Do-it-yourself jumper: how to make a jumper from an egg
Do-it-yourself jumper: how to make a jumper from an egg

Every child, without exception, likes to play with the jumper. This is such a funny ball that, when it hits the floor, merrily bounces off it to a rather large height. The kids like it very much. This funny toy is familiar to several generations. Yes, our mothers and fathers, grandparents did not know the jumpers that are made of rubber or rubber, they did not buy them in special slot machines. The older generation made them with their own hands. I wonder if they know how to make a jumper from an egg? Or did they make this toy out of a different material?

It is necessary to consider the basics of manufacturing techniques. Making a jumper is not at all difficult. You should stock up on only some consumables (depending on what the jumper will be made of), unprecedented patience and diligence, as well as great accuracy.

Meaning of DIY work

Do-it-yourself creations are always sweeter and closer to the heart. In mycrafts, a person invests not only labor, but also an emotional message with a piece of the soul. The process of creativity and work with small details allow you to relax, escape from daily worries and problems, and restore emotional balance. After all, the benefits of creativity have long been proven.

Every person has a creative beginning, it should only be developed. It is easier, of course, to open and liberate a person in childhood.

Have you ever wondered how to make a bouncy egg out of an egg? Be smart and think a little.

What material can a bouncer be made of?

Material, as a rule, the simplest, what is usually, as they say, "at hand":

  • stationery glue;
  • chicken egg;
  • stationery rubber bands and paper.

Of course, the main materials are listed here. It does not take into account, for example, a stick for stirring glue, a brush, etc.

How to make a bouncy egg out of an egg

Chicken Egg Jumper
Chicken Egg Jumper

The easiest way is to use a chicken egg.

You will need:

  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 bottle of table vinegar (1 liter volume).

The jumper can be made on the basis of a raw or boiled egg. However, Boiled Egg Jumper is more resistant to impact, so it is recommended to use it.

Production method:

  1. It is necessary to boil the egg and place it in a glass jar with a capacity of one liter.
  2. Fill the jar with vinegar (up to the very neck), close the lidand place in a dark, cool place for three days.
  3. Rinse the egg in cool water. The shell on the egg will completely dissolve (the vinegar will actively corrode it). The egg should visually become a little transparent and very elastic, tight (reminiscent of a rubber ball). In addition, it will increase significantly in size (compared to raw).
The hardness of a jumper from an egg
The hardness of a jumper from an egg

That's it. It turns out that the answer to the question: "How to make a jumper from an egg and vinegar?" simple enough.

Attention! The jumper from an egg (even from a boiled one) is quite brittle, so you should not hit it too hard on the floor.

I wonder what other ingredients can be combined with an egg in order to get a jumper? There are a lot of recipes for making jumpers on the Internet. The main one, of course, is vinegar. I wonder how to make a jumper from an egg and butter? Unfortunately, there is no such recipe. Butter does not have the property of compacting the protein and will not be able to corrode the shell.

Don't be afraid to experiment, be creative and be happy with your work! And remember that on the topic of how to make a jumper from an egg, now you can not only tell a lot in the company, but also show it with an example.


Egg Jumper: funny and fun
Egg Jumper: funny and fun

Baby jumper requires ingredients that, if used carelessly, can harm a child! In this regard, keep children away from the process of making a jumper. You need to create on your own, or agree thatthe child will only observe the process of making the toy. If you trust your child and consider him old enough, then once again warn him about the dangers of some components.
