I wonder how to make a trap?
I wonder how to make a trap?

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Human life is inseparable from the life of various animals and insects. But it often happens that some living beings are by nature pests and cause damage. How to deal with them?

how to make a trap
how to make a trap


Often it is wasps that bring great harm to a person's garden and vegetable garden. They are predators, they feed not only on fruits and plants, damaging them, but also on beneficial insects. It is worth noting that since no one from wildlife can resist wasps, a person has to do this. You can figure out how to make a trap for these insects. To do this, you only need a two-liter plastic bottle, a clerical knife, a stapler and a rope. The bottle itself is cut into two parts so that the bottom one is significantly larger than the top one. The neck is turned over and inserted with the hole down. The edges of the bottle are fixed on top with a stapler. A thread or rope is needed in order to hang the trap, for example, from a tree. Everything, it remains only to pour water mixed with sugar or honey to the bottom. If there are honey bees nearby, it is better to dilute the water with vinegar. Wasps react to it in the desired way.


How to make a fish trap at home? Useyou can use the same principle as in the wasp trap. Only here it is better to take a larger plastic container, for example a five-liter bottle. The fish will swim into the middle through the neck-hole, and simply cannot get out.

how to make a trap with your own hands
how to make a trap with your own hands


Tip on how to make a fly trap at home will also be useful. After all, these insects often annoy a person in the summer. So, you can make special adhesive tapes. To do this, you need strips of paper, and as an adhesive, you can take linseed oil, rosin or pine resin, and honey as bait. 300 grams of rosin is melted in a water bath, mixed with linseed oil (200 grams) and 60 grams of honey. The mixture is applied to paper tape and suspended from the ceiling.


how to make a trap at home
how to make a trap at home

How to make a mouse trap? There may be several options. The first of them is probably the easiest. It is necessary to take a half-liter jar and put it upside down, on one side supporting it with a coin. Inside the container, you can put a piece of fat as a bait. The trap is ready! The next way is how to make a mouse trap. To do this, you need a two-liter bottle. You need to cut off the top along with the neck, and make cutouts on the bottom that look like sharp petals that will bend inward. In the middle of the mousetrap you need to put the bait. It is also important to remember to leave a hole so that the mouse can get inside. That's all. The animal, getting into the middle of the jar, will not be able to get out of it,because bent sharp ends will interfere with this. And one more option on how to make a do-it-yourself trap for a small rodent. So, you need to take a tall bucket and a roll of toilet paper or paper towels. From this roll, you need to make a groove (first cut it into two parts, then glue it along with tape), which is placed on the edge of the table so that the side where the bait will be is slightly in the air. The mouse will follow the bait and fall into the bucket, which will be located directly under the tunnel. And he simply won't be able to get out of the high bucket.
