How to make a paper shirt: an original addition to a gift
How to make a paper shirt: an original addition to a gift

Our daily life is surrounded by many cute little things that, falling into our eyes, remind us of past events, meetings and loved ones. If you present an unusual souvenir to someone, then it will delight and remind you of the person who gave it for a long time. As an original addition to the gift, we suggest making a paper shirt. It can act as a standalone postcard, packaging for a small present, or a small business card indicating who the surprise is from. For those who love crafts, a paper shirt is a matter of minutes, and even a beginner needleworker can easily cope with such a task by following the detailed instructions.

What you need to make a paper shirt

How to make a paper shirt
How to make a paper shirt

List of necessary tools and materials for work:

  • white and colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • pen or marker.

For starters, it is advisable to test your strength on a plain craft, besides, the finished shirt can be dyed in any color, put inscriptions and drawings - so it will become unique. Somemulti-colored small Hawaiian shirts will be a great addition to your desktop, enliven the atmosphere, and the notes on them are sure to be remembered. The paper shirt origami craft does not even require glue, unless you decide to glue a tie or other decorative elements to it.

Step-by-step recommendations for creating crafts

How to make a paper shirt? You will need a rectangular sheet, for example, A4 format. It is folded in half (portrait orientation), outlining the middle line, and straightened. The left and right parts are folded, connecting in the center along the baseline. The upper corners are bent outward - these will be the sleeves of the shirt. They turn it over with the back side up and with the sleeves down, fold a line of 3-4 cm over itself from above. Turn it over with the front side again and fold the corners to the middle line - you get a collar. Now the lower part is lifted up, folding the craft in half, slipping it under the corners of the rack.

DIY paper shirt
DIY paper shirt

If the whole process of how to make a paper shirt is not entirely clear from this description, refer to the diagram below, it has a step-by-step image.

Other ways to make a similar postcard

The easiest way to make a paper shirt without using glue and scissors was described above. But if you want to make longer sleeves, upgrade the style of the collar - it is not necessary to follow the instructions given. Estimate what size the shirt and all its details will be, cut them out of paper and fasten them with glue. In the same waythe craft is complemented by any decoration popular for a shirt - a tie or bow tie, buttons cut out of paper of a different color or drawn with a felt-tip pen, pencil or paints.

Paper shirt scheme
Paper shirt scheme

If you involve children in the process of creating this unusual craft, then here they can show all their imagination by painting a faceless white postcard with bright colors.

Decoration of finished crafts

Skillful craftswomen do not stop there. Having made a paper shirt, they move on to the process of decorating, decorating each finished postcard to their taste. For example, instead of buttons, rhinestones, beads, satin bows, pasta and other suitable elements are used, including real fasteners. A ribbon with a bow or buckle (like a belt) or a wide strip of fabric (under a tuxedo) is passed along the bottom of the shirt as a belt. The same trim is glued on the collar and sleeves.

The New Year card-shirt made of paper looks very nice (the diagram is shown above), designed in the form of a Santa Claus or Santa Claus costume. To do this, take red paper, fold it as described, and decorate. On the collar and sleeves there is a white piping, like a fallen snowball, in the center there are black buttons, and at the bottom there is a black or dark blue belt with a white buckle…

Origami paper shirt
Origami paper shirt

Surely such an addition to the New Year's gift will be remembered no less than the present itself.

How to use a paper shirt

So that the card not only gives positive emotions with its appearance, but also carries a semanticload, inside (before folding the craft in half), you can write a text of congratulations or just kind words to the person to whom the gift is addressed. The text is written by hand or printed on other paper and pasted inside. If you glue sidewalls to a large-sized shirt, you get a gift bag, packaging for a light present. It remains to attach the handles, and you can safely give a gift to a man for any occasion. And if you make a craft in pink or red colors, add feminine accessories, beads, ribbons and bows, any lady will be delighted with such a presentation package.

We hope that after reading the above information, the question of how to make a paper shirt will no longer bother you. Create, create masterpieces, give joy and positive energy to loved ones!
