DIY New Year's panel. Ideas and production
DIY New Year's panel. Ideas and production

New Year's time is a time of fairy tales and miracles, millions of people around the world experience some kind of euphoria on the eve of this holiday. Preparation of gifts for this worldwide celebration begins several months in advance, and everything is used. However, very often, when preparing presents, people do not pay enough attention to such an aspect of pre-holiday preparation as decorating the room. In the best case, in addition to the Christmas tree, the room will be decorated with garlands or snowflakes, in the worst case, they will forget to install the Christmas tree.

Today we want to invite you to create a New Year's panel with your own hands. Share some ideas.

Exclusive panel in original technique

do-it-yourself New Year's panel
do-it-yourself New Year's panel

Silk painting has been one of the most popular hobbies in Europe for many years. Requiring perseverance, such a hobby can give real masterpieces. For work you will need:

  • anythe motif you like;
  • a cut of silk in the appropriate size and neutral color;
  • paints for working on silk fabrics;
  • contour pen for transferring the pattern to the material;
  • fixing varnish;
  • frame for painting on silk;
  • cardboard;
  • frame for the final decoration of the work.

First of all, you need to stretch a piece of silk on the frame. Then you need to transfer the pattern to the fabric using a special pen.

It is necessary to thoroughly dry the circuit. Drying the first lines makes it possible to more clearly draw each element. After the contours are fixed, you can proceed to the most interesting thing - coloring. After completing this stage, it is also necessary to wait for the material to dry completely. After that, the picture is removed from the frame and the excess material is cut off. The finished work must be fixed on a sheet of cardboard and inserted into a frame. Everything, an exclusive New Year's panel, made with your own hands, is ready. Such decoration, by the way, can also be a great gift.

Christmas panel of s alt dough

You can create real works of art from such fairly ordinary products that are available in absolutely every home! In addition, even a child can make a New Year's panel from s alt dough, so do not forget to involve your children.

In order to prepare the mass for such a panel, you will need only four ingredients: 1/2 cup flour and s alt, 1/4 cup ordinary water and 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil.

So, mix all the dry ingredients,add oil and pour cold water in a thin stream. Knead until the mass for the future panel becomes homogeneous and elastic.

Christmas mural on the wall
Christmas mural on the wall

Let's start modeling. The selected motif must be printed in full size and laid out under glass. On the latter, it is necessary to simulate each of the elements of the future panel. Leave to dry completely (this will take a few days). After the panel dries, it can be glued to the cardboard base, painted with paints and inserted into the frame.

Christmas panel from shreds of fabric

It is possible to create a unique decorative element with a thematic plot without spending a lot of money on the purchase of materials. Probably, everyone at home has unnecessary beautiful shreds of fabric. Is there such a thing? Alright, let's get started!

Christmas fabric panels can be made using the patchwork method. To do this, you need to select a sketch and select materials. A few hours at the sewing machine - and you are the author of an amazing work of folk art.

Panel (patchwork) New Year's foam plastic

New Year's panel do it yourself photo
New Year's panel do it yourself photo

If you don't like sewing, you can use the fairly common foam-based patchwork technique. For work you will need:

  • foam sheet 2.5-3 cm thick;
  • motif (avoid drawings with very small elements);
  • fabric;
  • sharp stationery knife;
  • glue.

The technique is simple: we transfer the motif to the foam, cut it with a knifeeach line of the contour to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, we insert a fabric of the corresponding color into the slots (we pre-cut the shreds to the size of the element, leaving a few centimeters so that the fabric clings tightly to the foam). Lightly smear the edges of the material with glue before placing it in the foam. All! New Year's panel, created with your own hands from improvised materials, decorates your wall. Children can also be involved in the creation of the panel, in particular at the stage of filling in the contours of the picture.

Embroidered Christmas panel

You can also make a New Year's panel on the wall. A product embroidered in any technique will look great. Naturally, counted cross-stitch is considered the simplest. However, even the most elementary New Year's motif will sparkle in a new way if you experiment with the thickness of the thread or do part of the pattern with a half-cross. You can also embroider only a part of the drawing applied to the canvas, which will add volume and expressiveness to the work.

