How to make an English gum with knitting needles: description and application
How to make an English gum with knitting needles: description and application

One of the simplest knitting techniques - an elastic band, knitted or crocheted - rightfully takes pride of place in the piggy banks of experienced craftswomen's patterns. By simply alternating knit and purl stitches, you can create unique pieces that are not limited in shape and can be easily stretched if needed. The most interesting motif belongs to the knitters of the British Isles and bears the appropriate name - "English gum". It is done almost instantly with knitting needles.

knitting gum
knitting gum

Unique features of simple pattern

When knitting a similar English motif, the yarns available in the pattern create a spectacular relief. However, it should be understood that for the increased "bulge" of the pattern, you will have to pay with a large consumption of the yarn used. The elastic is knitted with knitting needles and is one of the most expensive knitting patterns in terms of materials, if we consider similar stretching motifs. It can be done with an ordinary straight fabric using two knitting needles, or you can knit such a pattern in a circle. In any case, you get a fairly loose product with pronounced loops. Experienced designers recommend using this knit to create voluminous products, such as wide leggings,winter scarves, straight hats or trendy sportswear.

Elastic band pattern. We knit with knitting needles without errors

For casting on, use the technique of creating a thick edge. Only in such a case can one hope that the English elastic band, knitted or crocheted, will not be pulled together along the first row, as is often the case with beginners. If the edge does not become, then the whole canvas will be as even and neat as possible. The main thing is that the craftswoman does not forget to finish her product in the same way using a double thread, as in the beginning. Do not use English rib to knit sleeve cuffs or the edges of clothing. The loose structure of such a canvas will not allow the product to keep the desired shape. All front loops in this motive will always be knitted only for the front wall. This is very important, otherwise the pattern will be broken.

knitting gum scheme
knitting gum scheme

English gum (knitting needles): pattern

The 1 x 1 pattern always starts with an odd number of stitches, then follow the description:

  • In the first row:1 front loop, single crochet, then remove one loop without knitting. Repeat from asterisk to asterisk to end of row, ending with knit one.
  • In the second row, a single crochet is made, the next purl loop is removed and a repeating motif is knitted:the loop that was removed in the previous row and the single crochet must be knitted with one front loop, of course, only for the front wall, then the yarn is made and remove one purl loop without knitting.
  • From the third row and further all loops withThe yarn is knitted together with the knit ones, before each wrong one you need to make a single yarn, and the loop itself is removed without knitting.

If the motif needs to be done in a circle, take 5 stocking needles or one circular needle. This method is ideal for knitting seamless hats, leggings and tubular scarves. To create a pattern of English gum "2 x 2" dial the number of loops, a multiple of four. Attention: edging is also included in this number.

knitting gum pattern
knitting gum pattern

Models made with English rubber band from modern fantasy threads will look especially impressive. For example, from ribbon yarn or weightless mohair. The imagination of the master will not be limited by either the color or the possible shape of the product being created.
