Crochet toys: patterns for beginners and a detailed description
Crochet toys: patterns for beginners and a detailed description

Crochet is a very exciting type of needlework. Regarding the knitting needles, this tool is very convenient. Firstly, he is alone, there is no need to coordinate both hands at once, it is more convenient for them to pick up the thread, only 1 open loop remains in the knitting process, respectively, the loops cannot slip and unravel, ruining the product globally, different types of columns can adjust the height of the line and so Further. Of course, there are also disadvantages, for example, the fabric connected with this tool turns out to be quite rigid and practically does not stretch, however, if we talk about interior napkins, decorative umbrellas or toys, then these are also rather positive aspects of this technique. Learning to knit is quite simple and interesting.

Bear crochet
Bear crochet

It is especially exciting to do this when creating crochet amigurumi toys. Schemes for beginners to work in this technique are easy to find on the Internet. As a rule, they are small, but at the same time it is possibleit is good to work out the increase and decrease of loops, work with different shapes, threads, and also learn how to assemble products. The main thing is that the canvas should be very dense so that the filler does not peek out between the columns.

On the Internet and magazines, you can find many patterns for crocheting toys for beginners, experienced craftsmen and professionals, but this approach, although very convenient, does not reveal the individuality of the master. From time to time, according to these schemes, similar products are obtained. But what if you need to create an exclusive toy? It is not so difficult. The main thing is to understand the basic principle: any, even the most complex toy, is a collection of simple shapes. Accordingly, if you learn how to knit them, then you can knit anything.

Basic flat figures

Schemes of flat figures
Schemes of flat figures

These elements are often used in knitting not only toys. Crocheting patterns for beginners can be quite difficult, so below is a detailed description of the process. Here are the easiest schemes of basic figures. In all schemes, only 2 types of loops are used: air ones, indicated by ovals, abbreviation - VP, and single crochets (RLS) - with sticks.


  1. Dial 4 VPs, connect them into a ring, mark with a contrasting thread or a special marker the connection point.
  2. From each VP, connect 2 sc.
  3. From each sc, knit 2 sc.
  4. Alternation 1/1. From odd loops, knit 2 sc, from odd - 1 sc.
  5. Alternation 1/2. From the first loop - 2 sc, from the secondand the third - 1SBN each.
  6. Alternation 1/3. 2 sc from one, then 3 sc.

In each next row, the number of columns between 2 sc from one (1/4, 1/5 …) increases. The gains will represent 8 lines starting from the center and moving in a spiral.

Circles are often used for eyes, noses, ears of crocheted toys. The scheme for beginners is quite simple, in addition, even from some circles you can make the basis for a toy.


So, you will need three colors of yarn: green, yellow and red. Knit 3 identical circles of different colors. Next, fold the red circle in half and put it between the yellow and green, aligning the sides. Sew them together (green with yellow to half, then red with yellow and green), leaving a small hole for the filler. Fill the workpiece with padding polyester, sew to the end. The preparation is ready. It remains to attach the eyes and paws. Hind legs - circle and triangle, front legs - triangles with stripes (several straight rows of RLS).


  1. Dial 6 ch.
  2. From 5 VP, tie 5 RLS, from the sixth - 4 RLS (with turning the product clockwise), then from 4 VP - 4 RLS, from the last - 3 RLS.
  3. 6 Sc, 2 Sc 2 out of 1 - repeat 2 times (end of oval), 6 Sc, 2 out of 1 Sc 2 times.

Increase only at the ends of the oval. This figure is actively used to decorate muzzles and bellies, as well as to make a foot.


  1. 4 VP.
  2. Alternating 1 sc and 1 ch.
  3. From each RLS knit 1 RLS, from the VP - 1 RLS, 1 VP, 1 RLS.

In each next row, the principle of paragraph 3 remains, that is, between the groups of RLS + VP + RLS in the fourth row there will be 5 RLS, in the fifth - 7 RLS, etc.

Crochet toys for beginners with a square pattern are quite rare. Usually a simple canvas is used for this, however, this option has 3 advantages:

  1. There is no alternation of knit and purl rows here.
  2. The sides will be the same anyway.
  3. You can knit a square until it reaches the desired size, which is impossible in the case of a simple canvas, since its size is set in the first row.

You can use this figure as a body for a doll - a pocket or mittens, as well as decorate the finished toy with pockets or patches, like a Teddy bear.


A pentagon, like any other polygonal figure (six-, seven-, octagons), is not difficult to knit, since the basic principle remains the same as that of a square, only rays coming out of the center (groups RLS + VP + RLS) will be as many as there were loops in the first row. In the case of an octagon, it is better to dial 4 VP, in the second row from each VP, tie 2 RLS, bringing the number of loops to 8, and then start alternating RLS and VP. This will make the hole in the center minimal. Such figures are very rare in schemes for toys.


  1. Connect 1 VP
  2. 2 ch lifts, 6 sc.
  3. 2 VP, 1 RLS at the junction of the previous row and VP (obtained from the last column and rise, and RLS), 2 RLS, fromfourth column - 3 RLS, it is better to mark it with a marker (you should always knit 3 RLS from it), then 2 RLS and 2 RLS from the last column.
  4. 2 ch, 1 sc in the first column, 4 sc, 3 sc from one, 4 sc, 2 sc from the last.

