Penguin from plasticine in different ways
Penguin from plasticine in different ways

Working with plasticine is not only interesting, but also useful. After all, this is the best material for the development of fine motor skills of hands. Therefore, it will be useful to show the child how a plasticine penguin is made.

Natural materials

plasticine penguin
plasticine penguin

The lesson "Penguins from cones and plasticine" will teach the child step by step to combine different materials in creativity. What you need:

  • Pinecone.
  • Black, yellow and white plasticine.
  • White paint.
  • Tassel.


  1. Gently clean the bump from dirt, do not damage the shape.
  2. Paint the tips with white paint.
  3. Roll up a black ball to serve as the bird's head.
  4. Make a muzzle out of white plasticine.
  5. Tear off some of the black material. Roll up two small circles and flatten them out. Glue on the muzzle. Got eyes.
  6. Roll up a short, thick rope. Sharpen one edge and flatten - the beak is ready.
  7. Make two flat ovals for the legs.
  8. Roll black plasticine into a bundle, sharpen the edges, gently flatten. Got one wing. There should be two.
  9. Gather parts.

Done! A penguin made of cones and plasticine will look more interesting if you make him a scarf from the same material or cut him out of felt.

Simple penguin

penguin from cones and plasticine
penguin from cones and plasticine

This is how a simple plasticine penguin turns out:

  1. From a block of black plasticine, cut some material to create bird wings. Cut off one-third of the rest. Roll it into a ball (this is the head), roll the rest into an oval (this is the body).
  2. Blind the wings by making the rectangular pieces more rounded.
  3. From white plasticine, make a circle that can cover the whole body. Tear off a little for the eyes from the material of the same color. Divide the torn part into two and give each the shape of an oval.
  4. Make pupils from black plasticine.
  5. Roll a small oval out of orange plasticine, sharpen the edge (this is the beak).
  6. Make circles out of orange plasticine to serve as the bird's legs. With a toothpick, draw three lines from one end.

It turned out to be a plasticine penguin that even a child can easily create!

Dressed up penguin

penguins from cones and plasticine
penguins from cones and plasticine

What to do to create a dressed penguin? Here's what:

  1. Roll a ball of black for the head and a ball 1.5 times the size of white for the body.
  2. Roll up a black rope as thick as your body. Flatten it and place it around the white ball. Should look like penguin wings.
  3. Glue your headto the body.
  4. Make a white ball slightly smaller than the head. Flatten the bottom. Make an elastic band for the hat from the pink material and wrap it around the ball. Draw a knitted relief with a toothpick. Stick it on your head.
  5. From the material of the same color, cut a strip of the length you need for a scarf. Wrap it around the neck of the penguin so as to close the joints between the head and body. Make slits at the end with a toothpick.
  6. Take orange plasticine and roll up two equal balls that will serve as legs. Flatten them and glue to the body. Make a beak, with a toothpick, put dots at its base.
  7. Blind your eyes with black and white plasticine by rolling balls of equal sizes.

Show your child how to make a plasticine penguin. He will definitely like it, because modeling is a very exciting process. And by changing the colors and shape of accessories, you will constantly get something new.
