How to make a dog out of a "sausage" ball? Technique, useful tips
How to make a dog out of a "sausage" ball? Technique, useful tips

Many spectators of the circus, watching how the clown deftly twists a long ball in his hands, creating figures in a couple of seconds, think about how to make a dog out of a "sausage" ball. The master does it quickly and easily because he has been training for a long time, making many mistakes. If you wish, you can learn how to twist simple figures, but you need to master the technique of this process and listen to the necessary advice from professionals.

What is twisting?

Before you make a dog out of a long ball, let's find out where this art came from and where it is now used. Modeling of various figures from balloons is very popular in our time, although it arose long ago, at the beginning of the last century, in America. At first, only clowns at circus performances were engaged in twisting, but soon the craftsmen surprised the kids already in amusement parks, selling figurines for money. Invented how to make a dog out of a balloon, American Herman Bonnert from Pennsylvania in 1939.

balloon dog - sausages
balloon dog - sausages

Now it is impossible to imagine any children's holiday without figures of animals, butterflies or flowers from balloons. Entire companies appeared to decorate rooms for anniversaries and birthdays, proms and corporate parties, store openings and holidays in kindergarten. However, the technology of twisting is simple, if desired, everyone can learn how to make simple figures.

In the article we will tell you how to make a dog out of a balloon. The diagrams presented in the article show step by step work, and a detailed explanation of the process of twisting bubbles will help you complete the task faster and easier.

Required Materials

Over time, you will learn how to assemble figures of any characters from balls of various shapes, but we will learn on special rubber products designed for modeling. This is a long and thin ball, which is popularly called "sausage". The standard dimensions of such a product are 5 × 150 cm. They are available in different colors and densities.

how to make a balloon dog
how to make a balloon dog

When buying balls, pay attention to its type. 260 or 260-2 balls are considered the most convenient for twisting, as they are strong, but at the same time elastic. During inflation, you do not need to worry that the product will crack and deflate.

Out of habit, at first the “sausage” ball is quite difficult to inflate, you can make the task easier using a pump or a manual compressor. If you have powerful lungs, then you can inflate several products with your mouth. Before you make a balloon dog, read the helpful tips from experienced craftsmen to avoid unnecessary mistakes while working.

Tips before you start

  1. Before starting work, pull the ball in different directions with your hands, then it will become more elastic and will not tear when inflated with air.
  2. When inflating, leave 15 cm of the balloon uninflated so that when twisting the parts, excess air can fill the void and the balloon does not burst.
  3. After inflating, tie the end of the balloon with a simple knot.
  4. Start always with the dog's head.
  5. Before you make a balloon dog, squeeze the bubble of each part a couple of times, and only then twist it.
  6. All parts twist in one direction only.
  7. Minimum scroll each bubble while twisting around its axis by 360˚, but more is possible.
leave a void at the end
leave a void at the end

Scheme of work execution

How to make a dog out of a balloon in stages, can be clearly seen in the figure below. First, the "sausage" is inflated with a pump, but not completely. The more twists you intend to make, the more airless piece you should leave. Then three bubbles of the same size are made alternately. This will be the muzzle of the beast and two ears. As you can see in the diagram, at the end of the ball, the void is reduced, as air pressure arises during twisting. Figure 3 shows the first twist turning and joining the last.


Further work continues on the front paws. How to make a dog out of a long ball? Create by scrolling again 3 identical bubbles and repeat the initial procedure for connecting them (Figure No. 5). The next bubble acts as a body, so it can be made in different lengths. For example, when depicting a dachshund, you will need to leave a longer piece. At the end of the work, two identical bubbles are made for the hind legs and twisted together in front of the tail. Now you know how to make a sausage balloon dog.

Work options

After a few training exercises, you will want to modify and diversify the performance of the dog. Depending on the breed, the shape of the ball, the number of bubbles and their size also change.

long ball poodle
long ball poodle

The photo shows how the poodle is made. Instead of two ears, there is an additional large bubble on the head, which depicts fluffy bangs. The paws are made of two parts, because this is how poodle hairdressers cut their hair. A small ball is left on the tail at the end. Since there are more bubbles in this design, do not forget to leave a large length of void when inflating to twist them.

The article details how to make a balloon dog. Start training with our sample, and then learn how to modify it in every possible way. Good luck!
