the desired size.
  3. Having reached the desired, we knit the item in height. We just move in a circle without increases and decreases.
  4. Then we gradually shorten the loops. Professional craftsmen say that it is better to fix the initial addition of loops and complete the part in the same way. That is, make decreases instead of increases.

If the reader liked this description more, they can be used when knitting the upper legs. But we would like to remind you once again that the lower legs should be larger than the upper ones! It is also important to mention that no matter which option the reader prefers, the paws will need to be well stuffed.

Collecting the bear cub

When all the details are ready, you can proceed to the final part of our instructions. On herwe have to use a needle and thread and sew the upper and lower legs, the head to the body. Ears should be attached to the last part. It should also be supplemented with eyes. Moreover, for these purposes, you can use simple black beads or ready-made eyes. You can buy them at any craft store. Also, if desired, you can make "live" eyes yourself. Experienced needlewomen prefer to knit them, starting with an amigurumi ring and continuing to add to the desired circle size. Beginners glue eyes from colored cardboard. After that, both options are covered with a thick layer of Moment glue. Dry and use as directed. The spout for a teddy bear can be knitted, embroidered or made in the same way as eyes. In any case, it is important not to forget to complement the finished craft with brows and constrictions depicting fingers.

knitted bear
knitted bear

Teddy Bear Highlight

We presented to your attention a master class: "Crochet a teddy bear". However, in the end, it is important to note: those who decide to knit a Teddy bear cannot do without one more step. Stripes of a careless patch on the side, paws or head of a bear cub. For its implementation, it is best to use a piece of felt in a contrasting color. Although you can also knit square patches.

Knitted toys are becoming more and more popular every day. They are easy to perform. But if the needlewoman has imagination and the necessary knowledge and skills, it turns out to create a real masterpiece.
