Endgame is… Description and classification of chess game endings
Endgame is… Description and classification of chess game endings

Chess battles have been popular for more than a century. Originally from the East, this game won the recognition of Europeans and took pride of place among sports. As befits a serious sport, chess has its own structure, its own rules and, accordingly, its own terminology. One of the basic chess terms that will be discussed below is the endgame. This is the third and final stage of the game. The term comes from the German language. The literal meaning of the word "endgame" is "the end of the game." However, not every end of the game can be called this term, so it needs to be de alt with in more detail.

Characteristic signs of the endgame

So, the endgame is such conditions of the game when only a small number of pieces are left on the board. As a rule, complex combinations and attacks on the king are impossible in such cases. Therefore, slightly different principles of play operate in the endgame. Speaking about the essence of the final part of the game, one should not forget about the characteristic strategic features that are characteristic of intellectual competitions, one of which, without a doubt, is chess. The endgame involves tactics aimed not at arranging a trap for the king, but at advancing the pawn to return the advantageous pieces, mainlythe image of a queen. Therefore, in comparison with other stages of the game, the value of pawns especially increases in the endgame. Often the outcome of a game can be determined by a player's advantage of just one ordinary piece.

endgame it
endgame it

Another feature that distinguishes the endgame from other endings of the game is the activity of the king. Since he is practically not in danger of a checkmate, the king takes part in attacks and strategic formations on an equal basis with other pieces.

If in the middle of the game, when the field of play is filled with pieces, a numerical superiority on one side can become an advantage, then the endgame is a situation where the outcome of the battle is affected not by the number of pieces, but by the clear, well-coordinated interaction of the few remaining.

Meaning of figures

Endgame is a difficult stage of the game. Different types of endgames are distinguished based on the positions, available pieces and strategies of the players. The choice of one of them depends on many factors. In any case, it is important to ensure that all your pieces are sufficiently active. This also applies to pawns, because sometimes it is their role that comes to the fore, and the outcome of the game depends on their coordinated movements on the board. On the other hand, the need for activity also applies to other pieces, since if they only cover pawns, they will waste their playing potential in vain. At the same time, it is necessary to limit the mobility of the opponent's pieces to the maximum, obstructing the pawns and forcing his pieces to remain passive, playing only a defensive role.

A correctly played endgame oftenleads to zugzwang.

the meaning of the word endgame
the meaning of the word endgame

Classification basics

Since the endgame is a game of few pieces, it is rather easy to study, analyze and classify. The theoretical preparation of the player here matters more than ever. Some positions in the endgame have only one possible winning decision, and therefore it is easy to play for someone who is prepared for the game.

The detailed classification of possible endgame variations is based on two factors - the quantity of available forces and their quality. Constant tournaments and games of outstanding players offer numerous endgame options for analysis and study. Their number is constantly growing. Those that have already been thoroughly studied are called theoretical. On their basis, general patterns, tactics and strategic rules of the game are revealed. Many of the theoretical endgames are more than one century old, and some have entered the professional world of chess along with the game itself from its ancient prototypes.

Types of endgames

There is no main type of it. Gold, diamond or diamond endgame, like any other “best-best”, is only the personal preferences of this or that player.

diamond endgame
diamond endgame

In general, there are six basic types:

  1. Pawn - an endgame where, apart from the king, there are no other pieces on the board.
  2. Knight - an endgame in which, in addition to pawns, knights also play.
  3. An endgame where one side has a bishop, which is opposed by the opponent's knight.
  4. An endgame in which the bishop or knight is forced to fight the enemy rook.
  5. Rook endgame, when opponents cut with rooks.
  6. Endgame, where an enemy queen plays against any piece of one player.
chess endgame
chess endgame


In order to flawlessly play an endgame, a player needs not only to be able to flawlessly calculate moves and predict the opponent's actions, but also to know the internal laws and mechanisms of chess competitions. Luck is almost non-existent in an endgame situation.