Christmas panels made of fabric
Christmas panels made of fabric

If time allows, try other types of embroidery:

  • satin stitch;
  • beaded;
  • soutache technique.

By the way, it is easy to create a very extraordinary product from soutache, while it can be called embroidery only conditionally. It is desirable to supplement such cords with all kinds of beads or beads, as well as cabochons.

Panel of felt

Many needlewomen are more than favorable to such fabric as felt. Easy to process, supple and very pleasant to the touch, the material won the hearts of craftswomen all over the world for a reason. You can make a New Year's panel with your own hands quite simply, because patterns of various subjects can be easily created by yourself by outlining the picture you like.

New Year's panel from felt
New Year's panel from felt

After you prepare all the necessary details, do not be lazy and process the edges. This rather time-consuming procedure will give the product a finished look, but if you do not have the time to carry out this kind of work, do not despair. Due to the fact that the material does not crumble at all, your New Year's panel made of felt will last long enough without being processed with an overcast seam.

A product made from this material will look great in a child's room.

Panel with light effects

Most of the inhabitants in vain believe that creating a New Year's panel with their own hands (you see the photo in our article) is very difficult, especially if there are light elements. Of course, only the representatives of the stronger sex will be able to make this kind of decor from scratch. However, women can also try their hand at decorating wall decorations they already have with various garlands, the most important thing is that the socket or power supply is located nearby.

If you still decide to design New Year's light panels yourself, stock up on all the necessary details and, preferably, an accurate description of at least the work to connect all electrical elements.

Papier-mâché panel

Papier-mâché is an amazing section of applied art, opening before us hugeperspectives. It gives a wide scope for the imagination of both kids and adults. When you create a New Year's panel with your own hands, you can put the sketch photo in a distant drawer.

Today, papier-mâché lovers can be conditionally divided into two types: those who buy mass in the store, and those who cook the paste on their own.

As a New Year's decor, you can use papier-mâché balls. By collecting a few balls in a bunch and adding a bow, you can easily decorate the front door.

New Year's patchwork panel
New Year's patchwork panel

Also, it is easy to make a papier-mâché relief painting. Sculpt elements of such a decor should be on a glass surface, where they will remain until completely dry. After that, all parts are glued to the substrate and signed. As a basis for such a picture, take a sheet of cardboard, which can later be fixed in a frame.

Christmas wreath panel

You can decorate the walls or the front door with New Year's wreaths very beautifully. This rather simple element will bring a fresh air and add a festive mood.

To make a wreath of Christmas tree branches, you will need:

  • branches of various conifers (preferably thin);
  • ring - the basis for a wreath with a diameter of 20-25 cm;
  • wire.

The branches should be cut into pieces about 5-6 centimeters long, collected in small bunches. Using wire, secure the Christmas tree blanks to the ring, positioning them so that the base is not visible. Decorate with flowers or artificial berriesviburnum.

Christmas light panels
Christmas light panels

You can decorate the ring not only with branches of coniferous trees. A wreath made of moss will also look great. You can decorate such a wreath panel with bows or any available natural material.

Panel made of thick cardboard

New Year's wall panel, made of thick cardboard, is the pride of the owners of the house. It is certainly desirable to involve children in the manufacturing process, and imagine how much joy there will be when the work is completed!!!

Cut out the main large elements from thick cardboard (it can be a Christmas tree or Santa Claus, a round dance of animals near a forest spruce or something else). Decorate the main details with smaller ones cut out of colored paper.

When preparing such a decor, do not forget that, in addition to traditional colored paper, you can buy velvet paper, corrugated paper, self-adhesive paper, and colored foil in stores for goods for children or for creativity. Combining different textures in one panel, you will achieve the relief of the finished product.

You can also glue small hooks on such a panel to hang small sweet gifts or make an Advent calendar out of it.

As you can see, it's very easy to make your holiday even brighter, richer and even more memorable. To do this, you will not need almost anything, except for a small amount of free time, the appropriate mood and imagination.
