How is a beaded napkin made?
How is a beaded napkin made?

To make your family nest comfortable, cozy and create a unique atmosphere in it is the task of every housewife. Wonderful products that a woman makes on her own act as cute home interior details. Such a thing has many advantages. The handicraft is unique, great love and desire is invested in it. With the help of such products, a standard coffee table turns into an author's corner. An openwork beaded napkin can exist on its own or act as a beautiful coaster.

Beaded napkin
Beaded napkin

History of beading

Interest in beadwork either increased or practically disappeared. According to legend, the first beads were mined by the Phoenicians about six thousand years ago. Like many discoveries, this one was also accidental. A piece of s altpeter was placed near the fire. The next morning, the Phoenicians discovered a magnificent shiny ingot, which was very hard and transparent. With the help of a fire, s altpeter was again melted down, but now it was combined with river sand. Thus, the first glass in the history of mankind was obtained, which gave rise to glass production.

Beading in Russia

In ancient Egypt in the IV century BC. e. engaged in the manufacture of jewelry from beads. The first mention of beads was also found there. Further, beadwork spread to Gaul, Greece, Germany and Byzantium. Over time the skill has improved. Beadwork began to appear in Russia in the 18th century. The trend came from Western Europe. Products made from this material, including such as a beaded napkin, have become incredibly popular. They decorated the interior of the richest houses and palaces. The popularity of beads is due to its elegance, durability and simple technique. Today, a beaded napkin adorns the modern homes of many Russians.

napkins from beads master class
napkins from beads master class

How to make an openwork napkin

Weaving a beaded napkin is not a very complicated, but time-consuming process. In order for the final result to please the craftswoman and delight others, you must follow a few simple, but very necessary rules:

  • The color scheme should be carefully considered. The right combination of colors makes the thing more attractive. Also, do not use only one or two colors. An excess of color is also undesirable, since the pattern of the picture will simply be lost.
  • The material must be of high quality. High-quality beads not only shine brighter, they are also the same size. Beads of different shapes can deform a thing, spoiling the final picture.
  • The fishing line must be strong and elastic enough. In case of low-quality fishing line, a beaded napkin withwill change over time. If the thread is fragile, then it may break in the middle of work. You can also use knitting threads.
  • Special beading needle simplifies work. With this handy tool, things will go faster and you will be much more comfortable.
Schemes of napkins from beads
Schemes of napkins from beads

Variety of schemes

Anyone can weave napkins from beads. Schemes of napkins made of beads are clear even to a beginner. There are a great many of them. For beginners, the Valentine scheme is perfect. To create an openwork napkin, red and beige (optionally white) beads are taken. Any openwork beaded napkin is woven from the middle. For this product, it is necessary to crochet a napkin with a diameter of 8.5 cm. After that, the edge of the base is divided into 27 identical segments. Borders are marked with pins or auxiliary threads. At these points, it is necessary to fix the bead net. A certain number of beads are collected on each thread, after which adjacent threads are connected. According to this scheme, the rest of the beads are strung. The last heart (it is optimal to make nine hearts) is attached by threading the thread through the first bead at the beginning of the grid.

Scheme for more experienced needlewomen

As mentioned above, any home is perfectly decorated with beaded napkins. A master class on the manufacture of such a product will allow you to quickly understand the intricacies of weaving this interior detail. Experienced housewives have repeatedly come across the “Whirlwind” scheme. Strict adherence to a phased scheme will turn the process into a pleasant and easypastime. The swirl napkin looks very nice in two contrasting colors. Beads of soft blue and black colors are perfect. Such a napkin is woven in separate elements. After manufacturing all the parts of the product, they must be connected. The twists should be directed in one direction. In this case, openwork weaving in a circle is used.

Weaving napkins from beads
Weaving napkins from beads

Beadwork is liked not only by adults, but also by children. It is not difficult to attract them to this art. There are schemes for children that will teach them to work and diligence. To create your own scheme, you need to show a little imagination and perseverance. This beaded napkin guarantees uniqueness and a special aura in the house.