The number of rows depends on the required size of the triangle, in each row the increase will be at the edges (2 of 1 sc) and in the center (3 of 1 sc). This is a very handy scheme for beginners. Crochet toys are crocheted with triangular ears, paws (in waterfowl), beaks, tails and more.

Basic volumetric figures

Schemes of three-dimensional figures
Schemes of three-dimensional figures

Knitting flat toys is quite simple, but not very interesting, they are inconvenient to play with and impossible to put on a shelf. That is why flat figures are more often used to complement a crocheted toy. Patterns for beginners for knitting volumetric products are slightly more complex than simple shapes, and the basic principle is based on the example of a circle.


The simplest three-dimensional element. To knit it, you need to dial a certain number of VPs to create a ring of the desired diameter, and then knit in a RLS spiral without changing the initial number of loops. Used to make neck, tail, long arms and legs.

Sphere and ellipsoid

These are the most common crochet toys for beginners. The diagrams and descriptions of the beginning of these forms are similar to a circle with one difference - in the initial ring there are not 4, but 3 VPs, the increase lines, respectively, will be 6, not 8. When the size of the circumference reaches the length of the equatorthe necessary ball, knit 6-10 rows without changing the number of loops, and then proceed to knitting the second hemisphere, focusing on the pattern of the beginning, but at the same time moving from the outer edge of the pattern inward. In those places where 2 sc out of 1 are marked, knit, on the contrary, 2 sc together.

To obtain an ellipsoid (the so-called "volumetric oval" or "elongated ball"), you can increase the number of straight rows, thereby making an even body with rounded edges, or alternate rows with increments with simple rows, then the ellipsoid will be more elongated at the edges with a maximum diameter only in the center.


Amigurumi caterpillar
Amigurumi caterpillar

This product is quite easy to crochet. The diagram of a simple toy for beginners looks like a ball without the last three rows (with the exception of the last, it must be intact). It is necessary to connect 5 identical large elements (14 rows) and 2 small ones (6 rows). The horns are made in the form of pipes with a set of 3 VPs.


Knitting a cone is performed according to the same principle as a circle, but in this case there will be not 8 rays, but only 4.

  1. 4 VP.
  2. From each VP - 2 sc (total 8 loops).
  3. SC 2 in 1, sc 1 in 1, rep 3 more times (12 sts).
  4. SC 2 in 1, SC 2 in 2 (16 sts).
  5. 2 sc in 1, 3 sc in 3 (20 sts).

Thus, 4 columns will be added in each row. Also, depending on the required contour, you can use 2, 3, 5, etc. initial loops, the number of added RLS will be equal tothe initial amount of VP. The cone with the steepest slopes will be when dialing in 2 loops, and the more loops are initially dialed, the more gentle the slopes will be.

Crochet toys for beginners with a cone pattern are very common. These can be the noses of mice or foxes, nightcaps, or an independent product - a Christmas tree. It can be performed both in the classic knitting technique of RLS, and with elongated loops, giving the Christmas tree a more fluffy look. You can decorate such a Christmas tree with balls and serpentine (in the VP chain, knit 3 sc in each loop), crocheted.

Compound shapes

When the technique of knitting simple shapes is mastered, you can proceed to the most interesting part - combining them.

Crocheted hares
Crocheted hares

For example, crocheting such a toy for a beginner with patterns of basic shapes will be quite simple.

  • The head is a ball.
  • Ears - a ball to the middle with a transition into a long cone (the fewer decreases, the longer the ears).
  • The body is an oval, the number of rows with additions is 2 less than that of 1 hemisphere of the head, then the same number of straight rows, then the decrease is similar to the upper part.
  • Upper paws - a ball with a transition into a pipe after two rows of decreases.
  • Legs - a ball turning into a reverse cone (knit not from the top, but from the base, knitting 2 loops together). When the number of loops in the circle is equal to the loops in the circumference of the arms, switch to straight knitting of the pipe.
  • The tail is a ball equal to the size of the bottom of the front legs. After all the detailsready, sew them together.

Important! The stuffing of parts is done before the closed figure is completely connected. This is usually done 2 rows before closing or, in the case of a complex shape, such as legs, as needed.

Compound forms in toys
Compound forms in toys

Such toys are made almost completely together, that is, the head - the ball goes into the body - a pipe, which is then divided into 2 parts and is also made in the form of pipes with a closure according to the ball principle. Hands - a pipe with a hemisphere at the end. The fox and the wolf have a nose and ears made according to the cone pattern, the ears of a hare are cones that turn into a pipe, the ears of a bear have 2 separate hemispheres.

Crochet monkey. Applying a circle and an oval
Crochet monkey. Applying a circle and an oval

In a monkey, the arms and legs are performed in the same way as in hares, the body is a ball turning into a cone, the tail is a pipe, the head is a ball, ears: the gray part is 2 circles of the same size, connected 1 side by side without additives, the white part is a simple smaller circle, the muzzle is an oval.

In order to crochet a toy, a pattern for beginners may not be needed. It is enough to learn to see simple shapes in complex shapes. And when this happens, amazing opportunities will open up for the master to connect everything that he sees or imagines without long searches for suitable patterns in magazines and the Internet.
